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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Sorry just had a close Navy buddy die of lung cancer from smoking...picture kinda hit a nerve.  Not all of our soldiers. airman and sailors are smokers....but it does make you look so tough....


    May God rest his soul.

    As much as I regret the death of a hero (which I consider him, sight unseen), I am about people, including property owners, having the right to make choices.

    Sorry if this flies of the face of the religion of new liberalism.

  2. Has a close-up of a US Marine, dirty and a little bloody, smoking a cigarette. It's a beautiful picture.


    Thank-you to all those who served/are serving now.


    You're all heroes.



    If that picture of that heroic American was taken in a NYC bar, the owner would be fined. His or her establishment would then be searched, and the owner could be fined once again for "Ashtray Possession." Nice work leftists! :(:)


    Now, we are over there concerned about "freedom."

  3. I'll buy that, Dan. Still thinking about how they waited til the last minute to pick up Teague's roster bonus option. And as far as making changes - how many games do you think this coaching staff would've given Mike Pucillo last season? Certainly not the whole season (until he got hurt), I'd wager....



    Do you think that Bills Brass views Teague as either a starting or backup LT next year? It wouldn't surprise me.

  4. I guess the good comparison to do is with the Pats and look at how they built themselves sice they clearly have a winning product and compare that to the Bills and how they have built themselves.


    I will bow and sing the praises of any others who do this work and perhaps one day I will get to it as well. Off hand, i would say that for the first Pats SB winner free agency acquisitions and specifically cap casualties were the key to building the team which won the SB for the 2001 season.  My recollection is that they picked up about 1/3 of their team after June 1st by getting no names like Antowain Smith and through hard work and dumb luck they became a TEAM.


    Its interesting because I have seen the old saw repeated on TSW that "like the Pats" we must build through the draft" but this view appears to be conventional wisdom which has some but is false as saying it was central as draft picks like first rounder Seymour played important roles but were sidelights to their real story.  To the extent the draft was actually important to this team it was the low priority unplanned contributions of 6th round pick Tom Brady rather than their higher profile 1st day picks.


    The draft seemed to play a bigger role in the 2003 SB winning team as picks like Bethel Johnson played a key role, but still it would be interesting to see a fuller look at this team as the big acqusitions from my view were FAs like Rodney Harrison.


    I think that as the Bills retool and TD goes along his path the Bills are not focusing building through the draft, but that is probably OK as few winners do in the modern NFL.



    As for free agency, there are only so many very good players out there in any given year (Bryce, TKO, and Tait are examples).

    There are others who can fill holes, but are not stars. The rest are very often big names that are past their primes, or undeserving of huge salaries (Peerless and Cowart come to mind).

    Because of the above, the draft is still the best way to build a football team, and late round players who stick are truly important.

    I am amazed when I see a Brady or T. Davis in the 6th, or Pat Williams as a UDFA, which I will never understand. How about Holocek in round 5? MaGee in the 4th looks like a total steal! These guys come rather cheap, and the cap room, at least for a while, can be used elsewhere.

    The redskins are an example of teams that thought free agency was the way to go. It left them losing, old, and approaching cap hell.

    Anyway, build through the draft, plug holes with free agents imo.

  5. The Catalogue for Philanthropy's 2004 Generosity Index.




    CT ranks first in making money, but joins MA, RI and NH at the bottom of this annual index of charatible giving. The data, obtained from 2002 Federal Tax Returns (the most recent available) compares average annual adjusted income("Having Rank") vs. itemized charitible deductions (Giving Rank) for each State.


    For example, Mississippi has the lowest average income rank yet has the 5th highest rank for giving, resulting in being the most generous state even though it's the poorest.


    The 1st "Blue State (NY) comes in at #26. :)



    Can you only imagine the causes they DID contribute to?

  6. They lost to an EXTREMELY beatable candidate in Bush. They have continued to lose seats in Congress. After this election, they still have not grasped why they lost. Instead of looking within themselve to find how they can better connect with the American people, they just blame it on people being too stupid to buy into their rhetoric. Until they start to grasp why they lost, they will continue to lose and as long as they just continue down the same path (or worse yet, become more bitter and hateful) they will lose more and more control. I am not seeing the necessary changes from within the party to say that they can turn the corner. They are continuing down the same destructive path.



    How much of the above do you blame on the radical leftist element within their ranks?

    Imo, many "mainstream" Americans would like to vote for a dem, but find themselves unable to. I offer a look at the 04 primary contenders, and the fact that Hillary is the front runner to validate my point.

  7. Just my prediction, but what I see happening is the Republicans getting their near or full fillibuster-proof senate by mid-terms or 2008. As a result, you will see even more staunch right legislation being pushed through. Bad.


    The Dems will practically implode, and a third party will become more prominent as a result. The Dems are losing control, and until they get their stevestojan together, they will continue their downward spiral. Bad.


    The Republicans will screw up, and push stuff too far to the right. This will shift the voters away from the Republican Party, but since the Dems still have not caught on, those voters will be looking at the alternatives outside of the "big two."


    It will take a little while, but things will start to level out. I hope by then we will have more than two parties with major support.



    KRC, will you please be more descriptive when you say that the dems are "losing control?"


  8. Well, it took me 31 years but I've finished both the Curious George and Clifford the Big Red Dog series of books. Now I'm looking for something a little meatier.


    I read a fair amount, but WSJ and business magazines are about to fry my brain. I'm looking for non-fiction. Right now I'm thinking something on Lewis and Clarke or Edison.  There is also a new big out about American inventors or something that might fit the bill as well...



    Slouching Towards Gommorrah, by Robert Bork.

    Btw, what is a gypsy catcher?

  9. You are correct. Let's hope that the Dems can get their stevestojan together, and prevent this from happening. Of course, from what I have seen since the election, they still have not caught on as to why they lost and have been losing.


    I do not have a lot of hope that they can change things around enough before mid-term elections.



    I agree. I am very concerned about what such a huge republican majority might do to what is left of the labor movement.

    The Dems are just so controlled by leftist loonies that they appear to be destined to lose, especially in 08.

    I cannot link it, but the NY Post says that Kerry wants to run again. He can join Hillary, Dean, Sharpton, etc. and assure another Republican victory.

    I know that you and others are unhappy with the 2 party system, but if the Dems continue to let left wing space cadets dominate their party, they will fade into virtual oblivion and we wont even have 2 viable parties.

  10. Drew needs 2 TD passes to place him in the top 20 in all-time TDs with 212.

    In fact, this would place him in a 3 way tie for 19th place.

    I know stats mean little, especially to those who despise him, but imo it would be especially nice if he could do this Sunday night against the pats, during the Bills victory.

    Nice dream, huh? :rolleyes:

  11. You are right, and I apologize to you.


    I guess I am frustrated with this never-ending stream of opinionated crap that flows around here regarding our players, and their ability and level of play, from people who have no real clue, and especially the fact that it doesn't end or even become tempered when they have actually improved their play significantly.


    I at least give Rico some credit for admitting the obvious, instead of insisting on the negative position for the sake of it, or to avoid admitting something positive.


    For example, Opie Wanton never posts here unless it is to bash Drew.  He will go through whatever gyration is necessary to turn any positive about Drew into a negative, to the point that he is an utter joke. As for Badol, he never misses an opportunity (nor do you for that matter), to bash Mike and support his opinion that we should have drafted McKinnie.  And frankly, the fact that it is HIS exalted opinion does nothing for me because it is still unsupported opinion. 


    So when I read your post which misstates and exaggerates most of the positions argued on this thread as a means for disingenuously supporting your position that what was argued here was lunacy, I guess I lost it.  Frankly, I found your post an incredibly disinegenous and self-indulgent attempt to support an untenable position, as well as insulting.  It is the sort of thing I would expect from eyedog, but not you!  Actually, come to think of it, that was way too complex for eyedog.  But at least he doesn't know any better.


    Notwithstanding, my exaggerated and rather graphic depiction of the hoops that you seem willing to jump through to support this position to the end was in bad taste.  For that I do apologize.



    Cool. Condider it completely over.


    Btw, I have been on this board for years screaming for 1st round linemen at most positions, including OG. Hutchinson and Steinbach are 2 examples.

    I was glad when they took MW because at least he did play on the OL, but no, he was not my first choice. Big deal.

    I root as much for MW as does anyone here. The Bills need great things from him (partially due to his cap hit) to be a winning team. I didn't want Clements. I wanted Hutchinson, but I cheer for Clements each week too (and that time, I was dead wrong. The Bills needed a cb).

    I too have been frustrated, but for obviously different reasons. At least we both are seeing the OL starting to play better, and that is the good news.

  12. I'll take this opportunity to give a nod to Shelton who I was riding like a rented mule in the preseason. I should have recognized that the guy hadn't played ball in a year or two and that it was going to take a while to get his game back. He has been steadily improving over the course of the season and I congratulate him for coming back from a serious injury and grinding it out until he got his sea legs back.



    In NE, Drew certainly liked to throw to Gash, so I think that Shelton's numbers will increase.

  13. Bill, next year we are going to try very hard to go to an earlier game. The guys were complaining that you weren't there. :D

    I had a wicked cold and could have used some of your food. And what truly hurt is that we must have had a full case of beer or more left over. :lol:

  14. Nice exaggerated for effect post!


    I think 34-78-83 made a nice response, so I will not do so on a point-by-point basis.  However, I agree with hiim that there is no basis for stating that a LT has to hold his block longer.  That is nonesense.


    Of course the best tackles have been LTs historically.  It is strategcially more important because of the possible injury one can do to a QB who is blind-sided.  But that doesn't make his block more difficult, now does it?  And of course, all things being equal, you will draft the better tackle for the blind side because of its strategic importance.  And naturally, you will pay the higher draft choice more money.  Once again, paying a guy more money and putting the better player there DOES NOT lead to the conclusion that the job is HARDER.


    If you have a choice between two guys, one of whom will give up 10 sacks per year and another who will give up 20, of course you put the guy who gives up 10 on the blind side.  Not because the job is harder but because you don't want your QB taking 10 more blind shots per year.


    And regardless of how you shake it out, MW has improved immensely so far this year.  And I'm sure McKinnie hasn't yielded ANY pressure on Culpepper this year, excpet for the game last night of course.


    Look Bill, you and Badol and Eyedog can suck McKinnie's dick all day long for all I care, and you can bash MW in between slurps.  It ain't gonna change a damn thing.


    Mike has improved and McKinnie ain't all that.


    The funny thing is, there are many who would consider the crap your peddling to be the lunacy here!



    BB, many times I have stated that I respect your knowledge of football. I still do. This is a point on which we disagree, but there is really no reason for that kind of a !@#$ed up remark. What the !@#$ are you thinking dude?

    Imo, this topic is no longer worthy of discussion, certainly not on this thread. Most of our disagreement is probably based on semantics anyway, and we have bored other posters long enough.

    I am NOT being holier than thou, so save the accusations, but I am proud that it was not me who told Badolbilz that he was full of stevestojan, let alone the stupid, insulting stevestojan you just posted.

    Seriously, I thought WAY more of you.

  15. Looks pretty good as is.

    But it looks even better when consider we also got TMcGee out of that draft, as well as SamAiken and Sobieski, both of whom were good enough to make very talented Bills' squads. Toss in ST's standouts Crowell and Haggan and it looks almost as good as the great train robbery of 2001.

    We got to get rid of this Donahoe clown............



    Simon, only a fool could deny that TD has made some smart moves. The thing is that when he does screw up, he does it in a big way.

  16. Thanks KTD for an informative post, and to FFS for an accurate in-depth analysis.


    This type of info serves to point out just how hard it is to rate a draft sometimes. For instance, the Bills could have REALLY used Steinbach, but if Tucker develops, passing on him is of less importance. Btw, when was Tucker selected, or was he a free agent? Also, when did the Bills grab MaGee?


    In any event, info like this makes it a little easier on this Bills fan to walk into a draft in which we will have no 1st round pick. More wins would also serve to ease the pain. :D

  17. OK, so here is a the moral of the story:


    1) Even though a LT has to hold his block longer than a RT, this is NOT harder to do. It is just "more important."

    2) The fact that the best OTs are LTs means little or nothing. LT is not harder to play.

    3) LTs make more money than RTs, but their jobs are equally as dificult.

    4) Each and every GM drafts LTs first, but NOT because they are doing a harder job and need to be more agile. They just do it for no reason.

    5) The vikes have the #1 offense in spite of McKinnie.

    6) The Bills offense has sucked since Mike Williams came to town, but not because of him. He is worth 36 million dollars and has done a great job.

    7) MW has only allowed 5 sacks this season, and they might not be his fault. He probably has not allowed much pressure either.

    8) When he allowed sacks last year, it was the fault of Pucillo.

    9) He only allowed sacks this year when he was out of shape, something he should not be blamed for.

    10) Posters like Mark VI who were screaming for him to be a guard were wrong. MW is a prominent RT, and could play LT if called upon.


    Now it is settled. I am going to join eyedog in stepping away from this lunacy.

  18. Still the fact remains that there is never any evidence given. I don't slam posters unless I see them brashley coming out with statements (not necessarily opinions mind you) with no backing, something you have also done from time to time. I am not concerned with opinions. I try to stay involved with facts only. Facts are not disputable by opinion.


    LT's do not have more responsibilities than Rt's. Those days are long over.  That is a fact. As stated by others here, they are usually the "better" player because they protect the blind side of the right handed QB.


    And btw, when a tackle plays against an upper level DE (ie Ellis), he is not required to completely shut him out (ie. 0 tackles, 0 pressures) in order to be considered having a good game against him (ie. "handled him")



    Bro, I am not looking to have a nasty, stupid battle with you, but you do the EXACT same thing that you chastize others for.


    >>>LT's do not have more responsibilities than Rt's. Those days are long over. That is a fact.<<<


    Why is that a fact? Because YOU say so? If it becomes necessary, based on position, to hold a block longer, certainly this can be construed to mean "more responsibility."

    The truth is, few of us are total experts. Most of us, because we are passionate fanatics, know more than average fans, but we are on a football message board, not a war room on draft day.

    On thing that I will say is that if there truly are 'experts" on TBD, you insulted one of them. Badolbilz is a walking football encyclopedia who goes as far as to watch college film and more.

    Have a beer with him at RWS and see for yourself. He is also a good guy.

  19. Oh please Bill, not you too!


    This is a high school argument.  He has more responsibilites?  Do left tackles have to block two guys instead of one?  His job is harder because he's paid more, because he's drafted higher?  Because he's a better athelete??


    I thought you were smarter than this!



    Bob, who are the best OTs you ever saw? Please be honest. Munoz, Pace, Shell, Ogden, Jones, etc? All LTs, right? I will give you Erik Williams and Bob Brown as great RTs, but even they were bruisers more so than being agile, which is probably why Dallas stuck with Tunei at LT.

    The responsibilities are similar, but Drew was able to see the rushers speeding unobstructed by MW. Not so at LT, so protection becomes more vital from the blindside. He has to hold the defender off for a longer time, no?

    If you ever should have time, please review the tapes of Kurt Warner in his superbowl wins. He had zero fear of a blindside rush. Nada! He was able to see all of the danger and stand in the pocket forever, waiting for his speedy receivers to get open. THIS is why you put the best tackle to the left.

    Perhaps much of this discussion is based on semantics, I dont know, but if MW was good enough to play LT, he would be doing so. Not only that, Jennings looked better at RT than he did at LT, wouldn't you agree?

  20. Evidence such as our right side of our line averaging 4.5 yards per carry or our RT superbly handling the pass rush of the Jets' Ellis in both games this season should NEVER into such a worthy argument   :flirt:


    Face it, when you make statements and cannot EVER back them up your points will not be taken seriously by anyone else. It's simple really. And when you claim to know what you are talking about re: the play of a particular offensive lineman and cannot even refer to any technique/production element that involves said player, you look like a fool.



    First of all, MW did not"handle" Ellis in the first jest game. On at least one of the sacks by Abraham, Ellis was right there and would have hit Drew even if Abraham was not in the play.


    Also, this poster is abviously anything but a fool. He is an articulate Bills fan with an opinion that seems to differ from yours. He listed poorly played games by Big Mike, and scoffs at the notion that RT is as hard to play as LT, a ridiculous assertion considering the LTs have more responsibilities, are paid more, are drafted higher, and tend to be more agile and better athletes.


    Now, go back to slamming other posters.

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