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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. I agree with a lot of what you said, but calling the Hawks one of the top 5 teams is a bit off.  Did you see them last week vs. the Dolphins?  They looked lost, especially offensively.  And there's no guarantee that Hasselback is back.



    I was a fan of Hasselback since he was a backup on the Packers. Never will I underestimate that kid. That said, Robinson is out and Rice is almost as old as me. :lol:

  2. I like the points.

    You want a winner? A team that will cover the spread?

    Take the giants and the points. This play fits into a system that I used to follow. I have not bet for many years, and will never bet again due to family responsibilities.

    That said, if I was still willing to gamble, I would consider this game to be as close to a "lock" as it gets.

  3. 1) Imo, the Seahawks are one of the top 5 teams in the NFL.

    2) The way our Special Teams are playing, this (imo) negates home field advantage.

    3) Jones and Hutchinson probably constitute the best left side in the NFL. Gray must recognize this and come up with a way to get around it. Others have.

    4) There is no way to win this football game without a great game from Willis. You know what? I think he can produce.

    5) I am hoping that due to last week, the Seahawk defense will be forced to account for our TEs and Evans. This gives Drew a chance to pick his weapons, if he is capable of doing so.

    6) Koren Robinson is out.


    Bottom line? The Bills can win this football game, and I expect it to happen. Call me crazy.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. As you know already Bill, I have always supported Big Mike's play as a Bill. I've had the advantage of seeing him probably 12 different times at training camp and have seen the potential. Now that he has a real coach, he can reach that potential.



    As much as I respect the fact of how many times you saw him, I hasten to add that I have rarely been impressed by his play nor attitude. Tell me, are you happy with his cap hit and production as a #4?

    At this point, I do see some improvement. I also strongly add that imo, Travis Henry cost him a ton in terms of pass protection. That man, a virtual idiot, has missed block after block, and done just about everything a running back can do to stifle an offense.


    Lori, are you there? :blink: How many sacks were given up in the games in which Henry started as opposed to games in which Willis started?


    Anyway, let's see how he does on sunday. I hope he kicks ass!

  5. I focus on OL play as much as I can in each and every game I watch on TV, as well as those I attend. Anybody who has bothered to read my posts knows that I have been WAY less than thrilled by MW. Please understand, much of my displeasure has been due to his draft slot and contract/cap hit.


    I am NOT glad that TD drafted a RT at #4. This has not changed. I am willing to say that the kid:

    a) Played next to garbage for 2 seasons.

    B) Was SEVERELY hampered by Travis Henry missing simple assignments.

    c) Did not have the luxury until this season of a good OL coach.


    I loved his game vs. the Rams. The only pressure from his side was not his fault. It was (what a surprise) Henry whiffing on a block and getting Bledsoe creamed, although he DID get the pass off.

    A great RT CAN be worth the big bucks. It is somewhat rare, but can happen. Erik Williams comes to mind as a guy who, when he was normal, was worth a virtual blank check. He was THAT good. Can MW reach this height? Probably not, but I am pulling for him.

    I always liked the kid, but I was concerned that he was a headcase. If he continues to play well, it will make a HUGE difference to the team. We cannot afford the cap hit of an average RT making almost Pace money.

    In summary, the development of Big Mike will be as important as any other issue facing the Bills in the next season or 2, and I hope he comes around.

  6. With regret, I disagree.  I think there will just be a continuing contest to see who can move the furthest to the right.  Politicians see that it works.  The next guy will make Bush look like a flaming liberal.  You can never wave the flag too much or proclaim your faith in God too much.  There is always someone willing to be even more patriotic, even holier than the last guy.


    I have asked a couple times here how far would be too far to the right and have recieved very few answers.  Where is the evidence that there are those on the right that have a line beyond which they will not go?  When Bob Jones wrote a letter to the President talking about pagans who hate Christ, where was the reasonable right to tell him to, in Cheney like fashion, go eff yourself?  Nothing, nada, zip.  Specter, creepy though he is, is what passes for a moderate Republican these days.  He was just publicly castrated and I heard not a peep from the reasonable right which apparently was struck dumb, trembling in the shadows and just glad it was happening to someone else.


    There is no physical law which demands that a swing too far to one side demands an eventual return the other way.  This is politics, not a pendulum.  Power begets more power.



    Micky, if your party full of speech and rights depriving, tree hugging leftists could offer a reasonable candidate, we would not be ihaving this conversation, right?

    Your gal Hillary recently described herself as practicing her religion in an "evangelical way." This will probably be the next piece of trash that your broken down party hauls

    out in front of the American electorate. Think she will win?


    Q: Senator Kerry, are you for or against gay marriage?

    Ans: Yes.


    C'mon my friend. Do you think that you can win with losers like that? :blink:

  7. That's a good question.  On the other hand, if the Bills would have handed the starting RB position to McGahee from the start of the season, would the Bills have been better off?  Probably.


    It's tough to say.  It would be great if Bledsoe started to light things up and made this argument moot, but right now, he's just playing well enough to not lose.


    With an entire offseason and preseason (and some starts this year), I believe the coaches can get Losman to that level at least.  At that point, it comes down to who has the most upside, and Losman's mobiity gives him the edge.



    Great point. If Willis was in from day 1 this season (assuming he was ready to go) it seems almost beyond reasonable dispute that the Bills would have a better record. They MIGHT even be in some sort of playoff contention.


    This is an issue about which I have zero opinion. It rests in the hands of MM, and his career may hinge on being right, as well as the career of TD for making the trade which I still do not like, but that is jmo.

  8. While I cannot agre with you that Artest did nothing wrong, I will quote a line from Chrisk Rock's "Bring the Pain" routine when discussing OJ:


    "I'm not saying he should have done it, but I understand!"


    Artest should have refrained from going in.  No question, but I am sick and tired of fans thinking that just because they buy a ticket that gives them the right to be verbally abusive of players, to throw stevestojan at players and to enter the field of play.  Any fan that abuses a player and gets the crap beat out of him gets what he deserved.  And while I would definitely punish the player for doing it, I would not take away his entire season for it, not even Ron Artest. 


    The reality is, players probably constantly have to swallow their pride and anger night after night for these A-holes, and after a while, a thrown cup, a stolen hat, etc. is all it takes to set off the conflagration, especially when their adrenaline is already pumping.  I find this to be at least equally on security in these venues for permitting fans to be drunk, rowdy, verbally abusive and worse.  I would have given Artest 35 games and no more.


    All those clowns will get is fined a few hundred bucks, maybe have their season tickets revoked.  That should be the least of it, and they should have to forfeit the money as well....no refunds.  But none of those idiots will lose what these players will lose.  Not even close.  And while that should be a huge incentive for players to swallow their anger, I can certanly understand how even a simple thing like a thrown cup is enough to set an ahtlete off.


    I'm sure Artest's adrenaline was flowing.  I know mine would have been had a guy like Wallace shoved me and came after me.  And so what he fouled him so he couldn't make the lay-up?  Wallace is a big boy.  It was hardly the kind of foul that would cause injury.


    I have heard all this crap about how this is necessary to ensure fans' safety, so that they know that players will not come into the stands again.  This makes me laugh.  How 'bout if the fans STFU when it comes to verbally abusing players, stay in their seats and off the field of play, and refrain from thowing stevestojan at them when they should know that such an act is likely to provoke a player who is already amped over something that ocurred on the court or field?  And how about these venues do their jobs and throw drunk and belligerent fans out on their asses?


    I have no sympathy for any fan that gets his ass kicked by an athlete for being an idiot. 


    I'm not saying he should have done it, but I understand!




    One sports commentator put it quite well imo.

    He stated how many of these players are "angry." They make 80 or 90 million dollars. All they can do is play basketball, but they are "angry."


    To put it in perspective, give ME 80 million dollars, and when I lie on a table like a pouting little criminal psychotic, pour all the beer on me that yoiu can buy for $7.00 per bottle. I wont be mad, as I pay for the education of my daughters and provide for my wife and myself.


    Uh Uh... Saddam didnt have anything to do with 9/11


    still valid


    Daddy's War


    MORE than valid


    Halliburton contracts


    The truth hurts, doesn't it? :o


    France ISNT ON BOARD so the war isnt legit!


    Good to know France is by FAR the only nation not on our side. Uding France as your rallying cry gets old in itself, when we are hardly a firm coalition! ;)


    Where are the WMDs that never existed except when Democrats say they did?


    They could only go by what your Bushie administration TOLD THEM.. duh!


    Outsourcing capturing Bin Laden at Tora Bora!


    Bin Laden still on the loose... hmmm.. who's in charge again? BUSH! :o


    Why are US Troops shouldering all the load (The Coalition of the Bribed and Coerced dont count thilly)?


    Just the OPPOSITE, as usual... we're taking almost all the casualties for another concocted reason.


    And the last liberal talking point;

    (totally your opinion; 48% of Americans are liberal? HAHAHAAAAAA delusional are we? ;) )




    All Islamists are evil, unless they help us fight, and then if they are found to be bad guys all of a sudden, we label them as evil again! :w00t:



    Hey VT, Saddam was giving 25 Gs each to families of Palestinian suicide bombers. I was wondering if you think that was OK?

  10. His first play this past Sunday, he missed a block, resulting in a DB sack. 


    Trade value ?  There are several top FA RB's available this off-season. I'm not worried about showcasing TH in order to raise his stock. He's not going to bring much anymore. I'm worried about winning. Willis is our RB.



    Thank you Mark. I thought that nobody else saw that play. The rusher came through on the right side and flattened Drew. Big Mike had his man blocked, it was all Travis.


    As for trade value, Traviis is all but worthless. and imo, this matters little. The Bills got their money's worth from him, and even if they get nothing, they save aq little bit on his cap hit.


    At this point, he does more harm than good and doesn't belong on the football field.

  11. This guy, sack numbers notwithstanding, get better every week.


    R.Rich knows a lot more about football than I do. That said, he and I disagee about Orlando Pace. He thinks that Jones is a better LT. I consider Pace to be the best LT of all time, and one of the best players in the history of the NFL. Again, jmo.


    Achobel had a very good game this season vs. Jonathan Ogden. Yesterday, he certainly did not dominate Pace, but he more than held his own, and I don't give one stevestojan about statistics. Pace had to constantly account for him, and AS was STILL was very helpful on running plays. He also, by his constant effort, forced the Rams OL to block him on pass plays, thus freeing up lanes for the DBs to sack Bulger.


    Kelsay does deserve kudos for a fine game yesterday. I am impressed.


    Schobel deserves credit as well for his effort and skills. The man is lightening fast, is improving, and is helping our football team.

    You go Aaron!

  12. I'm concerned with Travis.  I thought he would play well this year and be valuable trade bait.  I don't think we could get a 3rd rounder for him the way this season has gone - especially now that the league sees how TD fleeced the Falcons on the PP trade.



    Thank you. I continue to read about how Travis will get us a first round pick and so forth. He will probably bring us a 6th, this if he is not cut outright.

    You know what, I dont care! Travis helped us to a degree last season. He played while hurt last year, and I wish him well.


    I also hope that Burns sees more reps this year.

    Is it me, or did he gain 20 pounds?

  13. Drew is average. He looks too long at receivers. He tends to hold the football too long and is not mobile. He also has a great arm. He is durable, and a team player. This, imo renders him to be about average.


    The Bills have a nasty schedule. They also have a rookie coach. For much of the season, Travis henry was their RB. He missed blocks, dropped passes, slid on his ass, and ran wrong pass routes.

    They also had to learn a new (and surely better) system on the OL. Their RT started the season out of shape. Their FA cb was injured, as was their best safety.


    I am flat out blaming Drew for 2 losses this season, but refuse to blame him alone for our dismal record. He had plenty of help in losing football games.


    PS: Is the ANYBODY who saw Travis whiff on a block with 2:50 left in the 3rd Quarter? Drew managed to get the pass off, but he took a nasty hit and he was pissed. I like what I saw of Burns, and think that Travis does not belong on the football field.

  14. >>>I was very pleased yesterday,enjoying the win but the Rams would have lost to anyone<<<


    Is that right? This is a team that recently defeated the Seahawks, a possible superbowl team, right?


    No, Drew is not the answer. Nothing has changed in that or any other sense.

    Something else will not change....the minded among us (and you know I do not include you), will continue to blame Drew for each and every loss, performance notwithstanding.


    Mark, did you see what happened (there were approx 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter) when they gave Willis a breather and put in Travis Gump? He missed a block on the right side. Dre was flattened and got the pass off. Imo, it was the best play of the game by Drew. Why do I bring this up? Because that was virtually every play in the beginning of the season. Drew, who need WAY more time than he should, was victimized by Travis, an out of shape RT, a rookie coach, etc.


    Again, he is NOT the answer. Drew has taken too many hits in the last 3 seasons he has spent on the Buffalo Bills.

    That said, this dismal record is not to be placed on his doorstep alone. There is plenty of blame for the losses to go around. I truly believe that is Willis was ready to go at the beginning of the year, the Bills would have 2 more wins.


  15. what's your alternative? because you know as well as i that someone will pay him that much and for good reason - credible LTs are - as always - a rare commodity in the NFL.



    Some say no, but I hope that the Bills take a look at Hopkins who will be a ufa next season. Nothing long term mind you, but from what I have seen, he is at least as good as JJ and might come cheaper because of his age.

    Admittedly, this is a stop-gap measure, but I cannot see devoting huge cap dollars to Jennings, especially with what is going on at RT.

  16. he's been nicked up a bit now and then but has never missed more than a couple of games after his rookie season. and those injuries were legitimate, meaning they weren't the product of some nebulous failing of his internal constitution.  sometimes, when a player gets hurt more than once, that doesn't mean he's injury prone. to reiterate, after 2001, in which he missed something to the tune of 5 games (as I recall), he hasn't missed more than a game or two per season. that does not qualify as injury prone - rather, it's typical of all players in the league. 


    my 2 cents - jennings is a very good player who we should franchise.  we'll definitely have the cap room to do it (the cap is not an issue with this team), and we should. the alternative is worse than grim. there will be no good LTs on the market, jennings is 50 times better than price, and we don't even have a first round pick.  we'd be lucky to find a player as good as the 2000 version of John Fina.  plus, it should be pretty clear to everyone that line continuity is of the utmost importance.  think about it.



    Franchise Jennings? He would be underpaid, because with the franchise tag, he would only earn a tad more than 7 million per season.

    Imo, he deserves a similar contract to Peyton Manning, or Randy Moss. Jennings is a superstar and it is high time he is shown more respect!

  17. I think our offensive line has been bad for going on ten years now. The reason teams like KC, the Colts, Denver and the Vikings are so good is that they have offensive lines that week in week out will give you top notch efforts and they have the skills to do this. Our line is not cut out for consistently good performances along those standards. They did not open any holes for Travis and Willis has gotten the bulk of his on his shear will of not going down easy. I agree that Drew has made them look bad in pass mode, but I think they split in the who's at fault for the sack total. That's still not good. Trey Teague? No good. Mike Williams? No good and apparently doesn't even like football. Jonas? Hello Atlanta. Left Guard? Still looking. This is the biggest mess left to clean up after Drew exits. I will clamor about this until it's fixed and I'm afraid that's going to be a very long time.



    Very well stated. I see no reason to pretend that this is a good unit.

  18. Simon, drafting offensive linemen and offensive linemen that can play football are two different things.

    Who did he draft?

    1) Jennings: Nice pick. He is fairly good when healthy.

    2) Mike Williams: Bust.

    3) Pucillo: Please

    4) Sobieski: I dont know, is he alive?

    5) McFarland: Yeah, sure.


    Who were the free agents?

    1) Teague: Sorry, I dont see him as all that good. He is light in the ass and gets beat up by the bigger DTs.

    2) Villarial: I like him a lot.

    3) Price: Fine backup.


    I dont know if Tucker was drafted or not, but I think that he has the potential to be a good player.


    What does this leave us with in 05?

    A RT who we hope is average to slightly above average, a LT who wants out and is NOT worth the big bucks, a good RG, a small and not so strong Center and a project or 2 at LG. Oh, and no first round pick to boot.

    Does this sound good to you?


    Let's give Drew a ton of the blame. No problem. The OL is still a virtual mess, and our so-so RT is making almost Pace money....so much, that it would cost millions to cut him. I cannot remember any GM in the history of football drafting an overweight RT in the top 5, and I could care less about the left handed qb in college thing. If MW was good enough to play the blindside he would be doing so, especially at that salary.


    You may consider the above to be idiocy, but TD has failed to bring a respectable OL to the Buffalo Bills.

  19. I cant believe there is any debate. Reese? Did you expect Ronnie Lott? Travis doesn't matter because of Willis.


    Is any one of you NOT disappointed with Mike Williams? He is crippling the team salary cap, while his play approaches average. He cannot be cut because of his contract. He missed a game due to an "accident" and missed valuable time in camp because he was upset. Many even project him to OG.


    Now, he has the coach, and a good player next to him. No more excuses, he is a bust.

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