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Everything posted by NCDAWG

  1. I know, I know....just drifting today.
  2. that was stuck in the woods with only a few items to survive? And his friend was bitten by a snake?
  3. That's what I was saying!
  4. Yes, thank you. But the quetion remains about Peters.
  5. That avatar is too funny.
  6. Severe rectal bleeding
  7. Gandy is the starting LT
  8. ok good stop 4th down
  9. Did the D show up?
  10. thanks dude...got it.
  11. There's something wrong with his medula-oblongata.
  12. Maybe blowing smurfs before the game?
  13. The sad part is that I told my brother during the game that the winner of this game will go to the superbowl. DAMN
  14. pretty nice guy. We met him as we were coming out of discovery place in downtown charlotte. Wished him luck for tonight and the season. He took time to acknowledge us. Makes it a little easier to root for the panthers.
  16. Is he different then Freddie Feltersnatch?
  17. Where can I get my Kenny Stapler jersey?
  18. Take the altoids and crush them up with the bent fork. Rub into the wound vigorously with the aluminum cooking utensils. Then with the knives, cut down all the flora in the adirondack mountains that you can...chop up and soak in stream water. Then with the nylon fabric and misc clothing, play dress up and put on a snappy little play. Hook up the Ipod to the injured person with the corkscrew and dessenex, this is to monitor vitals. And if all that does not work you still have 30 foot of rope to hang yourself.
  19. FACT...JP Losman is the next reincarnation of Kenny Stabler. I LOVE IT.
  20. I feel as if I need to reply to you. Just went through the same exact thing. In fact we moved to NC to get AWAY from my mother -in-law. The people on this board were really helpful. I was at my last straw, and my wife stepped up and put her foot down. She said that she needed to be respected as an adult and wife. Of course the MIL thought that it was me telling her what to say. But the result is we are no longer talking...actually she isnt talking to us, but results achieved. If your wife wont stand up, then you need to. It got so bad when we were living in fla, we couldnt get the whole family together because the MIL didnt like this or that person and would make an ass of herself. If you need some more ideas or comfort or whatever, let me know...I FEEL FOR YOU, it does suck....but you need to focus on your relationship and what is best for that.
  21. now that movie was raw. I could not get it or get into it. And I love Jim Carrey, but this was a little too far out there.
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