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Everything posted by NCDAWG

  1. That was funny stuff right there!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I don't think either one of us even thought of panic attack. With all the stuff out there, I think he assumed heart attck...gotta say I did too. But the EMT's put him on a monitor and took his blood pressure several times. They said the BP was slightly elevated, but the heart rythm was normal. And they actually asked him if he wanted to go to the hospital as everything was turning up normal.
  3. That would make a good movie...Oh wait.
  4. Anyone get panic attacks? Spent the weekend with a buddy and we were hanging out and imbibing a few. The last day I was there he was complaining of dizziness, rapid heart beat, shakiness, and cold sweats. Well I thought right away that it was a heart attack so I called 911 and they took him to the ER and he checked out fine. Other than being a big dude, everything checked out-blood, blood pressure, no stroke, no heart attack. The guy exercises all the time, and it really threw me for a loop when it happened. I am glad we took him to the hospital, since I am no medical guy. So that was what he was diagnosed with...panic attack. I have never experienced anything like that before and was wondering how common they are.
  5. Got the samsung 55'' last month. 240hz LED/LCD backlit...UN55B8500.From what I gather samsung only made this model for one year...it was a little pricey, but they had one left at our best buy and we were waiting for the salesman and we happened to sit in front of one. Even the wife was taken back at the outstanding picture.
  6. I have actually seen Da Bomb in firehouse subs locations...awesome on a steak sub....mmmm. We go up to Gatlinburg,TN several times a year and I get a chance to go to The Pepper Palace...some guy wearing Green Bay stuff recommended Da Bomb to me, over the misgivings of the sales lady.
  7. Love Crystal...love "Da Bomb" great tasting, and King Jolokia pepper sauce.
  8. I love that avatar Uconn.
  9. I hate it when my Wang goes down....
  10. Love your sister. Tell complete strangers.."you got a pretty mouth"
  12. The original Dracula with Bela Legosi...scared the crap out of me....also Salems Lot TV movie, with the Nosforatu like vampire and the vampire kid scratching on the window....
  13. Anything by Hammer Films. Classic
  14. My pick.
  15. I have a Jolokia sauce that I use once a week on a baked potato. The taste is sweeter that the usual hot sauce pepper. I bet the pepper straight was rough.
  16. Hey, I love Bills Daily...and check it daily. Thanks for the site.
  17. Sergio Kindle Lindval Joesph Dan LeFevor
  18. Great game...keep on keeping on Sabres.
  19. I think it will be Sergio Kindle out of Texas.
  20. Yes they did. Saw it in the making of the series show.
  21. Ditto, my Dad who passed two years ago was in charge of setting up the field hospitals behind the lines. When he passed I asked for and received the flag from his service. If my sibling had received it, it too would be on ebay. Thanks to all who serve and have served.
  22. The "Steverino" from Steverino's in Athens, GA
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