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Everything posted by NCDAWG

  1. jumping aroung between cbs, espn and kffl. Good workout, haha
  2. I think he has some stuff up his sleeve...we will see.
  3. kinda....been jonesin for anything bills lately
  4. all night...brewing some java...
  5. Ive been waiting...what the hell
  6. Just waiting...
  7. great article
  8. hopefully it is quiet right before the storm
  9. What he doesnt have the tools for qb? I got the feeling that he may not be blessed intellectually.
  10. giving it to my sister-in-law who is a dallas fan
  11. Why isn't he remaining a qb? I've seen him play in a couple of games for arkansas and didnt think he was that awful.
  12. love to see wahle in here with franks
  13. Pretty tough talk from a guy who has the banjo player from deliverance as his avatar." Ya got rurl pretty teeth." And ps there is a comma between old and wife, I though the punctuation nazis would of picked that up?
  14. no thanks
  15. Who is planning on going? Since I am now only 10 hrs away I would love to go...plus wifey has been bugging me to go.
  16. Thurman Thomas, Bruce Smith with 75th patch/35th patch, chris spielman and bledsoe
  17. Just keep saying to myself "it could of been worse." Just glad my family is ok...you second guess yourself...I should of done this or that. But thank you for your thoughts
  18. Two weeks in to our new environment...BOOM, Some dude rushing home from work ran a red arrow and almost t-boned me and my family-8 yr old, wife, mom ,and 81 year old dad. Swerved at last minute and managed to escape unscathed...went to er for my dad just in case but he is ok. My Tahoe isnt as lucky, but it could of been worse .....thanks for letting me vent.
  19. That was an awesome read. Glad to see they had the cajones to do the right thing and let Bledsoe go. So often the bills just stand pat.
  20. Yeah but deland is central fl a much more rural part of fl. Anything south of palm city is really growing too rapidly. I came from palm beach county, and the people are so stuck on themselves it is sickining...like all else this is a generalization based on my experiences. I am not saying there are not great people in the state of fl, but based on my experiences of 25 years as a floridian, I have seen many changes for the worse, and not many for the better.
  21. Yeah I see those cheerwine delivery truck all over...didnt know if it was wine or soda? Kooky
  22. Compared to fla, the true south is awesome...values and qualities admired by us "northerners". Everyone says hi..I love it. In fl you could be having a heart attack and people would step over you to get on with life.
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