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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Just to clarify, I never had a plan to sign all 3.  Actually, think that Schobel is the only one worth signing at this point.



    I agree with this. If Jennings has a good season this year, he will command in the neighborhood of 6 million dollars per season, with a hefty bonus. He is a nice player, but I dont see him as an Orlando Pace type who is worth this and more. Besides, he seems to want out.


    I agree with some of the negative statements about Schobel, but he is very fast, and he will probably get stronger. Also, he is now an experienced player at a position which seems to be hard to fill.


    By waiting until next year to re-sign Schobel, TD gains the advantage of having a better picture of his injury situation, but is admittedly taking a risk of losing him. Also, by waiting, TD serves not to alienate the other two FAs. I have faith in TD in his FA dealings. The drafts are another story.

  2. Democrats at Work You know, the one who was beaten senseless by the anarchists, which make up (along with their sympathizers) a substantial portion of the democrat party. These same scumbags are calling the police response "brutal."


    I do not know how a sane, sound person could be identified as a democrat. Honestly, I am sickened by the labor policies of the Bush Administration, but there is no chance that I would vote for waffling, "Ketchup Kerry" and support his band of marauders, burned out sixties hippies and apologetic liberals that dominate this party.


    In any event, the Detective is said to now be stable and recovering, thanks to God.

  3. How frikkin stupid can these people be.


    Ummm, Travis Henry. Ummmm, how many yards the past 2 seasons?


    Hes either the second coming of Barry Sanders (who never had a good o-line) or the line isnt as bad as you think.


    Drew is getting sacked so much in part because of o-line mistakes, but MOSTLY because of sitting back there so long last year and being a statue.


    I love Drew and I think this O is setup to put him back in the very good QB category.


    Mark my words, the Bills will get another 1000+ with Travis and will go to the playoffs. Bledsoe gets 20-30 sacks, and Moulds goes backto the pro-bowl.


    WAKE UP.


    The o-line is fine if we get the running yards, everything goes from there. Our pass is open, our WR are open because of the stacked line anticipating the run. Travis got 1000+ the last 2 years, why will this year be different?




    Honestly, WHO is dumb, one who sees a problem or one who buries their head in the sand?

    Run blocking is MUCH easier for off. linemen than is pass blocking. On a run, the offensive players know the count, and are able to fire out. On passing downs, the defensive players have the momentum, and the blockers are backing up.

    Last season, Ruben Brown could actually block on running plays, but folded like an accordian when asked to protect the qb. MW is a fat slob who players run past. Teague was over-matched and there was NO credible RG, nor has there been one for 10 years. Jennings was good, but often injured, and not a premier LT when healthy.

    If the above mess satisfies you, then by all means, insult the fans who want more.

  4. I have not one play of the Bills in pre-season.

    That said, I am asking if those who have think that the OL has improved? Thus far (and it is admittedly early), is McNally the savior that many purported him to be? Also, how is Big Mike playing, and he is stiil weighing more than 400?

    I dont even know how TB was injured. Was he running or in the pocket? If so, who missed the block?


    In all, I wish for a speedy recovery for Losman, who should never have been drafted in the first place. Behind a sub-par OL, ANY qb will be mauled and mangled. This is our last 10 years as Bills fans, and it apparently will go on.


    I hope that if we sign a new backup qb, he can run for his life ala Flutie, because if McNally is not the guru of blocking that he was alleged to be (and his OL sucked last season), Drew will be lucky to last even a few games, and we will of course NOT have a first round pick in 05.


    I look forward to the season, but it does look bleak to me in terms of winning football games, unless those of you who actually watched the games can tell me someting good that I am missing.

  5. She was standing in the street - in fact she was in a line of people who were blocking the street praying. The van pulled up to the line, paused, and then ran through the line. PEople were tossed like bowling pins!


    And to the bastard that doubted "my account" -  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: - I had nightmares about that scene for months afterwords. I also saw people run over by police motorcycles.


    The woman and the others WERE BREAKING THE LAW - civil disobedience like Rev. Matin Luther King, Jr. and Ghandi -  however, the police response was not lawfull. There is an escalating level of response that they must follow. AND UNDER NO CICUMSTANCES DOES IT ALLOW FOR BOWLING OVER PEOPLE WITH A AUTOMOBILE! That sounds a bit like something we see in other countries, and that scares me.

    And to others who say that the protestors start the violence -  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: - I have been pepper sprayed and tear gassed - I have been arrested for possessing a cell phone! I have had friends who were arrested for standing a corner with a walkie-talkie and had their bail set at $1,000,000! I have seen these things. There will be 250,000 people in NYC protesting - and over 249,000 will be peacefull protesters exercising their right to protest and asking the government to adress their grievances.


    I want a country that allows protest - and responses to protests from governments is scary. When did our founding fathers invision a day when dissenting citizens would be placed in pens, and cages that are called "free-speech zones" in our Orwellian world! Even if you disagree with all my politics this MUST disturb you. This is a trend that must stop.


    As Ty said in Caddyshack: "this isn't Russia is it? No I didn't think so."



    I tried to NOT respond to this, and your other idiotic post. My failure to resist is an admitted lack of discipline. Oh well, nobody is perfect.


    You sir, are an utter jerk-off. stevestojan heads like you and your scummy ilk are compromising the safety of my friends, family and community.

    Do you know that two persons were arrested today for conspiracy to blow up subway stations, a police station, and other places in NYC? Do you care (other than to defend those who would do so)?


    While these naked, diseased psychotics are draining police resources, people are plotting to kill us.

    I believe in the right to protest, and have participated in demonstrations. That said, this is NOT the time to drain NYC of the people it needs to protect us. There are douchebags following police officers with camcorders in order to film police officers being "rude" to nude nuts. I guess this makes you happy, but to me, it makes you an enemy to the safety of our country, and again, a douchebag. A weak, silly, idealistic douche.


    One last thing...In the 80s, there were Gay S&M bars in NYC. They had fitting names such as "Ramrods" and "The Meat Rack."

    In one of these places, there were stockades, into which men locked themselves with their pants down. Can you imagine the rest? At the time, Gay activists blamed AIDS on Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. Sound right to you?

    These nude protestors are of a similar ilk, and they will sicken American voters. This, ever so sadly, is a huge base of the democrat party to which I am sure you cling. Truth be told, your stalwart, "Ketchup Kerry" is a billionaire.

    I merely offer the above as proof that you are a mislead, weak, mean, mentally unsound, non-caring fool.

    You are also a loser, and a scumbag.

  6. I agree with many of the posts, but I think his drafts deserve an overall grade of C.  The first, in 2001, was strong.  But 2002 and 2003 have, so far, been disappointing.  I realize it takes a number of years before one can accurately judge a draft, but I see a lot of disappointments in M. Williams, Reed, Sullivan Wire and Denney.  I aslo wonder about Kelsay, Sobieski, Pucillo, Aiken and Crowell.  Some of these guys need to step-up befoer we can say that Donahoe deserves a higher grade.  Time will tell, but drafting guys that are back-up types or marginal starters won't get us to the Superbowl.



    I agree. After TD's first draft, the rest ranged from OK to horrid. Does anyone remember the old menu at Burger King? We are stuck with a 36 million dollar "Whaler, Heavy on the Tarter" with the #4 pick in a draft. Were it not for some great free agency pickups, this alone should place TD's job in jeopardy, imo.


    Additionally, neglecting the OL in this draft was a grave error imo. Like many on this board, TD seems to think that McNally will turn below average journeymen into quality blockers. I hope it happens, but should it fail to (which is likely), I hope he loses his job.

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