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Everything posted by NCDAWG

  1. Too bad..if they played the first two periods like they did the third we would of been ok. Rob Ray had it right...we gave them too much respect.
  2. Used to be a bar in that area called Nickel City. The owner was from buffalo, and it was not too bad of a place. Decent food and good service.
  3. Stay at home dad....But, part-time, bail bondsman.
  4. Wouldn't it make more sense that the disguises are more to "blend in" then to disassociate? I mean that these others are military or scientific in nature... and therefore have access to sanitary conditions that appear in the hatch(Water, baths, etc), so they use the disguises to make it look like they have been stranded also.
  5. They replay Stalker on the sci fi channel from time to time.
  6. The hieroglyphs mean "cause to die", here is what I found. http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e183/Aly...hieroglyphs.jpg and here is the screen shot: http://homepage.mac.com/awaspaas/.Pictures/lost.jpg this could also mean "to kill" or "killing" depending on the tense.
  7. the third symbol is a feather over a pool of water...which would be I over or in front of sh. So far Ive got S__ISH__ __
  8. That was kate's dad. The same fellow she was crying to in the recruiting office, after she burned her mother's house down.
  9. Ill be in section 106, is that by the sabres bench?
  10. How about Bob Woodruff, he knows how to take a shot.
  11. Shats McGanty or breasts McGee, either one should suffice.
  12. i am going to the last game of the season in raleigh.
  13. the sabres would have this many points this early in the season? Cheers to the sabres organIzation, and cheers to all us fans who enjoy each night we get to see them play. Wow. Solid win tonight. Keep it up guys.
  14. I was a teenager in south fla and we used to go to the midnight movies on the weekends. That was back in the day when wearing camo pants was cool. The ones with 20 pockets. Well during one double header I had to dump, so off to the restroom I go. Sat down in a stall to do my business and a guy goes into the stall next to me and sits down. From his shoes he looks to be a very well dressed business man. So screwing around I found a candy bar in one of my pockets, take it out and proceed to rub it all over my hand. Then reach up under the stall divider and slap my hand on his side right under the toilet paper holder. Then I smear it around a little and shout," Hey dude can you help me out....I ran out of toilet paper. Just for an added effect, I reach under again and tug at his pant cuff and ask again for tp. I never heard a word...he just ran outta there.
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