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Everything posted by NCDAWG

  1. Are we doing a TBD football pool this year?
  2. Watching my daughter make a great play in softball First sip of Jack.... Spending Memorial Weekend with my brothers Finishing a video game Waking up without major pain
  3. Cordy Glenn Alshon Jefferies
  4. Good luck, we have been here 6 years and love it. Good arts and entertainment here also. Ae you looking in Charlotte? Better schools in Cabarrus county IMO, lower taxes too. PM me with any questions. Hope the transition goes smoothly.
  5. In order of goodness. Crystal, Pepper Palace King Jolokia, and Cholupa. YUM
  6. No way A.J. Green is like Calvin Johnson. He is a great WR, but not in the mold of Johnson. I would classify him more like Randy Moss. He is a very slight, fast receiver with great hands.
  7. No, nothing damning but the fact that the trail leads back to you. If you want to counsel her, do it face to face. It is a slippery slope. And people like that don't "get knocked down", if he is cheating on his wife then he has to be scummy enough at heart not to give a crap what others say or think...anything you do will not change the situation. Try as best as you can to be a friend to your friend, listen and try to heal.
  8. Generally speaking he is a toolbox, which why I was shocked that he gave praise to the bills. He said we hav ebeen suffering for over a decade and deserved a team going in the right direction.
  9. Was listening to the Dino Costas show last night on the way home from work and he started out his show with giving huge props to the Bills and Chan Gailey. Said how he has seen the effort the players give their coach. Now for the most part, the guy is an egotisical jets fan and a toolbox, but it was nice to hear some love.
  10. Still waiting for him to throw a touchdown pass to himself. Then he can play.
  11. I agree, thanks for your posts. Along with Uconn's movie and lost posts, I rank this one right up there.
  12. I was 3 at the time. Got to walk around the bed of the falls, as my Father worked on the crew that stopped the water. Actually have some home movies walking around while the dozers and machinery are working. Pretty cool.
  13. I live outside Charlotte, and when he played in that last playoff game...the beat reporter was stating that the coaching staff had worked to change his throwing motion after his surgery. He was never the same. I always liked him as a leader.
  14. How about..."The bills make me wanna Ralph, **** my pants now..."
  15. Also more trivia...Christopher Lee was the only actor in the Lord of the Rings movies to read all of the Tolkien books. He re-reads them every year.
  16. Nice, just got a 4-pack of Draculas with Chris Lee from Amazon for about $12. Those are great.
  17. Saw them several times in Athens, GA in the 90's. Great sets always.
  18. Probably all the other Families will line up against us. That's all right. These things gotta happen every five years or so, ten years. Helps to get rid of the bad blood. Been ten years since the last one. You know, you gotta stop them at the beginning.
  19. Yeah, I watched the o-line closely. At one point he had C. Howard-Levetre-Hangardner-Urbik-the guy from the raiders. FWIW, thought the 4 man D-line of Stroud-Williams-Troupe-Kelsay was doing an ok job, then they switched to the 3-4 after the second quarter.
  20. He does the laughing it up almost every game. Also when CBS cut to the live shot of the field during pregame...he was dancing around.
  21. I also agree with PTR. I would listen to trades for anyone on the bills roster. Stockpile stockpile stockpile.
  22. Had an F-150 that did the same thing. Now this was about 10 years ago, but I had to pony up the $ for a new engine...about 4K. I only did this because the vehicle was paid off. But I was going through a large puddle and let off the gas, and when I did it sucked water into the engine. After I got it started, it ran for about a week before it died.
  23. Greenburg is a tool and a jest fan.
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