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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Your point is well stated. The only thing I disagree with is that imo, you make too much of the "quality of opponents." Have the jests beaten top teams? Not really. Do you fault them? You can only beat the teams that you play.


    Also, remember how far they have come. The Bills were losing to so-so teams, such as the jags. A better example is the raiders. Imo, the raiders are worse than the rams or seattle, perhaps the equal of ariz., and only a tad better than miami. They beat us, and now we are beating better teams than them consistently.


    The above is why I think that too much emphasis is placed on Drew. Surely, he has not changed SO much to be the sole reason for such a turnaround. Imo, MaGahee being in (and Henry being out) is a more prominent reason for the new found success. MW playing well cannot be over-stated, nor can the return of the Lawyer, who is playing better than he ever has in Buffalo imo.


    In summary, I think that injuries will probably dictate who starts in 05 as much as anything else, and things will work themselves out. I also think that it matters far less than many of us believe.

  2. Try looking in Lot 1 at a home game.... if you ever make it to another home game, ya bastage. I'll even buy your beer.



    Seriously, though - first thing I do after I park the car and drag the cooler out of the trunk, is head over and hit up BADOL with the questions I've been saving since the last time I saw him...



    I do the same thing, but this year I got to badger you first. :lol:

  3. Steelers defense will be licking their chops vs Bledsoe.


    I can see it coming from a mile away.

    To many IF's to look ahead that far, but If it's on the line for both teams I'm not liking my chances vs that Steelers blitzing defense with Bledsoe.


    ICE will surely get the "last laugh." He has set himself in a position where if the Bills lose ONE FOOTBALL GAME, he can come here and post that he was "right." If the Bills march to the superbowl and lose, he will blame Drew and pose once again as "Dr ICE."

    Actually, I think it is kinda funny and I hope he keeps it up. :doh:

  4. I have a lot of respect for McCain but I gotta say he is jumping in the boat before checking for leaks first on this one.  Baseball needs to get its act together but I don't think this kind of thing is the answer.  Why not just do what the NFL does?  They test for steroids don't they?



    Steroids, secretly condoned by both owners and the players union, saved baseball. It was a dying sport after the strike. Suddenly there were genetic mutants hitting 60 plus homers.


    I agree with stuckincincy. This is the sports equivalent of the "smoking ban." Though NOT an exact comparison, to me this strikes of a publicity hound politician posing as a "do gooder" while not addressing real issues.

  5. The only thing wrong with Mikey is between his ears. The guy is a 400lb teddy bear. If he ever gets a mean strak he could dominate for the next ten years, but he won't. Just not tough enough imo. He will never reach his full potential. I hope I'm wrong about him but thats how I see it. I was at the game yesterday and was about twenty rows behind the Bills bench. I was watching him after he came off the field. He was sitting by himself on the bench until a trainer finally comes over and he goes behing the bench to the bike. He gets on and never once pedaled the freaking thing, just talking to the trainer. He then goes back to sit on the bench. Then about 10 minutes later they cart is ass off to the lockerroom.



    For 2 1/2 years, Big Mike played poorly imo, but, for the last several games he has been dominant.

    I have always expected a lot from MW because of where he was selected. He is in the upper echelon of salaried NFL players, and is only now starting to earn his keep. I hope it continues, because winning football teams need dominant blockers, and there is no getting around this.

    What I will do is retract the bust label. It is (was) starting to look as if he is coming around. I also think that I tended to blame him for mistakes that were sometimes the fault of another particular player. Since this other player was benched, MW's game has improved dramatically, but then so has that of the entire offense.

  6. Mcgahee is great......but not that great...


    Could it be a new coach, new system and the players geling with it....

    Could it be a new coach learning/progressing with coaching ingame....

    Could it be Milloy coming back....

    Could it be the benching of Reese.....

    Could it be our special teams, coming through game in and game out...

    Could it be Mcnally getting this OLine into shape....

    Could it be Bledsoe playing with more confidence......

    Could it be our WR/TE's not dropping every other throw....


    Mcgahee has been apart of this turn around, no doubt but he wasnt the only factor....I do still think we would be riding the same success with Henry in there too...


    This team(offense, defense & special teams) has improved as whole, throughout this season....




    >>>I do still think we would be riding the same success with Henry in there too...<<<


    Thanks for the football discussion, but I respectfully submit that the above assertion is absurd.

    Travis would be falling on his stupid ass, missing blocks, dropping passes, running wrong routes and the Bills would be in a battle with the phish for the basement if he were the starter instead of MaGahee.

  7. What substantive facts do you cite that indicate that Henry is a cancer?  He certainly has not been productive as a player this year, but not being good enough as a player and being a cancer are two different things.  On the contrary, in the past Henry drew lots of praise from teammates, fans and even was the lead pictuire on TBD prior to the resurgence of WM.  Because he demonstrated the ability to play productively through injuries such as a fractured bone while in the process of gaining over 1300 yards for the season TH proved  himself to be as far from being a cancer as a player could be.


    This year in conjunction with the downturn in his play, he has drawn praise from his teammates for keeping his mouth shut and being a good soldier when a better player took his job.


    I don't think he is a cancer at all. Perhaps you are using the word in a different fashion than the way it is normally used by most fans and you mean that someone is a cancer simply through not being as good as another player or just being unproductive.


    If the latter is what you are referring to it is correct for Henry's play this year but differs in terms of how folks use the phrase cancer.  By that definition Bledsoe would be considered a "cancer" when Brady took his job abd he ran the Brady offense well enough to win, though not well in the AFC championship game.  In tat case, Bledsoe won virtually universal praise for the manner in which he dealt with Brady rolling over him and in my view Henry deserves nothing but praise for the way he has dealt with WM's play far outstripping his production.


    I concede your point. Cancer was the wrong word. "Loser" was however appropriate.

    Again, check out the sack and W/L stats.

    Travis can run, but he is bad at every other phase of football. If you disagree, please point out what else he does well. Blocking? Running correct pass paterns? Not falling on his stupid ass? Catching the football?

    Please. He is more responsible for the 0-4 start than was Bledsoe.

    The guy is a flat out bad football player, and to those of you who think he will bring us a 3rd round pick, enjoy your pipe dream.

  8. I think that most of us are going to be totally surprised in the next draft.

    Imho, the Bills will grab a running back in round 2. Like it or not, Henry is a cancer that needs to be cut. Again, look at this season. The sack stats and W/L stats tell the story in games in which TH started.

    Right now, the Bills look good enough to go after the "best player available," but backup RB is a vital slot to fill when we rid ourselves of this loser. The good news is that RBs seem to need less time to develop.

    After this, I am content to sit back and hope for more OL, dbs, and perhaps a lb.

    So there it is...the first time I have ever wanted someone other than an offensive lineman with our first pick. <_<


    Disclaimer: The above does not take injuries into account.

  9. I agree.  The game that worries me the most is @ Cinci with Carson Palmer starting to really play well.



    That game scares me as well, and I will take it a step further.....

    If the Bills win their next 3 and are healthy, we will kick that big pittsburgh rookie's ass!!!

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Well, I've been married for 2 years, and one thing the wife knows not to mess with is the Bills, especially the Bills in the playoffs.  Already told her if we play at Pitt/NE, I'm there.  Indy is more difficult b/c I have to buy a flight, but I'll try.


    She also knows that in the unlikely event the Bills ever make the SB, nothing that is happening in life, children/money etc., will prevent me from being at that game. 


    Its all about setting the precedent early on and sticking with it.



    Bro, sounds good. Now, talk to me in 18 years.

    Things change, you know what I mean?

  11. Even with his disaster of a performance last year, I still hold out hope for Reed to be a quality third reciever. If he works out of the slot with both of our other wideouts drawing lots of attention, he should get a lot of opportunities to catch balls and rack up some serious yards after catches.



    I dont know. He dropped a beautiful pass yesterday, although it would have been called back due to a penalty.

    I am just not sold on Josh Reed, which is a shame, because he had a great start, and just went downhill since.

  12. They've been better.  The Bills haven't had this many TD returns in decades.  The only downer is Lindell.  Oh to have Christie back and in his prime!



    No doubt the returns are better now. I guess I was having visions of Mark Pike taking out 4 or 5 players by himself on a kickoff.

    These guys are a big reason for our recent success, and I hope we can keep them together.

  13. Also, see if you can sign Coy Wire to a reasonable contract. There is another backup lb kicking ass, but his name escapes me in my jubilation.

    Yes, big time kudos to Clements and Magee, but the above mentioned football players are flying all over the football field making special team hits and tackles, and we need them too!

    PS: Does anyone know Stamer's contract status? Thanks.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Thanks


    It was the best B/D in years.  It is so nice to have someone to spoil you and care about you on your B/D.  Tom I know you now have a special person in your life and so do I. It just make life more fun and enjoyable.


    The Miami win was an added bonus and yes, I'm now Spikes age.



    Yes, Happy Birthday Cindy!!!!

    As for the other stuff, did you forget to run it by your older brother (or is it dad)? ;)

  15. 1) ESPN Radio declared this morning that the Bills are IN THE PLAYOFF HUNT!!!!! ;)

    2) We need more pass rush from the DEs.

    3) If the Bills get a good lead they should bench MaGahee next week. I was very concerned watching him limp around, the kid might be a literally great RB.

    4) It has been a few years since I have seen a pass like the one Drew through to Evans, at least while watching the Bills. It doesn't seem possible to throw a ball that deep with that much air under it.

    5) Spikes was great as usual. Fletcher played a bad game by his standards, but I am not concerned.

    6) Are there any Drew haters that now think that it was smart not to bench him?

    7) IF the Bills make the playoffs, is a home game an impossibility? If so, too bad because I have a 50/50 chance of getting permission to go. I sound like a wimp? Wait until YOU are married 20 years.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. He certainly does not "suck" and everyone (well everyone else I guess) knows it. He is just not a complete back. The Bills have found their complete back in Willis. Though the exaggerations that persist here regarding TH by you and VA are bordering on absurdity. It would be one thing if you guys were calling him an average back , fine whatever,  but the "no effort" , "bag of sh--", "he sucks" and the ever so popular and false "he's pouting in the locker room" comments only make you guys look like ICE in spite of the otherwise good knowledge of the game I know you guys have.


    It has been asked here before, but why does it always have to be Player A is god and his counterpart player B is a piece of sh-- ?  Was it Flutie/Johnson that did this? I will never understand how a Bills fan cannot even in some small way support a guy that busted his ass the whole time while here and improved every season he was here , especially in such a lost season of misery like 2003. The are LB's strewn about the league who have testified to his positive abilities and they should not be ignored. So he was not the next great Bills Rb, get over it.



    I suppose that your post would be easier to take were it a tad less sanctimonious, but I will do the best that I can....


    Be a "homer" as you will. To this, I plead guilty as well. Now, look at the stats this season if you will. How many times was Drew sacked with Gump in the game as opposed to when MaGahee was in there. Now, ask yourself why, OK?


    Travis Gump had some great running stats for 2 seasons, this I readily admit...Why? Because teams were teeing off on Drew and the poor blocking providid to him by his OL, TEs, and yes, Travis Gump.


    Now, let's get to this season if we may...What is our W/L record with Travis Gump as the starter? What are the sack stats with and without Travis Gump? How many times this season did Gump fall on his stupid ass during crucial plays? How many blocks did he miss that allowed sacks? How many balls did he drop on passing plays? Did he run any wrong patterns?


    Please, rip my postings at your leisure. What I DO ask is that if you choose to do so, bring something to the table so that we may have some football to talk about.

  17. dude - throw him in Denver's offense and you have a 1700 yard rusher



    Only 1,700 yards? I am thinking more in the neighborhood of 2,000 and a berth in Canton. :w00t:

    Get over it my friend. He sucks, he is out of here and we will be hard pressed to sucker someone into parting with a 6th. This MAY be possible only because he was so brain dead that he had to renegotiate a cheap contract.

    The day that Travis Gump leaves Buffalo, the Bills will be a better football team, and some parents can breathe a sigh of relief.

    Travis Henry is a bag of sh--, and a stupid one at that.

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