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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. lol, I would like to see these stats that prove MW is better than BM...


    I also would like to see the Viking front office and fans polled as to who they would rather have, BM or MW... I bet 100% would say BM.


    Hell, I'd like to see the BILLS front office and fans polled with the same question... wouldn't surprise me if it's close to 100% for BM, too.



    I fully agree. It would have been different if MW was a great RT. I would have gladly used a #4. To go a step further, I would be willing to part with an early pick for a great guard.

    The ugly truth is that MW is still struggling in his 3rd season, raised eyebrows in the offseason, and is killing the team's salary cap.

  2. I live in Minnesota and watch quite a few Vikings games.  BM isn't that good.


    Research was done during the offseason that showed, STATISTICALLY, that MW was actually *better* than BM.  If I recall correctly (and the person who had the link to stats for OL can maybe chime in), BM had given up MORE sacks than MW -- and to make matters worse, MW is blocking for a pocket passer while BM is blocking for a scrambler, thus the stats probably would've been even more in MW's favor had roles been reversed.


    Culpepper has been sacked 6 times through the first 2 games (excluding yesterday, since ESPN hasn't updated it yet).  DB was sacked 8 times.  Culpepper has fumbled the ball away (in the red zone) multiple times as well.  Both have thrown only 1 interception.


    So stop saying that BM is leaps and bounds ahead of MW, because it's simply not true.  People around here get it in their head that something is a certain way and they never veer away from that, even when presented with evidence.  Reuben Brown "always getting a flag every game" was another myth that was proven to be false, yet people still say it like it's true.





    Did you watch the vikes yesterday? I did, and McKinnie was awesome. Thisis not to say that I watch him every game, because I do not, but he had the blindside secured yesterday, and opened holes for running plays.

  3. Yes, and they bulldozed numerous neighborhoods also, in addition to their illegal border crossing.


    Great solution... find one terrorist in the middle of a city, and bomb a hole through the block. BRILLIANT!  Israel, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    Well VT, it IS interesting that you point the middle finger at Israel, while ignoring the little part of the article which states that Hamas has murdered hundreds of Jews.


    Have you any pointers for Israel in terms of how they should defend themselves from those who murder their babies because they are Jewish? If so, by all means contact them.

    In the meantime, I wonder if they have found all the body parts yet of this latest dead Hamas terrorist scubbag. :devil:

  4. I guess I really fail to see your point.  The offense is as bad as we think.  I dont solely blame any one individual (except Donahoe, for failing to address key needs). 

    Our OL is terrible, yes.  They fail to adapt, they miss obvious assignments... 


    Bledsoe is washed up.  He has no confidence left, only a strong throwing arm.  He proceeds to use that throwing arm by missing wide open receivers, throwing above their heads or at their feet.


    We have no full back.  Who can block in the backfield?  Shelton?  Henry? ???  At least with L. Centers, Bledsoe could just throw the ball his way to get rid of it...


    We do have one of the best receivers in the game.  Unfortunately, there is no real threat otherwise.  Josh Reed has fallen of the face of the planet after a strong rookie year, and Lee Evans is being sorely under-utilized.  Bobby Shaw is what he is...a decent depth receiver, but nothing more.


    The only thing I do wish that this team would utilize more would be more two-back plays.  If we dont have a good FB, at least we could throw a few defenses off with the ball going either way...to Willis or Travis.  If they dont like sharing time, screw em.  Its a team sport, and theyre currently 0-2



    If you are going to give us such good posts, please register.


  5. So basically what you're saying is that every time he only has 2 seconds to throw he's going to take a sack instead of reacting to the pressure by dumping it off, sliding in the pocket, or throwing the ball away?


    I've seen TONS of QBs have guys come unblocked at them and many times they still make positive plays.  That rarely happens with Drew.


    Jimmy Johnson had an accurate statement at the half of the Indy/GB game today when he said, "defenses should defense good QBs and Blitz bad ones."  Tell me, what do defenses do against Drew?  And I don't even want to hear the oline argument, if the D sends more players than the O have blockers someone is going to come free, its up to the QB to make a play.



    You and Jimmy Johnson are right. Now, all we can do is hope that Losman doesn't get maimed behind this pile of stevestojan, but history tells us that he will.

    It is still a game of blocking and tackling.

  6. For those without the time/desire to click on the link, Israel went INTO Syria and killed a Hamas scumbag. If you scroll down, it describes how they were picking up his body parts.


    I suspect that if/when President Bush is re-elected, there will be lots of filthy, dirty scumbags killed as such across the Middle East. In the meantime, hats off to Israel. I salute such a skilled, wonderful act.Burn in Hell, terrorist scumbag!

  7. You still haven't answered Todd's question about his decision-making. Fortunately for Drew, I don't think anyone outside teh Bills org keeps a stat for that.





    Well, it must be hard to decide whether or not to get another concussion, or perhaps a broken leg while playing behind the likes of the Bills OL. :rolleyes:

  8. GW was ugly but it really only cost us one year of underacheivement. The rosters we had his first two years were JButler specials and we had no hope of reaching the postseason. Even last year with competent coaching we were likely no better than a wildcard one/done team.

    Implying that a single draft pick (which the jury is still out on) is some sort of major setback for an organization is not something I can even consider remotely realistic.

    How on earth can you say that when you are constantly lamenting our failure to cripple our salary cap by giving a huuuuuge portion of it to a single player like Pace, Ogden, etc.? And while Mike Williams has yet to be all we hoped for, he hasn't been anywhere near as bad as many continue to try and make him out to be.

    Nonsense. He's essentially playing his first year of NFL ball and has been pretty effective as a DE on one of the league's best defenses.

    No, his first draft was absolutely freaking spectacular, the best of '02 and one of the very best in the entire league over the last 3 years.

    As for assessing his other ones(which it may still be too early for), I think maybe you should compare them to other teams' drafts instead of some dream draft which nobody could ever hope to measure up to.

    I disagree that our OLine is shabby as they have played pretty well so far in a very tough situation to open the year, not to mention protecting Bledsoe may very well be the toughest task in the NFL.

    And I think first round picks are overrated, with only like 50% ever actually panning out. Besides our 2005 1strounder is already on our roster getting an important year of experience.


    Don't let yourself fall in with the hand-wringers Bill. We are not in that bad of shape.





    Although I am soothed by your optimism, with all due respect, I infer that not all of it is rational. Where do I start?


    1) As "great" as you proclaim the 02 draft to be, Clements is showboating and missing plays. Travis fumbles, and cannot block nor catch. Jennings wants out. Schobel is good, but I want more from him.


    2) Please, for me :doh: , do not mention MW in a sentence with two Hall of Fame LTs. MW is an out of shape, head case RT, who I wish would be tried at LG. The way his contract was structured, according to BuffaloBob, (a seemingly very good source), is crippling. His salary is only 726,000 next year. It will cost millions of cap dollars to cut this blob. Again, this was a NUMBER FRICKEN FOUR!!! Certainly, you are not pleased with this pick, are you?


    3) Protecting Drew is such a tough task because this OL already made sure he was half dead. Again, 110 sacks in 2 seasons plus 2 games. How many other hits? This OL has itself to blame.


    4) As for the first rounder in 05, how DO we improve this OL? McNally? Drew has already been sacked what, 9 times in 2 games? Thanks Coach. :rolleyes: But seriously, don't you think that we need to devote high picks to cure this ill?


    5) What about MaGahee? Why is he not in there? Henry is missing blocks, batting up passes for ints, averaging 3 yds per carry, and he hasn't even started fumbling the football yet. Why again did we pass on Steinbach (sic) if we are not to use MaGahee when our "feature" back is floundering?


    My point is Bro, that it all is adding up to a mess, and someone has to be accountable. Why not TD?

  9. That'd be a great post if you discount the fact (which once again you have) that his career record as a GM is over .500. And that even includes the 3-13 year he absorbed with John Butler's mess, while also discluding two Stillers teams that posted 13-3 and 10-5-1 records with rosters he assembled. Darn those pesky facts again.

    Actually, if you were to count only each of the teams he had actually assembled, his career record as a GM would possibly be the best of any GM in the salary cap era. Kind of like his draft run from 88-98 is probably the best in the history of the NFL

    So even though he's done as good of work as anybody ever has, we should just go ahead and dump him for somebody you can't even name.


    Donahoe is 38-12


    Those two statements are equally factual.

    Which is to say that both of them are complete and utter bullshlt.



    But Simon, at some point, he has to be held accountable for Mike and Greg Williams. These were not minor setbacks.

    MW is going to cripple the salary cap of the Buffalo Bills football team for at least another two seasons. Denney is another horror show, and he traded up to get him. His first draft was good. The rest have been suspect at best. Although I readily admit that it is FAR too early to judge the latest one, we ARE a team with no wins, a shabby OL, and no first round pick in 05. Sad indeed.

  10. Great post Bill.


    The thing is, the anti Bledsoe contingent here wants to blame him for EVERYTHING that goes wrong.  It's a team sport.  If the line doesn't do their part up front that hinders Bledsoe from doing his part.  That also hinders Travis Henry from doing his job, and the WR's to do theirs.  We haven't SERIOUSLY addressed our offensive line in a long time.  It's no suprise that our best years in the NFL came with an offensive line with 3 pro bowlers on it.  We don't even have 3 TOILET BOWLERS on this line now.........



    >>>We don't even have 3 TOILET BOWLERS on this line now......... <<<


    I beg to differ. :rolleyes:

  11. Put Bledsoe behind the OL of Seattle, the Eagles and those teams continue to win ?? Cough,cough,cough,cough...


    and the Pats win 2 Superbowls in the past 3 years. Right ?  They don't even make the playoffs if Bledsoe was still starting.



    Why Mark, why? He already took a team to the superbowl, (perhaps 2). Why is he all of as sudden an inadequate qb, given his incredible skills?

    My answer is that the Bills Organization neglects the issue of blocking. He was destroyed because of the fat, slow, inept garbage that is supposed to protect him. Then, when they try to address it, we are looking at Mike Williams with a #4 pick.


    Drew must go? Probably. How about if he packs TD in his suitcase?

  12. Great post Bill.  I don't have a LOT of confidence with Bledsoe but our offensive line has sucked since 1994. 


    I bet if we got the stats from every team in the NFL since 1994 we would be in the bottom 5 in sacks allowed over that time span.


    It's easy to blame Bledsoe when you see him on his back all the time........but that starts with the 2 seconds he gets to throw a lot of the time.


    You can get a pass off in 2 seconds if your recievers get open, ours don't usually do that though either.



    To clarify my stance, I too think that Drew is done. The thing is, I think it was the Bills OL that put the nails in his NFL coffin.

    When he got here, he WAS coming off a major injury, and he still did well. In 2 years (and 2 games) he has been sacked approx. 110 times, and taken countless other brutal hits. Who could survive, let alone thrive?

    I can never understand why one would downplay the role of the big, strong guys in such a brutal sport.

  13. Kelly had limited mobility and was playing poorly. I have read multiple posters blaming the line for his supposed sudden retirement. I never bought into that. He had taken too many hits in the USFL, prior to even coming here. He was DONE when he retired. His play was declining rapidly. He couldn't move and was forcing/floating passes that last year.


    RJ sucked everywhere,despite having footwork and couldn't make decisons, like another #11.


      Do the Eagles have a great OL ?  The Colts ? Look at those starters. They made some good plays and many bad ones.


    It's the ability of their skill players. No question.



    I suppose that we view football in a different manner. Some people look at the championship cowboys and see Aikman, Smith and Irvin.

    Imo, they were winners because of Tunei, Erik Williams, Stepnowski, Newton, Allen, etc. Leon Lett tossing our blockers around didn't hurt either.

    And to answer your question, both of those lines are better than ours. Tarik Glenn alone is better than our entire offensive front.

  14. Yeah, but "Mike Williams has better STATS". :rolleyes:


    I've looked at several Vikings boards & see no one who is unhappy at his performance last year or this year. To the contrary, Vikings fans like him & slam the hell out of RT Mike Rosenthal (or at least they used too... he got hurt in the Philly game & is out for the year.)



    You DO know that we are torturing ourselves, right? :doh:

  15. Nothing to worry about,

    If you got in his face, he wouldn't get mad,

    he'd only cry.



    Do you recall those posts about how McKinnie is not doing well, etc.?

    I watched the vikes today in order to specifically watch McKinnie. Bottom line? He kicked ass!!! He protected the blindside all frickin day, and is on his way to being one of the best in the NFL.

    Nice move TD. :rolleyes::doh::huh:

  16. Flutie started many of his plays by rolling out because when he stayed in the pocket, many of his passes were blocked. Remember? This somewhat nullified the rush from the other side, and created a situation where the offensive linemen did not have to hold their blocks for more than a second or two, (not that they were able to).

    Defenses beat Flutie by staying back and keeping him in the pocket. He did not have the arm to deliver downfield passes. That said, he WAS one of the most exciting players I ever saw.

    My post is not a knock on Flutie. My quarrel with your post is your comment about the OL. It is killing any hope of bringing the Lombardi Trophy to Buffalo, and has been doing so for close to 10 years. TD is no better than Mr Butler in this regard, perhaps worse. At least on the only occasion that Mr Butler drafted an offensive lineman in the first round (Ruben Brown), he was good, unlike Bust Williams at #4.

  17. Give Kerry an 8 and 7 point lead. I lost the link, but read the article today on 1010wins.com, a NY news radio station. One month ago, Kerry had an 18 point lead. The article also spoke of a 48-48 tie in NJ., this no doubt partially due to the McGreevy saga. This is NOT a good sign for Kerry. If he is in trouble in his wacko liberal base, forget about middle America!


    I am truly thinking that the Dems didn't want this election. If this sounds like a "conspiracy theory", so be it, but I have seen it before. Does anybody believe that the repubs thought that an old, boring pervert (Bob Dole) had a chance to beat a charismatic Bill Clinton? I do not.


    There could be no better news for Hillary. Certainly, she is wishing for a Bush victory, so she can make her move in 08. I also doubt that she wants Teresa around for 8 years as a vocal, prominent First Hag.

    As much as the President is not a great speaker, he will destroy Ketchup Kerry in the debates. It will resemble an episode of the "Munsters," starring John Kerry as Herman.

    Kerry is toast.

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