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Everything posted by NCDAWG

  1. If you guys want me to look up a players info, let me know. I love how in-depth this guide is compared to the other magazines.
  2. I am not new to this board, just forgot my password over the years(several times). I remember the inception of this board and where it came from. Back in the day on Prodigy with Bob Lamb is where I started.
  3. To all who make TBD work, thanks for all your work. I love this place.
  4. And I'm not either, just think that there may be more than one explantion for all that transpires. I too, enjoy talking about the show. Glad we have a great place like tbd that we can do it in.
  5. opinions are like.....ah well you get it
  6. Thats what makes this show great is that there can be so many variations of plot progression. I just try and keep an open mind and not assume I am a "lost writer"
  7. Also I found it interesting that Locke told Jack that Boone got those wounds "falling down a cliff"...he didn't mention the plane at all.
  8. I would also like to say that growing up in Fla most of my adult life and not having any friends in the compacity of a "lifetime" friend, I would say to you that you are very fortunate to have had such a friend. All too often we lose friends such as these due to arguements and petty quarrels....I am truly glad you had such a great friend as to call him brother...that is special. Gods speed.
  9. A vehicle designed for space travel? Either that or something alien.
  10. TGREG WROTE The visions dealt with openning the box. He knew that Boone becoming injured would have to occur (just like finding the plane -- he new the direction to look -- and using the name of Boone's nanny to get him to go on). Sure, he yelled and told Boone to get out...I'm not saying he didn't have a moment of doubt. But the fact remains, had he really wanted to prevent Boone from being injured, he would have stopped his quest. But in the end, his quest was more important to him than Boone. Dude, your leap is too far! The bloodied Boone dream had no reference whatsoever to when or where. He was questing to open that hatch before the boone dream, the conclusion was that he saw a plane crashing, his mother pointing in that direction, and then a bloddied boone saying..."up the stairs, down the stairs" whatever. One can draw many conclusion from that. Locke wanted to open the hatch, that's it.
  11. ? Bunnies that light up, cool. Radioactive but cool.
  12. Damn dude, sorry for your loss.
  13. I don't think locke knew when or where boone was going to get hurt and they had to check out that plane. Also what is the deal with the island taking away locke walking and then giving it back? and what was that light from the hatch........I love this show
  14. I miss seeing joe fight.
  15. happy easter to all who celebrate the occasion
  16. Hope this thing goes through
  17. sweet and sour chicken from peking rest. in Athens GA
  18. i was at the second one in 1969. Have pictures of me walking around the mostly dry riverbed...coool
  19. Funny this came up, I was thinking last night about doing the same thing. Swapping Henry for Shelton and Swapping 2nd or 3rd round picks. But I am a draft pick whore.
  20. Just remember, You own the house-never let the house own you. Also being experienced in this subject (4 homes in 7 years), estimate the cost of the renovations to the fixer-upper and budget them right in to the cost to make sure you do them within six months of moving in...otherwise the renovations will probably not get done. You cant predict the future, and I got caught doing that, and lost my job, and was stuck in a fixer upper with no cash....it was stressful to say the least. I would also take into account the area and yard too. We just bought in Concord NC, wasnt crazy about the house or yard but excellent schools so in 5-7 years we will move again. Hope this helps
  21. Clearmont is a small kinda backwater town...but by the looks of your avatar, you'll fit in nicely
  22. Rented this movie tonite...not a bad flick...had cary elwes and annabella sciorria(the chickie that killed herself in the sopranos, she sold benzes) It was better than that crappile of a movie ladder 49 imo.
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