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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. KG concentrated on passing plays, this on a football team with no blocking and a qb with a great arm, but could barely move. If YOU were a Defensive Coordinator, what would YOU do against this situation?

    Simple. You would blitz again and again. So would I. During the Gilbride era, this is how teams killed us. They sacked us more than 100 times in 2 seasons. During this disaster, Travis Gump was our tailback. Defenses were either:

    1) Running past him in order to kill our qb.

    2) Laying back because Bledsoe CAN throw. He is probably not what the Bills need, but the man CAN throw the football.


    The above enabled Gump to compile yards, and win over many Bills fans with good running stats. During this period, he fumbled, dropped passes, feuded with management, whiffed blocks, missed a team flight, had sex with a 15 year old, and slid on his stupid ass on critical plays. Putting stats aside, he sucks. Yes, he flat out sucks. His dropped pass handed extra time for the jests to score before halftime and in theory, lost us another football game.


    Was this loss his fault alone? Not at all! Kevin Thomas is a laughing a-hole, and I dont even want to get started about Jennings other than to say adios, you lazy, disloyal sack of stevestojan! Shaw? Please!!!

    Be it as it may, Travis Gump is hurting our football team and needs to sit, and soon.

  2. OK...I'll bite. I'll try and have a civil conversation with you about our running back situation.

    Who should start next week? Travis. He should start. He did nothing to lose his starting job today.

    But I liked the balance today between using the two guys, and I think there's a way to make that work. Willis finally got some carries, and we finally used him in short-yardage situations (twice, I believe), and guess what? It worked.

    Martin, who is an early-season MVP candidate, was held to 77 yards on 22 carries. Travis and Willis had 75 yards on 20 carries. I'll say it again...our running backs our not our problem.

    Maybe you can address another topic, Bill? If you think Willis wasn't involved enough, how do you feel about Lee Evans?



    Gump dropped the easy pass that was right in his hands before the two minute warning in the 1st half. This afforded the jests extra time for the field goal. Yes or no?


    MaGahee can block. He has not yet missed a flight, nor been caught having sex with a 15 year old.


    Civil conversation? Thank you. Please join me in the thread I am about to start about travis Gump.

  3. That's exactly what I mean Bill. You want to blame one frickin' guy for a loss? That's so stupid, I can't believe I'm responding to it. What about our defensive line, who couldn't get in Pennington's face if Chad had to count to 15 before he was allowed to throw? What about our DBs who can't over Wayne Chrebet? Let that sink in for a second. WAYNE CHREBET. What about our punter, who hasn't had a punt worth a s-h-i-t today? What about Evans or Reed, who can't get open? What about Moulds, who like Travis, also has a drop today?

    The whole team sucks. To point your finger at Travis and say he's losing the game is just plain dumb. It's beyond dumb. It's frickin' retarded.



    Just tell us one more time how good he is!

  4. Travis runs up the field and good things happen.

    Travis goes sideline to sideline and it might as well be Sam Adams in at tailback.





    He might want to try catching passes that are right in his hands as well, no Dave?

    That drop stopped the clock and gave the jests time to go down the field for 3.


    So far, Travis Gump is on his stupid way to losing the Bills another football game.

  5. >>>It's sad that some people around here sit and root against Travis Henry, just for the sake of coming on this board to bash him and say, "I told you so." Christ, the guy hasn't even lost a fumble yet. Wait until that happens. Bill in NYC and his clones will cause this board to malfunction, rip the guy, and forget everything positive that Travis has done for this team.<<<


    Dave, this was an unfair posting. I have never in my life rooted against a Bills player, and this includes Travis Henry. I want the Bills to win every bit as much as you do. Please. :D


    That said, I am SO much of a fan of the Bills, Bills fans and WNY that I dont sit and say all is well when a player is stinking up the field. You are entitled to your image of Travis as this stud running back. As for me, I look at more than stats. I am seeing missed blocks, wrong routes, and a guy falling on his ass on critical plays, game after friggin game. Apparently you haven't noticed this but again, that's OK.


    The game starts in less than 90 minutes. I will be here cheering for Travis as much as you, and I hope he can do things to win us games, not lose them.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. the Bills have a great chance of beating the jests today.

    The guy on the show blamed Bledsoe for the patriots loss, and Francessa corrected him, and stated that Travis Henry was to blame for falling down on what he called a touchdown run.


    I want this game SO much. I want to listen to WFAN tomorrow and hear the jests fans do what they do best...whine.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Willis needs to be in the game. We took him #1 because he's a major offensive weapon. He did us no good last year and this year they have him on the banch. This just makes zero sense to me. He's the bigger back of the two WHY NOT use him on 3rd and short or 4th and inches?

    Please, someone tell me why?



    Frez, I liken Willis to an Edgerin James type of rb. He is as you said, big and strong, and seems to bring a complete game in terms of ability. Guys like him need lots of work to wear down a defense. Imo, he is not a little scat back (like a Dave Meggett) who is made to come in and catch a 3rd down short pass.


    Given the recent performance of Travis, I see no reason not to use him on some drives. If AKC is correct, and they are leaving Travis in to soothe his ego, our problems run even deeper than we suspect.

  8. Debatable whether Losman's agility makes the line "better", or merely covers up some of their faults. Only 27 sacks given up in 1999 (the year DF played all but the last game), but there were 97 rushing attempts by Bills QBs, and Bills RBs only averaged 3.6 ypc that season. Everyone thought the line was better, but it was only because Flutie was more adept at getting away......


    Back to this year. I'd agree, the O-line has been taking some unwarranted flak. They certainly aren't the Hogs or the '67 Packers, but they could use a little help from RBs/TEs not blowing their blitz pickups, too. And we're well aware that Drew doesn't have Doug's wheels. The Bills might be giving up 5 sacks/game, but the line certainly isn't to blame for all of them...


    Considering that any chance of developing cohesiveness in camp/preseason was sabotaged by the Williams situation, I'm cautiously optimistic that they'll get better, not worse, as the season goes on.


    Optimistic, or maybe just hopeful.



    Great post Lori. I dont think that this is a good OL, but they would look much better with a little support, especially from the backs.

  9. It's hard for me to agree with anyone who hacks on the Oline from Sunday if they don't at least acknowledge that the line played MUCH better than they had been playing, and maybe even GOOD overall, up until the injuries. The first half they played pretty well. The only sack given up was when L.Smith tripped Bledsoe accidentally when he was pulling to the right. We all know that the  ONLY way you ever see Bledsoe completing 50 yd passes is when he has plenty of time and protection.



    Good point. The OL is solid, thanks to McNally. The fact that the giants can NOW block after McNally left is a fluke because he is great. Jennings is great, as is Teague. Smith is a stud, and Big Mike is worth 36 million.

    Agreed? :lol:

  10. Many have people painted him to be this solid bookend left tackle. You know who you are.


    Imo, Jennings is out of position. He is fat, and not terribly athletic. Some great LTs such as Pace, Jones, etc. are able excel with such a gut. Jennings is not.


    As hard as it is to get a LT, why did Jennings go in round 3? There HAD to have been a reason. My thinking is that he would have been/was a decent RT. I don't think he has the agility to be a great LT. He is not all that strong either.

    The above is bad enough, but his biggest flaw is the fact that he is all too often injured. I question just how serious some of his injuries were, and how motivated he is as a player.

    In 05, he will be a ufa and want 30 million or so. TD, because he is a horse's ass and squandered our 1st round pick (perhaps a #1), will be tempted to give him the cash. That said, put me on record as wanting both of these losers out of town!


    Next year, we can go with Price and not lose much. We will probably lose 13 games or so, but if TD is gone, perhaps we will still have an early #1.


    Jennings wants to join Peerless in Atlanta. I say goodbye to the over-rated injury prone slacker, and good riddance.

  11. It certainly is funny to see how folks lambasted Teague and his play in the past and now that he is gone, they declare us as being lost without him.


    Folks can't have it both way.  Anyone who complained about Teague should be dancing with joy now.


    I think the big issue for the Bills is that Tucker better be the smart-Princeton boy we hope he is or we are in big trouble.  If not perhaps Sobieski is bback sooner than anyone would have guessed when he got cut.



    Is that THE big issue FFS? What about "King of all Sacks" McNally? Remember, the guy who despite 49 sacks allowed by his team last season, was portrayed as a savior? The second he left NJ his their OL was 10 times better, yes or no? Was he not supposed to make all our blockers pro-bowlers? You as I recall bought into this nonsense, did you not?


    Please. Teague sucks, as will his replacement. This is because of more than a decade of neglect in the area of blocking. Care to comment?

  12. This Old Man, he draft one,

    He draft one with knee that's bum.

    With a knick knack paddywack, give the fans a bone,

    TD Man can't win at home.



    This old man, He's named Tom.

    Drafted Williams, what a bomb.

    With a few Big Macs and a case or 2 of beers,

    Our cap's shot for many years.

  13. Then Tom drafted Travis in a move that looked like gold.

    Until he went and had sex with a 10 year old.

    He gives away the ball, wont block nor catch a pass,

    And when we need a big play he just falls on his ass.


    Stupid he is, Travis Gump, Hen-a-ry.

  14. >>>Does the concept of "turn the other cheek" pass you by?<<<


    Assuming (which I do) that this question is not sarcastic, I must say that it is a good one. Perhaps it is a small sample of that seperates the so called liberals from conservatives.


    In almost every instance of my life, the answer in no, it most certainly does not pass me by. I am forgiving of others as a general rule, and hope to be forgiven for my mistakes.

    That said, I do not forgive the Islamic fundamentalists that killed us. There are way too many dead cops, firefighters and civilians for me to be so kind. Furthermore, I am sorry to say that imo, a large portion of the Islamic community is actually glad that they killed us. Not all mind you, but too many. As for Iraq, Saddam funded families of Palestinian suicide bombers so that they could kill Jews. F^%k him and his "general."


    My fear for my children is that they wont stop. No, we must continue to kill these terrorists. We cannot be "Kerry Candyasses" and go suck up to Germany and Frace, asking them for permission to defend our country.


    Hey, imagine if Jews were doing these things. What if Jews murdered 35 babies in Iraq? How about if Jews killed hundreds in a Russian school? What would be happening around the world? How many would be "turning the other cheek?"


    Anyway, I am sorry to say that my "cheek-turning" probably ended on September 12.

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