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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. I remember that too, but I could have sworn it was against Cincy in 1989.  Did it happen against San Diego too?  What I remember about the SD game in 1980 was Fergy and his broken ankle.  Bills were clinging to a lead late in the game and an INT bounced off someone's chest (Charlie Romes?).  Naturally, Foutes throws a TD pass on the next play and Bills lose.



    I guess we are both gluttons for punishment.

  2. Think my all time worst is in a playoff game agaisnt San diego, early 80's, 4th and 4. Bills call time out, come on the field and get first down with pass to Lou Piccone. Trailing by seven, bills continue drive in SD territory. But wait, there is a flag!(havent seen much of those lately lol). Guess what?, coming out of a TIME OUT, bills took to long to get play off. 4th and nine not completed, playoff game lost.


    Think that is how I remember it, but twas early in my drinking career.



    I remember that play. Are you SURE it was not against the Bengals? I was thinking then and now that it was a fixed game. The mob was stronger in those days.

  3. Take all the stats aside and the fact remains that Drew IS NOT a leader.  We need a spark - similar to Pennington when he started for the Jets.  He got his whole team pumped up.  Brady did the same thing for the Patriots.  Big ben is doing it right now for the Steelers. 

    Sorry to say it but you are wrong, wrong, wrong.  Stop defending a losing cause.  As certain as the Red Sox choke and are not "winners", so goes Drew.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Drew is a great guy but he just can't get it done.  He's had four games to prove himself (not to mention a previous season and a half of sucking) and he still has yet to get it done.  Hell, I'll bet $1000 that if JP starts four games, he will win one of them.  Any takers form the Drew apologists?



    >>> Hell, I'll bet $1000 that if JP starts four games, he will win one of them.<<<


    Big deal. How long will it take him to get injured behind this OL, with a rb who misses blocks continuously?

    The problems lie WAY deeper than merely the qb position. That is the point I am trying to make.

  4. I agree with you that  Drew has played relatively well.  My issues with Bledsoe don't all relate to his ability to complete passes though.  In my opinion, it's what Drew can't do that limits the offense and therefore leads to predictability.  Let me see if I can explain what I mean.


    Drew is a known commodity in the NFL.  Every defensive coordinator in the league knows precisely what he can and can't do but it's the "can't do's" that hurt him and us the most.  It's a well documented fact that Bledsoe is as mobile as a maple tree.  Most people look at this and say, "see the guy can't avoid a sack" which is true but only adds to the problem.  His  immobility allows defensive coordinators to gameplan much more aggressively than they would be able to do with a more mobile QB.  Here's what I see


    1.  Defensive ends can rush with abandon, they have no concern about containment.


    2.  Defense coordinators can allow their CB's to play a lot of zone without  "peeking" into the backfield.  They have no worries that Drew is going to take off.  This gives them the opportunity to "jump routes" and lock onto the recievers and play their hands.  If you watch how DB's play McNair and McNabb you'll see what I mean.  They're always looking into the backfield.


    3.  Bledsoe's immobilty forces a limitation in the playbook.  Roll outs are possible but inneffective because the LB's are not worried about Drew taking off therefore they can be extremely aggressive.



    Mike, all of the above is true. The question is, what can be done about this?


    Answer #1: Blocking, the key ingredient in football. Sometimes I truly believe that as Bills fans, we have been denied this precious commodity for SO long, that we almost disregard it, and look toward our "skill players" to always bail us out.


    Answer #2: We simply cannot have players dropping beautiful passes, running wrong routes, and a rb standing there like a total fool after missing a key block, especially given the limitations Drew does have.


    What frustrates me is that I cannot see a future plan in place for the Bills to become a tough team on the offensive side. Where will we get a Left tackle after Jennings leaves? How much of our cap space will be down the toilet to a hopefully average RT? How long will it take Losman to get maimed?


    Imo, these are bigger concerns than Drew Bledsoe.

  5. How are you going to make adjustments with this sorry sack of **** offensive line we have? The Jets rushed 4 against our 6 blockers and sacked Bledsoe in less than 3 seconds. Just what game plan do you want to have with this garbage? The Evans deep ball worked because we max protected and they were playing 8 in the box against the run and ew got single coverage on Evans. The max protection worked because they were playing the run first, pass second. This won't work every play as our O-line is one of the most god-awful in the history of the game.


    So just what adjusments do you want to make? This isn't Madden dude.





    I have been posting the same thoughts for 5 years or so and have never said it as well. Good work.

    McNally was going to snap his fingers and cure this too, remember?

  6. Miami would be a good destination for Drew


    Bills should trade him before Wanny and Spielman get fired.



    Actually obie, I think that Drew would win games on the rams. Their qb has the luxury of not having to worry about a blindside rush.

    I also concede the fact that it IS time for another Bills qb. The Bills organization has not cared much about blocking for 10 years or so (except when in an oh so smart move, they drafted MW in 02), so it is about time for another qb to get slaughtered.

    Losman will run away from trouble for a while. Then what will happen?

  7. I really can't discount "Angry Man's" argument, he makes all good points. I guess everyone really should stop complaining about TH and if you have to complain, B word and moan about the poor blocking up front. Put TH on most any other team in the league and he might actually put some great numbers up, not that he hasn't done that already with a very average at best, line in Buffalo!!



    Too many posters lately have been ordering others what NOT to complain about. Reminder....the Bills, a team not without talent, are 0-4. There will be complaints, some will even be about teflon heros.


    As for Henry, even I, as a consistent critic of his, will not question his toughness. He has proven that he will play hurt, and SHOULD come off the field when he is unable to help the team because he is injured.


    That said, there are far more things that a rb must do besides run. Travis has not done ANY of these things well in 04, thus the criticism.

  8. We can talk about the players until our heads blow off. (As a matter of fact, Bill in NYC could be in grave danger should he make another anti-Travis post.) But the bottom line is, I think we are 0-4 and going nowhere fast because of Tommy D's lack of success on draft day.

    I think he did the right thing by trading for Bledsoe. It hasn't worked out like we had hoped, but it was the right move at the right time. His free agent pickups have been very good...Takeo, Vincent, Villarial, London, Lawyer, Sam, etc.

    But I don't think you build a successful team around free agent pickups. You do that through the draft and player development, then you look at your weaknesses and fill the holes with free agents.

    His drafts have been, for the most part, BIG failures, and that's why we are what we are...a bad football team. Granted, some of the players haven't had enough time to develop to make an accurate assessment of their ability to be quality NFL players. Willis hasn't had enough time to heal from his injury to judge whether or not he will be the star we hope he will be. But the fact is, several players have been huge disappointments, given the time they've had to develop, where they were taken in the draft, the money they get paid, and their lack of production on the field.

    I mean, really, does anyone think a light is going to come on in Ryan Denney's head and he's going to turn in to a good player? Josh Reed?

    It's true that some of our better players make too many mistakes (Eric and Travis first come to mind). But the fact is the people around them aren't good enough to overcome those mistakes, so it's those mistakes that people remember and those players (especially Travis) get the most criticism.

    For example, you don't see 20 threads about Josh Reed, even those he's on pace to catch 16 passes this season. Read that last sentence again. 16 passes. Yet there are dozens of negative posts about Travis, who despite his mistakes and limitations, is on pace for 1,100 yards.

    The fact is, we have some good veteran Bills and many very good free agents who have become Bills. But Tom has failed this team on draft day, and I think that's reason No. 1 why we are sitting at 0-4.



    Dave, your post was great, but will you at least be fair?

    How many hundreds of posts did you sit through telling us how wonderful Josh Reed is? Do you recall me or anyone else stating that Josh was worth a top 10 pick? This is just a sample of the "Travis is Great" postings. Several posters actually suggested that the Raiders would give up Gallery for Henry.


    Travis is tough and did some very good things but his shortcomings (of which I will spare you the list) are NOT new. It was primarily me, SDS and VA Bills who were never sold on him as a great back. VA Bills certainly caught even more heat than I did.


    As for the rest, we see eye to eye. Please, look at my major complaint about TD in this thread! It is about Mike Williams at #4 and his draft record overall. I cannot even imagine passing up a superior player in McKinnie, a LT to boot. It is mind boggling.


    One last thing...I hope Travis plays well. I am no less of a fan than you Dave. Different things will annoy us about this team because we are different people. Where is the crisis? I am not feeling it.

  9. Brian Wilson was a true genius. Even after his mind was toast, he came out with songs such as Heros and Villians, Sail on Sailor, and my personal Beachboy favorite, "Surf's Up."


    I also put him in my top 5 musicians for getting stoned out, along with Keith Richards, Rick James, Jerry Garcia and David Crosby.

    Did I omit any high-flyers?

  10. Article in the Sun today by Mike Preston chronicalling the woes of Kyle Boller.  It's an article that needed to be written, having witnessed Boller in action first hand at the Redskin game on Sunday.  He was just flat out awful.  Anyway, Preson goes on to say that, not to worry, Kyle, the Bills are coming in two weeks and you can get whole again Kyle.


    That p*ssed me off.  On the other hand, it's locker room material, and our guys need to wallpaper their locker room with this kind of stuff.



    Pretty dumb. I was at RWS last year and they knocked him out of the game, then kicked poor RJ's ass.

  11. I mostly agree Steve. Player wise, he couldn't have done much more. Not many of us expected greatness from the Oline, but didn't think it would be this bad either. While I think Mularky will be considered a good coach in the future, a known commodity probably could have brought a little more immediate success. More discipline and Henry would probably lost some playing time for all his missed blitz pickups. Yeah I know, McGahee missed one too but he is usually solid in this area. This is unacceptable. You don't want to point fingers but I would call a guy out if it meant him pulling his head out of his a**.



    Very good point Jason, and perhaps MM did take a step in that direction when he put MaGahee in the jest game.

    I still like MM WAY more than GW. At least Gilbride is gone.

  12. I dont hate him.


    I have issues, huge issues, with his draft record. It will take the team years to recover if Big Mike is a bust, which appears more than likely. Even if he improves and is a good RT, sorry...not enough, especially when McKinnie was there.


    Josh Reed and Denney were two other disasters. You speak of MaGahee, but is he ready to go? Our OGs could have been Steinbach (sic) and CV!

  13. Agree 100%.  We need a better line, but a young QB was the priority and I think/hope we got a good one.  Also agree that I'd rather pick up an experienced lineman through free agency than a hit or miss, wait to develop, draft pick.



    Well, in terms of the LT position, the draft seems like the way to go, and these guys are grabbed immediately on draft day. Jones, Anderson, McKinnie, Pace and Ogden were all drafted by their respective teams, as were most other top LTs.

    The only exception that I know of was Roaf who was traded, but as I vaguely recall, there was some sort of personal problem. I mention this position specifically because Jennings has stated that he wants out.


    I am all for OL help in free agency, and have been for years, but again, it might be tough to impossible to get a quality LT as a free agent. This is why I was hoping so that TD would take McKinnie instead of a RT at #4. :ph34r:

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