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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. 1) I hope that the Bills put Losman in the second he is healthy, and am willing to concede that Drew is probably through. Chalk up another career ruined by the Bills OL and management. He was great for the first 8 games, then the brutality of having no blocking caught up with him.

    As much as I hope to be proven wrong, my guess is that he will be injured badly even before Losman returns.


    2) I am now in the corner of those who want TD to be fired. Greg Williams, Mike Williams, Denney, and Gilbride are more than I can excuse, as are his lousy overall draft record and neglect of the OL.

    I hope they let him finish out the season, and dump him.

  2. The Bills say they have no choice but to play Drew Bledose because there are no other options.  Are they saying that if Shane Matthews were to start, the offense would be ineffective and the Bills would lose? As opposed to what we get with Drew Bledsoe now?


    I worry this is all about TD saving face, rather than winning football games in Buffalo right now.  If the Bills were to start winning with a junkheap QB like Shane Matthews, TD would look like an even bigger fool.


    Sorry, after 22 some weeks of "we have to get better..."  they 'aint gettin' better.   I wish the Bills would stop insulting the fans with these BS post-game quotes.





    Promo, do notice a trend here? You were here a few years ago calling Alex Van Pelt a good and credible QB. You were wrong then, and you are wrong now.


    Bledsoe is a victim of the Bills poor management. He is not, despite the fact that he is probably toast, the cause of the Bills problems. He came to town as a very good qb and got his brains mashed due to a weak bunch of sissy busts on the OL. Losman will be next, just watch.

  3. Imo, it is hard to compare how many sacks Drew has suffered in the past as to now. Remember, since Drew came to the Bills, his circumstances were as follows:


    1) Every offensive lineman who he has ever had the misfortune to lie up behind has been either...

    a) A stoned bust. (Mike Williams), OR.....

    B) Injury prone (Jennings).

    c) Washed up (Ruben)

    d) Undersized (Teague).

    e) Flat out sucks (Pucillo, Tucker, and #75).


    2) He has played for rookie headcoaches.


    3) The assistants sucked.


    4) His premier running back, Travis Gump, offers ZERO blocking, cannot catch, and lays the football on the carpet to the pleasure of our opponents.


    Make sense?


    Two last points.....by the above, I am NOT stating that Drew is not done. Who knows, he may very well have had his 'football brains" beaten in. In all probability, Losman will be the next to have his career ruined due to the Bills Organization neglecting the fundamental need of blocking. Also, stating the above does not make me less of a Bills fan than anybody here.

    I love this team and WNY. I will be attending my 11th consecutive annual game next month. My support for the Bills will never diminish, but the team needs help in the front office, and in all probability, in the owner's box.

    Sorry, but this is all too true.

  4. Our entire offensive philosophy, including the OL, is hindered by the Bledsoe Factor.


    Our run game is poor because other teams are free to blitz to stop the run on every play. This is worse than team's playing eight in the box because they are shooting the gaps to blow up runs behind the line.


    If a play happens to be a pass, then the blitzer continues up the middle where he knows he will find Drew.


    Our OL is fighting an uphill battle when we run and pass the ball.


    Our run game will improve dramatically as soon as our QB makes some plays, scores some points and forces the defense to call off the constant blitzing.

    If its a



    Don't you see what you are doing? You frequently cite the "Bledsoe Excuse Makers," but you are now doing the same for an inept collection of garbage that we have called an offensive line for 10 years or so. Personally, I think that they have sucked since the departure of Wolford.


    Look, Drew may very well be done. I reluctantly admit this. If this is so, WHY???

    Why is this once great qb done? The same reason that RJ is out of football, and the same reason Kelly retired early! The Buffalo Bills Football Team Cannot Block!!!


    Cant you see this? Panos, Crafts, Nails, Ostroski, Fina, Farris, Spriggs, Mike Williams with a #4 pick? Who was that 3rd round RT from Stanford? This is a partial list of the stevestojan that has plagued the Bills OL. There are many more. The above is a partial list of the weak junk that we put out to block for a cold weather football team from a blue collar town. It has not mattered who was headcoach nor GM. it was as if blocking was an afterthought to all of them.


    So, is Drew finished? He probably is. Feel better? I hope so, but guess what...

    Losman will be the next one mauled behind this sack of stevestojan line (and let us not forget the fan favorite running back who might be the worst blocking back in NFL history). We have no 1st round pick in 05 to get protection for him, and Jennings will be long gone. Sounds good?


    In the direction you are going, you will be calling for the head of another qb every couple of years.

    Enjoy the continuity.

  5. The Orthepedic Surgeon (the one who warned of a "mass") called, and the above is the diagnosis.

    Millie is still in servere pain, and will take more physical therapy. I am cool with that. :w00t:

    My family was not ready for bad news at this point. My daughters, who are under enough pressure, were not coping well with her illness. It would have been truly bad.


    TBD is, and has been special for years. We quarrell, and then we pull together for those with a problem. I want to thank each and every one of you who prayed, posted well wishes, sent me an IM, or even thought something nice for even a second.

    Believe me, I am here for anybody who I might be able to help. Count on that.


    The bottom line is that my wife does not now appear to have cancer. My daughters are crying tears of joy. I extend my thanks again, and again. I am a little too serious, but I will never, ever forget the kindness extended to my family from you great people.


    To those who will be at RWS on Halloween, please stop by 1/6 so I can thank you in person.


    I am not trying to waste bandwith here, so there is no need to respond. Just know how much I thank you, how much I believe in what happened, and that I am one that you can count on as well.


    God Bless You.



  6. Lets trade L. Sape to KC for their 1st round pick next season.  We can throw a 6th in their for fun.



    Point taken. What do YOU think he is worth to a team in dire need of a running back? Please take into account the reported offer of a #3 to the jests for Jordan.

  7. That would be a great trade. Bledsoe and Henry have a laundry list of limitations, which is maddening. They do NOT have well rounded games. I'm not directly BLAMING them for 2 losses. That's silly.


    Losman and MaGahee have more well rounded games and do NOT limit the playbook. They can ENERGIZE the offense, along with Evans, Euhus, maybe Aiken. They couldn't possibly generate as many negative plays as our PROVEN Losers...er..


    I mean Veterans...



    Well, I did not make up the part about the jests. It is on 1010 WINS News, the biggest news station in the metropolitan area.

    We shall see.

  8. Hindsight being 20/20, I have no problem with drafting both Evans and Losman, trading away next years #1 to do so. This is the Cap age and a solid FA signing in March can trump any draft pick. 


    The future is Losman at QB, Evans at WR, MaGahee at RB and Euhus at TE. I'm not impressed with the current so-called stars not playing anywhere near their abilities. Tired of living in the past and LOSING. Good Defensive efforts continued to be flushed down the drain. Everyone gets a year older while waiting for the offense to wake up.


    Turn the page and energize this team in 2005.



    So what do you think of my dream trade? :D

  9. I don't think it's a good idea because here's why:


    1) I highly doubt the Raiders would offer a #1 pick for Travis and a #3.  To put things in perspective, the Patriots were able to get Corey Dillon from the Pats for a #2.  I would argue that Dillon and Henry are approximately the same caliber. 


    2) Travis is a team leader.  Granted he might not be the best RB for the future of this team, EVERYONE on the team loves this guy because they have seen the pain he is willing to play through and his work habits. While he may not be an outspoken member of the team, he leads by example. Trading Henry would have very bad lockerroom implications and would make us a much worse team


    3) One could argue that becoming a much worse team isn't a bad thing due to draft compensation.  Think again.  In his latest brilliant move, TD shipped next year's #1 pick to Bill Parcells.  A disastrous season would only help Bill Parcells and the Cowboys, not us.


    4) Willis is not there yet.  We have the luxury of letting Travis take all the pounding behind a horrible O-line at a VERY VERY cheap price. 1400 yard backs don't come cheap in this league unless their name is Travis Henry. We have him sniged through next season at a bargain-basement price.  The value there is tremendous.



    >>>1) I highly doubt the Raiders would offer a #1 pick for Travis and a #3. To put things in perspective, the Patriots were able to get Corey Dillon from the Pats for a #2. I would argue that Dillon and Henry are approximately the same caliber. <<<


    Truthfully, if pressed, I would trade TH and a #2.

  10. Dude, I agree with you 100%. Seriously.

    We need to show the f'ers who the true power is.



    Ed, one day, I would truly like to hear the details of your "conversion." If you ever have the time, send me a PM and let me know how you changed from an apologetic liberal to a conservative patriot.

    Either way, the change was/is a wonderful sight to behold.

  11. 1) The raiders are said to be offering a #3 to the jests for Lamont Jordan.

    2) The jests are said to be holding out for a #2.

    3) If Drew is as bad as you guys think, this season is shot.

    4) The raiders beat us, but they suck. I think that we all can agree on this. They will be drafting early.

    5) Travis looks like stevestojan this season and will, in all probability, be gone next year.


    Based on the above, I propose an imaginary trade. We ship Travis and our #3 to the raiders. In return we receive their #1, a pick that we can put to use on blocking for Losman, yes Losman. I am a fan of Drew, but Buffalobart raised a great point today. Drew may have his brains beaten in ala Kelly and RJ, due to playing behind an OL that sucks. He may be shot. This line will continue to suck unless the Bills make serious moves.

    I remind you that Jennings will almost certainly be gone in 05. As proof, I offer both his comments and the Schobel extension. We need to draft OL, and bring them in as free agents so that Losman does not get killed.


    In any event, I post this as a fan seeking conversation. You can blast and curse me at will, I dont care. You people have been kind and supportive to me for so long, I am a fan of both the Bills, and you guys and girls on TSW.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO TBD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO SDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS: It would be a GREAT trade.

  12. Having your head bounce off the carpet repeatedly will do that.In Rob Johnson's last few games as a Bill,he was a slow motion caricature of himself.

    I've noticed the same 'quality' in Bledsoe in his last several games.



    That is a HUGE point, and one which I have raised (to the point of nausea, I know :) ). The Bills front office, including both TD and Mr. Butler, neglected the OL so badly, that the careers of qbs (including that of Jim Kelly) were cut short. These guys are so badly beaten up, it is hard to imagine yet alone expect productivity.


    As Albany NY stated, Evans will have to be truly great for his pick to make sense. We now have a fast wr who will be speeding downfield while his qb lies on the turf, bruised and bloodied. They could have taken Losman and kept the first pick in 05.


    Or, will McNally, the guy whose teams have given up 57 sacks in the last 18 games, change this sad scene? I am not holding my breath.

  13. Bro, I am not ashamed to say that I was a HUGE supporter of RJ. He had the arm, size, accuracy, and he could run like a friggin dear. Once in a while, I sometimes catch myself thinking that someday, he will get it together and be a great NFL QB, because of all of those amazing skills.


    That said, the guy is out of football. He just cant get it done. Sad indeed.

  14. So maybe I'll give it a shot.


    First, how many sacks has Mike given up this season so far?  I assume that you've reviewed the game tape for the past two games carefully in order to support this position?


    Also, I have watched the two games and I have watched Smith and although he has struggled at times with assignments and run blocking (as any first year starter will be expected to do, he actually performed quite well.


    You see, the thing is you guys love to throw all of this theory around as if you know what your talking about, but the reality is that you don't.  Most of those sacks were caused by exploiting the Bills blocking scheme up the middle.  Two guys can't block three.  Last time I checked I don't recall Smith's job assignment including the need to block more than one guy.


    The most offensive of the sacks (at least three of them) were failed blitz pick-ups by backs and Hbacks.  A few more of them (at least two of them) were coverage sacks where Drew simply hung onto the ball to damn long and should have thrown the thing away.  But you are now telling us all how Smith is a failure at guard and so is Williams at tackle.  Without knowledge of the Bills blocking assignments on any particular play, without knowledge of what the Raiders were doing defensively on any particular play, you are merely engaging in mental masturbation in explaining to us all how we need to fix the O-line.


    You guys make me laugh!  Rico states with authority that Williams is a bust because he can't pass block or run block, yet he cites no stats on sacks allowed for the games played this year nor does he cite any other stats that would possibly support his position, such as a comparison of success between runs to the right and left, or breakdowns of plays that failed due to a failed block by the guard vs the tackle on the right side. 


    But please, by all means keep us entertained with your solid expertise in O-line play and personnel evaluation.  :)



    BB, certainly you will agree that there are differing opinions on, and terminology of just what constitutes a "bust." Then, to what degree is a player a "bust?" Here is my take:


    When a team plays bad enough to acquire a #4, both the team and their fans have a right to see the selection have some positive impact on a team. Wrt Big Mike, here we are arguing about whether or not he was "tossed like a rag doll" or just flat out beaten by a semi-unknown linebacker.


    I tried as hard as I could to isolate on Big Mike vs the raiders, and he did OK from what I saw, but I was only able to focus on him approx 1/2 the time.


    My bottom line is simple....If he was a 3rd round pick, I would be OK with his play, but he was not. Again, he was a #4 in round 1, and is taking up WAY to much cap space as compared to his production. In hindsight, I am sorry he was selected. My guess is that you are too. So, is he a bust? All in all, I would say of course he is.

    All we can do is hope that his play improves, if only to a level where we are not speculating as to whether or not he can even play RT instead of OG.

  15. How do you expect to be consistent on offense without a scheme? We need to come up with a scheme that has personnel with which we can have balance success running and passing and only change this group in extreme situations such as goaline or 3rd and 10 plus. Either we need to run from a spread formation with 3 WR or be able to pass with either 2 WR and 2 backs or 2 WR and 2 TE sets. Like I’ve said times before you can pretty much predict the call based on our personnel in the game whether it is a run or pass as there is no uncertainty for the D. The offense never seems to try to establish a flow in any aspect. And since Drew is probably the worst play action QB in the league why bother with his half@$$ fake attempts.


    I think this team would be better suited to go back to 2002 style, utilizing 3 WR formations and spreading the defense out, especially if the utilize Evans speed over Shaw. Then teams would play more cover 2 against us. This would all work fine if the Bills run the ball consistently with this group on the field. With 2 backs or 2 TE’s in most of the times the D cheats their safeties up and play the run or blitz, either getting a sack or making Drew panic and dump the ball off. In this style our WR’s aren’t even given an attempt to be a part of the game as the whole offense sees to be dink and dunk with a few runs thrown in here and there. With 3 WR in the game there would have to be an extra DB in to cover them, taking away some run support. In the 3rd quarter with this group in we had our best drive that started at the 5-yard line. On that drive we missed the 4th and goal.


    Everybody keeps crying about our O-line; we ran the ball pretty well against 2 good run defenses. As a matter of fact if they had continued to run off tackle and if Henry had changed cleats earlier we could have had much better run production. Now here comes the hard part: most of the sacks come from blitzing and 1) Drew is not recognizing it quickly enough and 2) the backs and O-line aren’t adjusting. It is not as if our lineman are getting consistently beat one on one but more missed assignments and Drew holding onto the ball too long. As a matter of fact if we switched QB’s in yesterdays game to results would have been opposite as numerous times Gannon was pressured but he made plays under pressure; if he were Drew the Bills would have gotten 5 sacks yesterday. Drew and the backs must handle recognizing and picking up the blitz or we will see it again and again.



    Sorry, you are flat out wrong. Not only that, this is the most worn out excuse one could imagine, and has been since the inception of this board.


    Ostroski didn't suck. it was the "scheme." Fina was versatile. He didn't suck. The "scheme" did. Last year, we had talent on the OL. The coaching sucked. They needed a new "scheme." Year after year, this is what many say, and seem to believe.


    Please wake up. Since 95, the Bills have used countles schemes. There offense has sucked regardless of which scheme they used. Why? Because they cannot block, nor will they be able to for the forseeable future. Jennings (who is average) will be out of here. MW is in all probability a bust. The LG sucks and Teague is average at best. CV is good but not young. That said, TD gave away the first round pick in 05. Good luck getting a LT!


    McNally was to be our latest "scheme" savior. I even bought into this nonsense for a week. The truth is, teams that he has coached have given up 57 sacks in the last 18 games. Nobody has a worse record n terms of sacks allowed.


    The Bills on offense is a weak, slow unit. Our feature back is prone to fumbles, cannot block, drops passes, and has an IQ of about 3. They need blocking and some good drafts, but alas, we have no first round pick in 05.. It will take many years, and might require new management, perhaps even new ownership.

    The new "schemes" didn't work.

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