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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. No.....rumor has it they opened up a Krispy Kreme franchise together but, couldn't keep the shelves stocked with those delicious warm donuts....actually those donuts never made it to the shelves. :doh:


    But....no worries, the Fins must have cloned them with some leftover DNA from their respective lockers.....judging by the way Damien McIntosh and Taylor Whitley are blocking.


    Fins have THE worst O-Line in the NFL....no contest.



    Not to rub it in, but I agree. Now, do you see how it feels?

    Now, let me play GM. I offer you Mike Williams (and his contract) for a 3rd round pick. Whadda ya say? :D

  2. "I'm not sayng the Bills are out of the hunt... But next year... you guys will be flat out dangerous... "


    Des....you've been saying that exact same thing since the circus midget days!!!


    Talk like that got you accused of being a closet Bills fan.......  :doh:  :D

    The draft?  The draft"  Why?  So we can pick another cornerback with our 1st pick when we already have 5 starters on the roster?  Or maybe a back-up linebacker who is rated as a 4th rounder by every other GM in the league.....


    Wow....I'm feeling just a lil' bitter..... :unsure:


    btw....I do agree with your outlook on the '05 Bills....JPL, Willis, Evans....add a speed rusher, and a pass-catching tight end and look out!!!!!



    DCM, you are another poster that I wish would stop by more often.

    Btw, are Spriggs and Nails in the NFL now? :D

  3. I've never looked so forward to a draft...


    The Bills are looking good.  But it pains me to say, Drew needs to move over for JP... 

    I'm not sayng the Bills are out of the hunt...  But next year...  you guys will be flat out dangerous...


    Been thinking about the board and wanted to say hi...  and afford you the opportunity to point and laugh at a Dolphan...





    WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Des, welcome to the world of no blocking! :huh::blink::unsure:

    For years, I told you how awful it is, no?

    At least you guys will have a first round pick next year. TD squandered ours, whereas he could have taken JP at #13.

    Dude, stop being a friggin stranger, OK? There are regulars here that dont even know you. :lol:

    We had fun in the "old days," did we not? Next year, we will both fare better, of this I am sure.

    Great to see ya man!

  4. It depends.  The western way of warfare involves rules (such as "Surrender when your position is hopeless" and "Honor your surrender") that are designed to minimize the bloodshed in warfare.  Problem is, they're not universal; many cultures (Imperial Japan and their bastardized Bushido code) and groups (Islamic extremists, Nazis when fighting "untermenschen") don't recognize them. 


    And if you'll notice my three examples, they all have one thing in common: extremism shaped by a gross misinterpretation of a moral code (the Japanese and the outdated and misshapen Bushido code, Islamic extremists and their badlymisinterpreted Koranic beliefs, Nazis and their bizarro Teutonic chivalric eugenic neolithic tribal ideology).


    Not that any of that's terribly important or interesting...except for the historical correlations drawn between the current and previous enemies.  Just thought it might be an interesting point...



    OK Tom. You are right. That was a tad boring. :huh::blink::unsure::lol:

  5. Ice is right. The only person he spoke to was Donahoe. And that single decision makes it clear who is to blame for our problems.


    It's not Drew. It's not Donahoe.


    It's Wilson. Some owner he turned out to be. I'll be glad when someone else owns this team. You guys keep signing the petition to get him into the HOF when he has done NOTHING but deliver one crappy team after another.



    ICE is not right, he is trying to be.

    I like ICE and am glad that he posts here, but he is just setting up another scapegoat for when he turns on Losman, his latest "savior." He wants to be "right" on this board, and he is, by virtue of taking every side on every Bills issue. :unsure:

  6. Interesting isn't it?  The people who are now defending this action are some of the same ones who condemned John Kerry for shooting a fleeing attacker in the back?


    It's not all black and white, is it, much though some of you might like it that way.


    Ahhhhh I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning....or any time.  It's always thick around here.




    Interesting comment, Deb.

    I never gave a rat's ass about the Kerry shooting and I still do not.

    As far as this one is concerned, let the Marines investigate, not judgemental weaklings that sit behind a keyboard and imply how easy everything is in an insane situation. It sucks to be second guessed by those unqualified. Trust me.


    In my NON-qualified opinion, combat has changed. In Iraq, it seems to be more like police work in a way. This happened in a mosque, no? It reminds me of taking a gun from another human being in a dark Brooklyn basement. Critique me as you will, but if you never tried it, you know oh so little about the difficulty and yes, the fright.


    From what I have heard (the audio tapes), I thank this brave Marine. I thank all past and present service men and women for allowing my wife and children to exist. To me, anybody who wishes to jump the gun and judge this Marine is merely displaying the fact that he or she can in no way relate to the absolute bravery Marines possess and danger that they face.


    Once again, my thanks go out to every member of the United States Armed Forces both past and present. I am in awe of your bravery and I salute you, including the Marine involved in this incident. God Bless you all.

  7. Today's column sets me off.  Even when he says things I agree with, the guy is a snide creep.  It's not about his opinioins, it's about his dismissive "I'm a genius--you suck" attitude.


    I'd like to see him left alone in an alley with Bledsoe, Donohoe, Mularkey and a couple of Bills o-linemen.  I wonder what would be left of him?



    He would probably sack Drew.

  8. I can't understand how there are still people here who support Tom Donohoe's decision making.


    let's take a look a this more spectacular blunders:


    1) Gregg Williams. In a move that set this team back a decade, Donohoe hired Gregg Williams.


    2) Drew Bledsoe. Almost as ridiculous as hiring Gregg Williams, Donohoe brought in Drew Bledsoe and his 100 million dollar contract. Genius, I say, genius!


    3) Mike Williams. Overweight, out of shape and lacking in talent, Mike Williams was drafted over a far more talented and TRUE LT, Bryant McKinnie.


    4) Ryan Denney. Need I say more?


    5) Jeff Posey. The guy's a scrub.


    OK. There's five critical mistakes in judgement. Can the TD backers out there please explain to me how we can recover from this short of firing Donohoe?




    You are about to take a TON (no pun intended) of heat for #3.


    PS: He should have drafted JP at #13 if he loved him SO much and not given away a #2 and a top 10 pick.

  9. I'm sorry, but some of you are just being ridiculous.  There is no one, NO ONE, the coaches, GM and owner included, who still think Drew Bledsoe "has it."  I guarantee you, people, THEY KNOW.  Donahoe knows.  Mularkey knows.  Those two knew last year, because they (1) drafted his replacement in the first round, and (2) demanded he take a pay cut.  Now, it's not their fault that a fluke injury set back JP's timetable, but those are the cards we've been dealt - it happens.  Had Troy Vincent's sole contribution to our season not been to f' up our prize rookie (fitting, btw, given our D's over-agressiveness, lack of discipline and control - simply, their stupidity), I'm all but certain JP would have started the second half of the Ravens game and every other game since. 


    HOWEVER, at this point, there is nothing worse that MM could do than panic and put JP into a situation in which he's not ready, and which the odds of him failing are significant.  If you look back at the history of rookie QBs, the number one source of their long-term failure has been situations where they were put in before they were ready.  It's killer - it can wreck their confidence and derail their entire career.  Who knows at what point Bledsoe "jumped the shark" and developed happy feet - it may have happened in New England, it may have been last year's game in Miami - but God forbid that happen to Losman at this stage in his career.  Look, the season is over.  Losman will start the last 3-4 games, guaranteed, and it likely won't be pretty to watch.  There is NO POINT, after one week of practice and 4 plays, for this coaching staff to annoint him the Savior of the Season, which would almost guarantee his failure.  No point.  You people need to understand that - I want to win now as much as any of you, but the long-term health of this franchise suggests some patience.



    Good post. Make no mistake, I want to see JP get in there, but not until he is ready. The long term heath of the franchise is at stake as you say. So is the long and short term health of JP, and I could do without watching him get killed right now, thank you very much.

  10. Another post from someone who hasn't actually SEEN BM play...  BM was abused far more than MW was this past week.  Green Bay's DE (who had 3 sacks all season) had 2 against BM.  BM also had at least one holding penalty (I think a second was declined, but could be mistaken).  Trying to equate one player on the OL as the sole reason Minnesota scored 31 points is ridiculous.





    Wrong my friend. I did see most of the game.

    Truthfully, I thought that BM was a little sluggish at times, although Culpepper threw a ton of passes and for the most part, the blindside was OK.

    He may not, nor ever be Orlando Pace, but I would take him tomorrow over Jennings or MW, and I suspect that so would most coaches and GMs.

  11. You pull it up. I know exactly what you said. It has bit you right in the ass as usual. RJ sucked, bledsoe sucks etc. How is it you keep hitching your wagon to these suckassed QB's?



    ICE, you ARE joking right? You "hitched your wagon" to Drew, Flutie, and RJ. For months, you took both sides of the Fllutie/RJ debate. A few weeks ago, you were a staunch supporter of Bledsoe.


    The only players that I recall that you did not waffle about were McKinnie (who you said sucks) and Big Mike (who you said did not).

    This weekend, one of them got shoved aside on an inside move by a 4th string qb as his qb was sacked. The other's team scored 31 points with the best wide receiver in the NFL out due to injury.

    When will you switch sides on this, Senator ICE from Mass.?

  12. It just pains your asses I am right. I love it LOL!



    Right about what? You are the John Kerry of TSW, whereas you have taken every side of virtually every Bills issue for years on end. Then, you come back proclaiming to be "right."


    As far as your next cant miss prospect Losman, he would do well to shut up, and get prepared to play football. His is, after all, in the NFL now earning a big paycheck.

  13. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the new, intolerant America!!! Hey, who do you think was complaining, the "religious right?" I dont think so.


    Salvation Army Bells, ice cream truck bells and loud air conditioners in NYC, smoking in bars, and kids in restaurants are merely some of the things that the "liberalsim is my religion left" want removed from their greedy, intolerant lives.


    This is only the beginning.

  14. It shouldn't be TOO bad. We will not have to fret about paying a top 10 pick. :blink:


    It will probably cost us 6 million or so to cut or trade Mike Williams. Wonerful. Drew will cost a bundle to cut too, unless it is done after 6/1 to spread out the cap hell, ala Butler.

    Schobel got a fat raise. Moulds is due to earn 8.25 million as I recall.


    Yes, TD has made some good moves, but from where I sit, the future is bleak. What I forsee is a skinny qb running for his very life, no good offensive tackles, no true center, no first roud pick, and a shaky GM.


    I forgot, were we worse off with Butler?

  15. 1) Schobel played as poorly as one could imagine.

    2) Even I cannot blame the OL for this loss. This was primarily Drew.

    3) Given the above, Jennings and MW were outmatched again. Sorry folks, but for 36 million dollars, you can't let a 230 pound spot player shove you aside on an inside move and cream your qb. MW is an average RT (or perhaps OG) who makes almost Pace money, and the team remains crippled by his contract.

    4) Drew is done. I will now fully concede this.

    5) JP as we know has been injured and sitting. Last night, he was running for his life. As much as I would like to see what he can do, I am haunted by the thought of him being crushed by another MW whiff, and there goes our top 10 pick.

    6) While I dont blame fans for crying out for JP, I think that it would be wise to wait a week or 2. Let him practice and be more prepared. The season is shot in any event and there is no need to add him to the list of beaten and abused qbs this soon.


    Just my $.02 on a sad day for Bills fans. :D

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