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Posts posted by NCDAWG

  1. VHS.


    When I was a young hothead of a Bills fan before decades of shame ground out my fire...I once smashed a VHS recording of the Bills/Titans wildcard game immediately after it ended.

    Still have them, just don't have a working VCR. I did show them to my daughter, only time she has seen the Bills in the playoffs since she was born....

  2. Ok will be at Tavern on the Tracks later today. Crossing the NC state line now.... 6'4" balding gray haired thin 50-something guy that's me. Will be with my wife and a couple NC friends...

    Altight I will be on the lookout. Big bald guy with a Manuel jersey...bring it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





    TotT sounds like a blast... Have a gr8 time!



    You'll learn not to make the walk of shame through a Carolina parking lot, everybody makes mistakes. Parenting is a humbling thing. I don't hold it against you Dawg! Well, that's what I say in public. ;-) ;-)

    Well you know they say there is no manual for parenting....my daughter knows that her college fund is going for therapy.....

  3. Poor girl! I would have felt like a terrible parent! How could you do something like that!!!... Children are easily frightened and can get messed up pretty bad seeing stuff like that!


    PTSD can be very real after such traumatic events. Therapy would have been mandatory if my daughter ever witnessed such a horrible event!


    Wine sipping is pretty rough, but how in the heck did she ever get over seeing the family board game playing? The night sweats and terrors had to be horrible!


    Next time... You forgo that free parking pass! All of us on The Wall will be more than happy to strike up a collection for you guys if money is tight!


    Think of the children!




    So much so, when I gave her the option of going to the game this year or Tavern on the tracks, she said she would rather go to Tavern to be with Bills fans in a bar, then in the stadium having to hear "growl" after every first down. She still has not recovered. Call DSS.....***hanging my head****

  4. I was just making a funny on how during the 2006 playoffs and beyond... The locals in NC and 'Canes fans in particular think BFLO (& Sabres) fans were so barbaric... They, the God fearing people of NC literally have to lock up their wives and children from the hordes of maurading nasties! ;-)

    Yeah, I took my daughter 3 years ago to the Bills/Panthers preseason game. Our tickets and parking pass were given to us, so we parked in Panther parking. To get to the stadium, we had to walk through the vistitor's parking lot. ALL bills fans. My daughter said, "Dad this is crazy." We went from wine sipping and families playing board games to kegs, cornhole, and italian sausage. I said welcome to being a Bills fan.....good times.

  5. Is there a Sabres game too? Look out for the rape & pillaging of the NC locals.






    Please, take this to the Porn Sub-Forum... This is a family board.


    I jest, I jest... They call beanbags cornhole here (well @ least in the Quad Cities where I am based out of, Chicago it is beanbags) too... Needless to say, my sophmoric side always get a chuckle. They really do need to change the name for good, powering through just ain't cutting it!



    Agreed, I always disliked that term....looking forward to causing a ruckus with my fellow Bills fans.

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