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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Rant One...

    Question: When Travis Henry is NOT fumbling the football away, he is


    a) Averaging 3 yards per carry.

    B) Missing blocks and allowing sacks.

    c) Dropping passes

    d) Falling short of first downs and touchdowns as the season "slip slides" away.



    (Hint...the answer is in caps)


    You Drew bashers may be right, but Losman is hurt. MaGahee is ready, and should get more than 2 carries, no?


    Rant 2:


    I believed in McNally...for one week. Lo and behold, the Bills still cannot block. Hey Coach, do you think that we can keep the sacks below the 49 that your giant OL gave up last year? Even that would bean inprovement for us!


    Rant 3:


    Remember the "IS Denney a Bust" thread? The answer is an astounding YES. Yes, he is a bust, and Kelsay appears to have speed and a reasonable chance to make plays.


    I am too worn out and tired to continue, and will spare you further moaning.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Mark, your points are sound and well appreciated. I am merely adding that TD passed up a chance for a very possible top 10 pick for Travis Henry.

    He almost coughed it up yet again in game 1. Personally, I would rather have a top 10 pick that Travis Henry on the Buffalo Bills, salary considerations notwithstanding.

    How about you brother?

  3. Not here to talk smack but just discuss the upcoming game between Bills and Raiders.  TYrying to9 get a Bills fans perspective of what is right and wrong with there team.



    This game will be a HUGE test for the Bills and our rookie head coach. Here are a few thoughts:


    1) Gannon likes to roll out. I think that Schobel is going to get him at least once.

    2) Your DTs are great vs the run, which does appear to be our game plan. The Bills will have a tough time pounding the ball at TW and WS UNLESS they are able to throw downfield. I think that Bledsoe will throw for 300.

    3) Your OL is not strong. This should enable Big Sam to penetrate. Good luck.

    4) Watch out for MaGahee. He is totally different from Travis, thus your sub-par defense and last resort headcoach will have trouble adapting to the differences that these backs bring to the football field.


    The above said, the Bills are away, still learning at OL and have a rookie headcoach. Obviously, either team can win, but I am looking at a score of:

    Bills 37

    Raiders 21

  4. Moulds is still a very good player but has a tendency to drop many easy ones, fumble away others and drive you crazy...especially after watching him make some simply amazing catches... Andre Reed was half the athlete that Moulds was and still was twice the player !  ( Note : I realize most will not agree with Moulds, yet his cap hit, if I recall, is obscene for next season )


    Clements just keeps getting toasted long. A great athlete who obviously just doesn't get the fundamental part of the game. There is a time to look back at the QB, a time to INT and and time to knock the ball down. Nate has been giving up A LOT of long passes the last couple of years. McGee and Thomas cannot be any worse. 


    DB is DB. I just think the way his contract is set up, with Losman in the wings, that he is due to leave soon.  Losman may be the spark this club has been sorely lacking since the years of Kelly, Thomas, Smith, Talley etc. Hell, even the midget who's name must never be spoken, gave us a supreme spark in 1998. ( I hated him after that ) ...


    Losman is 5 times the athlete Bledsoe could dream of being. We saw how Brady energized the Patriots. It's not all Brady. It's an energy other good players feed off of and perform at a higher level. That's leadership in a nutshell. Not carrying a team but giving it a spark to make others around you perform better. Plus having "it" between your ears.


    If MaGahee finds his burst and continues to improve, then we have a good core of Losman, Evans, MaGahee, etc. A line that looks a little better. Euhus could break out at TE. The D will be OK with some turnover. Leave Fletcher and Spikes alone. The D will need some tweeking with the aging Williams and Adams in the middle. Edwards is looking better , Anderson looks promising. Plus we would have the $$ to sign a few FA's , if some overpriced Vets hit the road.


    So if your looking to make some hard decisions on players after 2004, in order to open up cap space to aquire talent, look no further than Clements, DB and Moulds...That's a huge pile of $$ and could fill multiple holes immediately, especially for a team without a #1 pick...  Losman, Evans, McGee are waiting in the wings to replace them. You think that's a huge dropoff ??? Only in overpaid salary and results...


    If we don't make the playoffs this season, then what's stopping us from pulling the trigger ???  We already know how far we can go with certain players. We need to see how far we can go with younger guys, not players past their prime/overrated and not delivering the goods... I definitely believe a certain core of players should get their last shot this season. If not, quit living in denial/the past and MOVE FORWARD !  It will not be a complete rebuild job. Think of the cap space and FA $$ would have for the March FA signing period ! That would take away the sting of no #1 pick and then some...


    I throw this out for some lively discussion...but as always...







    No need to flame, but certainly you will agree that timing is what counts.


    I was one who advocated the trade of Travis Henry to a team desperately in need of a RB, even though they are a divisional opponent. As I recall, you were solidly opposed. You may have been correct, but time will tell. After 1 game, I must point out that TH and WM looked strikingly equal, and that Miami, with or without Henry, appears to be headed straight for a top 10 pick.


    If there is to be a team that is willing, for whatever reason, to overpay for one of these guys, I will be all for pulling the trigger. We lack a #1 in 05, and it would be great to get one back.

  5. Christ....when will people get it....


    I DONT WANT A QB THAT MASKS THE OL INABILITY TO PROTECT....I WANT A OL THAT WILL FRICKEN PROTECT CONSISTANTLY.....why do you want a fricken bandaid?  Look at the recent super bowl winners.....their QB's could catch Z's behind their line and not get touched.....while guys like McNabb dont get there every year because the team relies too much on their scrambling.....


    I love the way JP can move around........but if you dont have the horses working well up front then in the end it doesnt AMOUNT TO JACK SQUAT



    I wish that TD, along with more Bills fans would feel this way.

    Well said John.

  6. People,

    Truthfully I did expect some response, but nothing like this, and I am floored.

    I am even somewhat embarrassed that I took my problem to this forum. I was scared because one of the doctors mentioned a "mass." I am not looking to hear about s$%t like that.

    Today, she was not all that bad. I spent much of the day making sure she ate and straightening up the house. Where is she now? At work. Her days of listening to me have long passed. :D

    Thursday and friday, the tests will be completed. You, the people of TBD, have made this easier to endure. Furthermore, you have enabled me to relax to a point, and be more positive.

    Thanks to all. I hope that she is OK, and that I will be able to go to RWS as scheduled on 10/31. If this happens, you will know, and I am going to purchase a huge amount of beer, various brands. Please stop by Lot 1/Pole 6 and have one with me and our foursome.

    I am going to lurk, and perhaps even post.

    May God bless all of you, and thanks once again.



  7. Thought he was talking about a Jets tailgate.  :devil:


    Seriously Bill, give me a call if you want.



    She wont listen to me. She has zero business being at work.


    I am at that point where posting here helps take my mind away from what is going on.


    You people are great.

  8. She wakes up at night in agony. This has been happening for almost 8 weeks. She has been to 5 doctors. The MRI is on thursday, and we will supposedly have more answers. There is also another, seemingly less serious problem.

    Right now, she is, of all places, at work. I am urging her to quit and take it easy, but she does not want to jeopardize payments of college tuition for my daughter. Speaking of daughters, all 3 of them are worried sick.

    I tend to think of myself as fairly strong. I have been shot at, hit with rocks and a brick, punched and sued. The thing is, right now I am scared.

    I have been a part of the TBD Community for many years, and have seen some positive results.

    I am asking for some positive thoughts and/or prayers for Millie, the wife of 20 years of a cop and a Bills fan.


  9. Yea it scares me...kinda sounds like what algore wanted to do and kerry wants to do.



    No. Lets look at what he is up against:


    1) Their "mafia" is MUCH more powerful than our "Italian Mafia" ever was.

    2) There are old-line communists.

    3) They are getting hit by terrorists.

    4) We are fighting Iraq in their "neck of the woods." This is surely seen as an embarrassment).

    5) Please pay careful attention to this......Their most beautiful young women are on the internet, selling themselves as "Russian Brides." As much as I am for personal freedoms, this is something that I wish that our government would make illegal. These beautiful women are the wives and sisters of Russian men. I pose the question: How would YOU like it if the situation was reversed?

    My point is that I dont mind giving them aid. Truthfully, we could use their help in killing Islamic Fundamentalist scumbags. That said, how can we expect them to like us while we are plucking their young, beautiful women from websites and having our way with them?

    Certainly, this is something worthy of consideration.

  10. I think the rate that Mike Williams fatigued was disproportionate to everyone else on the O-line. He started to get sloppy too early for my liking and you could tell that he was really sucking wind. The optimist in me says that this will be the worst of it. I just wish he had been participating in camp from the start.



    It was hard to see this on TV. In fact, I did not.

    Believe me, I will be the very first to advocate his benching, or even cutting him if he continues to suck, but from what I saw yesterday, he did OK.

  11. It took a long time to win that throne - are you sure you want to give it up so quick  :doh:



    Well, next week will be a great test with the center of the line playing against Sapp and Big Ted.

    Honestly, the run blocking was OK last year. It was again OK in week one.

    I am hoping to see a 300 yard passing game by Drew vs Oakland on sunday, with few if any sacks. The afforementioned DTs are not great pass rushers.

    The Bills are going to kick the Raiders asses.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. You're correct on both counts. With GWilliams gone we're seeing a major of display of dynamic position changes on the DLine under this staff. On the other side of the ball the amount of movement of our OLine is another change- instead of being asked to play one on one football the OLinemen are regularly confusing the defense with dynamic assignment changes.



    AKC, I was somewhat impressed with the blocking (if you can believe it). Not satisfied mind you, but imo, there were few games last season where Drew didn't get his brains beat in. I am starting to buy this McNally thing.

    Am I wrong?

  13. It was a totally blown coverage.  Moulds went in motion from right to left and at the snap ran a shallow pattern in the flat running towards the sideline.  The other reciever on that side ran a pattern to the middle and two defenders went with him.  Moulds than turned up field running along the sideline.  Drew immediately saw the screw up and sent a nice, easy floater to him right on the money for an easy catch.  You could see Drew almost jump out of his pads before he let the ball go he was so excited that he had a guy that open.



    You are totally right ( :doh: ) Mick, I saw the play. It still worked, blown coverage or not!

    My point is that while I DO want the team to play a sane, non-Gilbride offense, I do NOT want them to foresake downfield throws. We have Moulds who can go deep, and Evans with his blinding speed.

    MM is a rookie. He will learn, imo.

  14. I agree with the negative play but to say that the offense was vanilla is just not true. That was some innovative play calling going on out there. A great example is the double screen they ran to McGahee for the first down. That is one of the most difficult plays in football to execute. Bledsoe faked the screen to the right, spun and threw left. Lineman pulling in both directions. That is ANYTHING but vanilla.



    Point taken, but how about a downfield pass to Evans? He does have the speed, and Drew does have the arm. I am NOT calling for a return to the Gilbride idiocy, but stretching the field is a good thing too.

    Note that the only TD came on a downfield pass.

  15. I thought the Offensive Line was noticeably better, especially at pass blocking.

    To clarify, they appeared to play an average game, something I have not seen very frequently in the last 10 seasons.


    After seeing such poor play for so long, I was quite skeptical that McNally would do much if anything to make something good out of this mess. Well, judging from what I saw on game 1, I am thinking that the OL will get better as the year goes on. I am thinking/hoping to even see an OL on the Buffalo Bills football team that will be slightly above average by the end of the year.


    Therefore, I abdicate my throne as "King of all Offensive Line Whiners", which should make a few happy on this board. :):doh:

  16. I went to the Jags game without a strong sense of where this team would be.  It's pretty obvious now we are just picking up where we left off.  Even if we won the game, I would still say we are lloking like a 6-10 team again.


    The shame of it all is that it looks like Tom Donahoe bought a bunch of bad merchandise.  We just don't have the players.  Bledsoe?  It's over.  Just deal with it.  Like someone said on WGR today, we've lowered the bar so far for Drew, we're happy when this one-time Pro Bowl isn't losing the game for us.


    The line?  Putrid.  Kicking?  A joke.  Defense?  No discipline.  Coach Mullarkey has sh*t to work with.  OL Coach McNally is already washing his hands.  Unfortunately, we have to wait another 3 years, after Mullarkey gets fired, before anyone considers Donahoe getting the boot.





    How is McNally already "washing his hands?" Did I miss a quote or something?

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