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Everything posted by NCDAWG

  1. Yeah, I know. But I wasn't really complaining he drank too much...just that he couldn't control his bodily functions when he did. It went something like this..."That is my friend, Tim. No the other one, the one with the depends on..."
  2. Problem is, is that I have met a ton of people...none from the upstate area. I did meet a guy that was born in buffalo, and was a "supposed" Bills fan...but he doesnt watch the games and doesn't watch the Sabres because "hockey sucks". Most people I have met are from Long Island or Ohio. Just the way the migration pattern is in the piedmont.
  3. Hopefully Darcy might bring in someone at the deadline...
  4. Worked in a strip club for several years...not much to see that I haven't seen already.
  5. Oh yeah, I showed up with all the gear on ready to watch a Bills game with some crazy bills fans...and I got some yuppie christian group who watched bills games. Which is ok, for some. But I like to relax and go nuts for the Bills. And it was at a bar to boot. So I get there and order a brew and go to the table and the "leader" says "welcome fellow bills fan, but we don't drink." At which point, I say, " ok, (chug my beer), I'll be right back." I left right there. I don't trust people who don't drink.
  6. If that is the case then I would try the sealant, because it sound like an issue with the mortar either degrading or composition. Good luck.
  7. Yeah, it's all good. I moved from south Fl... and it was worse there. At least the weather is much nicer here. I hear you. Just started playing the banjo and was looking up groups that meet locally. The one Bills group that I found is non-alcoholic . Kooky.
  8. How about the broad that walks around the store with the cell phone attached to her head and can't put it down even though she interacts with everyone in the store....
  9. Does it leak only when it's raining? Or other times? Does your brick have proper weep holes installed? Could the leak be roof orientated and channeling down the wall and to the top of the window? Water travels the path of least resistance.
  10. Nice game boys...sucks about Goose. Like we can lose more grit on the team?
  11. I'm not on suicide watch or anything, just kinda frustrated with the lack of quality human beings who appreciate the Bills and Sabres and enjoy a beer from time to time.
  12. Sometimes I wonder...But I still have control of my bodily functions,
  13. I have lived in NC for just over two years now, and it has been impossible to make friends with the guys that are around here. Now most of the guys in my neighborhood are not NC natives, they are transplants from NY,NJ,OH, and other areas. But the couple of times I have met a guy with common interests, it just goes south...quick. One guy turned out to be a raging alcoholic, even pissing himself the last time we went out. Another guy is sooooo whipped that we can't even go to a movie without his wife calling 4-5 times in a 3 hour period. They either want to go out and get laid or trashed. There seems to be no middle of the road. One guy pulled out his bible and started preaching at me in the middle of Hooters. Has the whole world gone nuts? Sorry...just a rant.
  14. Yeah there is snow In Greece, Irondequoit, and Webster...BIG DEAL. I don't live there so it matters not.
  15. If I am using an outhouse I want the Sears catalog in there!!!
  16. Go get your milk and bread. That still makes me laugh.
  17. Just came in from making a snowman with my daughter...awesome. Yeah it's only a coupla inches but hey, its better then sweatin' my pecans off in south fla.
  18. I had to do the package twice, one for each mansion.
  19. I'm with ya Duey.
  20. I was there man! 5th grade at St. Stephens on Grand Island.
  21. I saw this happen live off the coast. I skipped class to go see the launch. When it went up, then the explosion, then the "Y" of smoke....I had to go to the nearest K-mart and beg the manager to turn on the televisions to see what went wrong. Haven't watched a launch since...RIP
  22. yeah they had conrad dobler on there...man are his knees shot. When they interviewed him in his house he had some buffalo memoribilia on the wall in the basckground, very cool.
  23. Reading ieatcrayons posts are like reading a ransom note, but crayons do have more "nice" fiber then jello.
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