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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. She wakes up at night in agony. This has been happening for almost 8 weeks. She has been to 5 doctors. The MRI is on thursday, and we will supposedly have more answers. There is also another, seemingly less serious problem.

    Right now, she is, of all places, at work. I am urging her to quit and take it easy, but she does not want to jeopardize payments of college tuition for my daughter. Speaking of daughters, all 3 of them are worried sick.

    I tend to think of myself as fairly strong. I have been shot at, hit with rocks and a brick, punched and sued. The thing is, right now I am scared.

    I have been a part of the TBD Community for many years, and have seen some positive results.

    I am asking for some positive thoughts and/or prayers for Millie, the wife of 20 years of a cop and a Bills fan.


  2. Yea it scares me...kinda sounds like what algore wanted to do and kerry wants to do.



    No. Lets look at what he is up against:


    1) Their "mafia" is MUCH more powerful than our "Italian Mafia" ever was.

    2) There are old-line communists.

    3) They are getting hit by terrorists.

    4) We are fighting Iraq in their "neck of the woods." This is surely seen as an embarrassment).

    5) Please pay careful attention to this......Their most beautiful young women are on the internet, selling themselves as "Russian Brides." As much as I am for personal freedoms, this is something that I wish that our government would make illegal. These beautiful women are the wives and sisters of Russian men. I pose the question: How would YOU like it if the situation was reversed?

    My point is that I dont mind giving them aid. Truthfully, we could use their help in killing Islamic Fundamentalist scumbags. That said, how can we expect them to like us while we are plucking their young, beautiful women from websites and having our way with them?

    Certainly, this is something worthy of consideration.

  3. I think the rate that Mike Williams fatigued was disproportionate to everyone else on the O-line. He started to get sloppy too early for my liking and you could tell that he was really sucking wind. The optimist in me says that this will be the worst of it. I just wish he had been participating in camp from the start.



    It was hard to see this on TV. In fact, I did not.

    Believe me, I will be the very first to advocate his benching, or even cutting him if he continues to suck, but from what I saw yesterday, he did OK.

  4. It took a long time to win that throne - are you sure you want to give it up so quick  :doh:



    Well, next week will be a great test with the center of the line playing against Sapp and Big Ted.

    Honestly, the run blocking was OK last year. It was again OK in week one.

    I am hoping to see a 300 yard passing game by Drew vs Oakland on sunday, with few if any sacks. The afforementioned DTs are not great pass rushers.

    The Bills are going to kick the Raiders asses.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You're correct on both counts. With GWilliams gone we're seeing a major of display of dynamic position changes on the DLine under this staff. On the other side of the ball the amount of movement of our OLine is another change- instead of being asked to play one on one football the OLinemen are regularly confusing the defense with dynamic assignment changes.



    AKC, I was somewhat impressed with the blocking (if you can believe it). Not satisfied mind you, but imo, there were few games last season where Drew didn't get his brains beat in. I am starting to buy this McNally thing.

    Am I wrong?

  6. It was a totally blown coverage.  Moulds went in motion from right to left and at the snap ran a shallow pattern in the flat running towards the sideline.  The other reciever on that side ran a pattern to the middle and two defenders went with him.  Moulds than turned up field running along the sideline.  Drew immediately saw the screw up and sent a nice, easy floater to him right on the money for an easy catch.  You could see Drew almost jump out of his pads before he let the ball go he was so excited that he had a guy that open.



    You are totally right ( :doh: ) Mick, I saw the play. It still worked, blown coverage or not!

    My point is that while I DO want the team to play a sane, non-Gilbride offense, I do NOT want them to foresake downfield throws. We have Moulds who can go deep, and Evans with his blinding speed.

    MM is a rookie. He will learn, imo.

  7. I agree with the negative play but to say that the offense was vanilla is just not true. That was some innovative play calling going on out there. A great example is the double screen they ran to McGahee for the first down. That is one of the most difficult plays in football to execute. Bledsoe faked the screen to the right, spun and threw left. Lineman pulling in both directions. That is ANYTHING but vanilla.



    Point taken, but how about a downfield pass to Evans? He does have the speed, and Drew does have the arm. I am NOT calling for a return to the Gilbride idiocy, but stretching the field is a good thing too.

    Note that the only TD came on a downfield pass.

  8. I thought the Offensive Line was noticeably better, especially at pass blocking.

    To clarify, they appeared to play an average game, something I have not seen very frequently in the last 10 seasons.


    After seeing such poor play for so long, I was quite skeptical that McNally would do much if anything to make something good out of this mess. Well, judging from what I saw on game 1, I am thinking that the OL will get better as the year goes on. I am thinking/hoping to even see an OL on the Buffalo Bills football team that will be slightly above average by the end of the year.


    Therefore, I abdicate my throne as "King of all Offensive Line Whiners", which should make a few happy on this board. :):doh:

  9. I went to the Jags game without a strong sense of where this team would be.  It's pretty obvious now we are just picking up where we left off.  Even if we won the game, I would still say we are lloking like a 6-10 team again.


    The shame of it all is that it looks like Tom Donahoe bought a bunch of bad merchandise.  We just don't have the players.  Bledsoe?  It's over.  Just deal with it.  Like someone said on WGR today, we've lowered the bar so far for Drew, we're happy when this one-time Pro Bowl isn't losing the game for us.


    The line?  Putrid.  Kicking?  A joke.  Defense?  No discipline.  Coach Mullarkey has sh*t to work with.  OL Coach McNally is already washing his hands.  Unfortunately, we have to wait another 3 years, after Mullarkey gets fired, before anyone considers Donahoe getting the boot.





    How is McNally already "washing his hands?" Did I miss a quote or something?

  10. Blaming the OL is the easy way out.  They played a heck of a lot betting than some are giving them credit for.


    One missed 42 yard field goal and one red zone fumble lost. THAT is what cost the game.  We should have had 10 more points.



    Believe it or not, I agree. As I stated in an earlier post, the OL, while not stunningly great, played as if they knew what they were doing, and it was nice to not see a Bills QB practically killed on every play.


    I am starting to actually believe that McNally can make a decent OL out of this bunch, and THAT is saying a whole lot.

  11. Sorry folks, but someone here has to raise the bar for our starting QB and supposed team leader. Bledsoe only turned the ball over once, he was only sacked once, he generally got rid of the ball quicker, and he generally did a better job of scanning the field for his receivers. Congratulations, Drew.


    Now look at the score board. Only 10 points. Only 1 touchdown. Few sustained drives of any considerable length. Countless 3rd down opportunities wasted. Several opportunities, in particular, wasted toward the end of the game to burn time off the clock and keep our tired D off the field.


    I don't mean to go off on yet another TBD anti-Drew crusade; I just want to point out that lately here we have really lowered our standards for this QB in question. If we truly want the playoffs this season, then we should demand more from Drew. Super Bowl caliber teams have QB's who rise to the occasion - especially in the final quarter and in the final drive - to WIN a game rather than NOT LOSE IT.


    Based on last year, a lot of posters here seem to believe that the first week of the season has zero relevance. I disagree. I think today's game will prove to set the tone for the rest of this season - a lot of low-scoring, close games that more often than not end up as losses because our team has taken on the personality of Drew Bledsoe, a man of great character and dedication who nevertheless doesn't have "IT" - that special something people here have called "heart" but which I think of more as "confidence." Maybe JP Losman has it, but Drew doesn't.


    Prove me wrong, Drew...




    Agreed. Drew should have broken up that last pass in the end zone. Also, he could have provided more of an inside pass rush. <_<

  12. I am here to tell you....so far, so good. The Bills OL actually looked as if they knew what they were doing yesterday.

    I am not saying that they had a stunningly great performance, but they did their jobs, and even MW was able to hold off pass rushers most of the time. Furthermore, there is NO reason to think that they cannot improve into a decent line.


    Kudos Coach McNally! Keep it up and make a believer out of me! <_<

  13. Very true. It was especially painful to see idiocy from Fletcher, because from where I sat, he played a great game. Even the DL, which failed to produce sacks, was applying pressure, which is almost as good.


    I am not as upset as the posters in the other thread.....yet. I am going to write it off as a rookie head coach playing a tad too conservatively, and keep my fingers crossed that he has what it takes to motivate the talent that is on this football team.


    Oh, and am I sure I would be this calm if I was actually AT this game?


    No, not at all. ;)<_<

  14. >>>You have to go long every once in awhile. Even if when the play shouldn't work, on occasion it does like when a DB tries to pick it when he should just bat it away or when you get an interference call.<<<


    This is 100% true. There was NO reason not to send Evans deep at least once. I like what I see of MM, but he is a rookie and will learn.


    Also, aside from the penalty, I thought CV palyed a decent game. It is true... The Bills finally have a professional level RG! Even Big Mike played OK, as did Teague.


    Truthfully, I am numb. It was always SO easy to explain a Bills loss, but the usual culprits (the OL) did reasonably well, or at least OK. The picture is still cloudy, but I am thinking that the problem yesterday was a vanilla game plan.

  15. Denny was the starting LDE on a D generally thought of being one of the better Ds in the league (you have to be good to play with an O that scores no TDs) and which did produce a #2 statistical ranking in the league.  This sounds like at least some value to me.  He is obviously no Bruce Smith but are the only choices be bruce or be a bust?



    Not at all FFS, and he DID start, this is true. But he was the weak link, right?

  16. That is kind of the whole point, TD reached to draft Denney then drafted a 2nd round DE the next year.  I think if a 1st/2nd round pick does not start after the

    first year, if they are not a bust, they are not getting much done.  A 2nd round

    pick not starting the 3dr year looks pretty bad.


    Remember, Denny was a bit older to begin with and is 27 years old now.  He should be well into his prime I would think.



    SCS, your points are valid. What did we give up when trading up to get Denney, a 4th round pick? If so, there is every chance that the 4th pick would have out produced Denney to this point.


    The good news is that he still has a chance, however slim, to develop into a DE who can make big plays and apply pressure.

  17. What is your definition of a bust?


    - A bust gets cut from the team. Denney wasn't cut.

    - A bust cannot start. Denney could easily start over Kelsey.

    - A bust cannot beat out higher draft picks.  Kelsey has consensus 1st round talent.

    - A bust isn't worth anywhere near the money he pulls down.  I don't see anyone crying about his salary.

    - A bust doesn't play.  No reason to think he won't get at least 40% of playing time.

    - A bust doesn't contribute.  Denney may ably back-up two starters.


    It's difficult to call a player a bust when coaches essentially consider then 1B and the "starter" 1A.  For all we know it's for this week only.


    Let's see how he performs before he's a declared a bust.



    I think that being a value or a "bust" depends in large on where one was drafted.

    For instance, Peerless Price was a value in round 2. John Holocek was a value in round 5. Moulds was picked late in round 1, great pick. How about PW as an undrafted free agent?

    In his first draft in Buffalo, TD nabbed Henry and Schobel in round 2, then Jennings in round 3. Compared to those picks, Denney has been of little value.

    See the difference?

  18. No, no no....


    come on people...have we learned nothing from the Patriots?


    They've selected CK as the starter probably because they like him as a specific matchup against the Jag's RT better than RD. Don't be surprised to see RD get the "start" in other games, based on the matchup. This is what the Pats have done for the last 3 years. They always have rotating starters. They fuggin started Jarvis Green at DE in a playoff game last year simply because they knew he could do a few particular things against his matchup better than Warren, Hamilton, or McGuinest could.


    Rotating Dlinemen means that some games there will be different "starters" but both will play.


    Ryan Denney is not a bust. Erik Flowers was a bust. The two are miles apart. A bust is a guy who can't play at the pro level. Denney can play at the pro level. He is a very good run stopper, and sheds blocks well. He's getting better and better. He only has 3.5 sacks, which is why he's criticized.


    It's foolishness.



    You raise good points, but it is more than the sorry number of sacks. He does not even bring much pressure to qbs and he should, with guys like Big Sam and PW occupying blockers.

    Almost everyone on the board states that OL and DE are their concerns this season. Denney is the bulk of the reason for concern at DE imo, and MM seems to agree.

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