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Posts posted by NCDAWG

  1. For you guys looking for something to do for Sundays in season....my friends and I, about 20-30 of us tailgate each sunday starting around 8-9 or across the street from the tavern. Then watch the game at the bar. We do cookoffs, games, music, etc. One of the guys bought a tailgate trailer for this year which has a 60 inch tv on it so pre game will be on as well.

    Played midget cornhole with you guys last year

  2. I feel for everyone on this board. My wife was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer in situ back in April, July 21 she is having a mastectomy and full reconstruction, so she wont require chemo and radiation. We consider ourselves very lucky, they found it in her yearly mammogram. Cancer sucks on every level.

  3. I was listening to Sirius yesterday and I can't remember who was on the show but they were saying that the Cowboys are infatuated with Manziel and think he is a younger version of Romo but with more fire and competitiveness. They really want the kid for a variety of reasons but unsure as to whether and how long he would sit behind Romo. They added that Romo's contract, even restructured, is precluding the Cowboys from adding players they need to get to the playoffs as they are in cap hell- bringing up questions about Romo being possible trade bait.


    If the Cowboys put Romo on the block for the Bills to trade this year's #1 (so they can take Manziel) and next year's #1, would you as a Bills fan take that?

    Hell to the no!!!!!

  4. Actually, and i am not trying to pick nits here, but he was hurt and went back in. It appeared as if emmotions got the better of Murray and Richt in letting him continue to play against Ga Tech. What may have been a lessor injury might have been injured more...

    Wasnt it in the Ketucky game senior night?
  5. Good kid, great leader. Watched him all four years. Improved each year. Plays through pain. Has too much regard for the game, wants to win too badly to the point where affects his play if he is involved in a negative play. Lacks true arm strength. All that being said, my daughter has met him and I have seen him in person and I think his leadership and effort would be a solid addition if he could take his game and more importantly his mental toughness to the next level. I would take him 3-5 round if available.

  6. Maybe I drink too much when I stayed out partying until 2ish, had to be to work at 7AM. Halfway to work blew chunks on the passenger side floorboard of my new truck. When I got to work, the owners were standing outside, so I just got out and locked the truck and went about my day. We were very busy that day so I could not get back to my truck until 5......it was ripe.

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