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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. We certainly should not forget how badly this team played when they went 0-4 and 1-5 because remembering this is a big part of what makes this turnaround a turnaround and makes this so much fun.


    What I'm also not forgetting is that many posters on TSW seemed to assert that they knew a lot more about football than us other foolish posters and even stranger that they knew a lot more about football than TD, MM and the Bills braintrust who are paid way too much money to spend too much timing thinking about how to win this boy's game.


    I'm as happy as anyone to admit that I was flatout wrong for having lost faith in the Bills ability to make a playoff run,  It still looks pretty doubtful that they will make it to the playoffs as in addition to winning out (a difficult thing to do in itself) they will have depend upon too many other opponents doing complete el foldos to get there.


    Nevertheless, I am pleased amidst the difficult times of the first half of the season, I had my doubtsad failings, but at least I did not invest in to total non-football thinking of some posters on TSW who stated that it was simply a stone cold lock that this team would never win with Bledsoe at the helm, that TD made obviously silly draft picks which would never work and actually seemed to delight in mocking out the bad accomplishments of this team rather than suggesting how to make it better (outside of suggesting some insane cuts),


    Folks know who they are.  It would be interesting to track the number of posts they made in the bad times and their declining number as the team performs better after their sage wisdom was totally ignored.


    Are folks who gave football "advice" while we were not producing strong enough to now stand-up and say that the Bills huge increase in productivity came about at the same time as their advice (or stone-cold perscriptions) regarding issues like cutting Vincent, moving MW to LG, or cutting Bledsoe yesterday were totally ignored?



    I will happily take my lumps. I did not think that McNally could make a good unit from an OL that gave up more than 100 sacks in 2 years.

    That said, what this man has done is incredible. Tucker is imo playing very well at LG. How amazing is that? Teague (who imo was a lousy center) is improving as we speak. Big Mike looks as if he wants to play football, and they lost little when Price was inserted.

    Despite my years of criticism (which imo was quite valid), all I ever wanted was for the Buffalo Bills to be a football team that was able to block opposing football teams. You saw the game yesterday and the Arizona game. The climate makes the basic need to block even more pronounced.

    I just hope that TD continues to draft big guys for the OL. We need another corner, and could use another running back.

    All in all, the future looks bright imo, and I am happy to be mistaken about Mr. McNally. ;)

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The bus has been running more on the outside rather than between the tackles..That is where he has had his success lately.  Our run defense on

    the outside has been pretty average as Shoebel has been repeatedly beaten.

    I think Cinci will do exactly that....try to run it to the outside with Rudi.


    BTW, Troy Polamalu has been playing outstanding in Pitts defensive backfield

    and is probably the best Safety playing today (probbably better than Ed Reed).

    The guy is a monster...I get to see the Pit games on TV and he is for real.



    Thanks for the info about the safety. I didn't know that.


    As far as Bettis running to the outside on Schobel, I would like to see him try. AS is not the best DE in the league, but he is certainly one of the fastest, and he has Fletcher, Spikes and Milloy to help him out.


    Hey, maybe I have my rose colored glasses on, but I think that the Bills, if healthy, will beat the steelers. Right now, my concern is cincy on the road.

  3. Are we for real? Certainly. Here's why...


    Does anybody doubt if Pitt is "for real?" Of course not. Yet, they have a rookie qb, and imo, that alone makes him vulnerable. Yes, he has looked very good, but I would like to see how he feels after Big Sam rolls over him, and Scobel hits him at full speed. Or how about Milloy or Vincent kicking his ass on a blitz?

    The "Bus" is tough no doubt, but so are our DTs, and penetrating lbs.

    In summary, our defense matches up well against their offense.


    On the other side of the ball, it is a different story. It will be up to our OL, which gets better each week. Are Moulds and Evans afraid of the Pitt corners? I highly doubt it. If our OL can afford Drew ample time (an yes, he does need a lot) and open some holes for Willis, then the Bills can and will beat the steelers at home.


    Imo, NE is the dominant team in the NFL, but let's wait and see how they hold up.

  4. On WFAN, fans are screaming for Pennington's head, and they are blaming the entire defeat on him. :w00t:

    It is remarkable how so many fans think that the qb alone is responsible for every loss, but imo, nothing on this board is dumber than the posts which state that we should stick with Drew ONLY if he wins the superbowl this season. :) That's right, one loss, and he's outta here! ;)


    I have been on this board for countless years, and this my friends is as ridiculous as anything I have ever seen here.

  5. Denney gets a lot of bad press. He's a better run stopper than Kelsay. That's primarily what he was drafted to do - hold his end of the line. He's great literaly defending stretch plays. You heard me...great. He's limited as a pass rusher, so he gets killed on this board. He's cheap depth at LDE that is solid against the run and will get pressures here and there when needed. Many teams use a run stopper at LDE, especially when they have an inside guy who is good at rushing the passer or collapsing the pocket. Denney is often in when  Ron Edwards is in. Kelsay is usually in when Sam and Pat are in. The defense is a flexible, flowing thing, and Denney has played solid in his role.


    The Pats have many solid defenders who don't have the stats because they're playing a role. An important role. Denney is one of those players for us. Posey is another.



    Very good post. I was never high on Denney, but as a situationsl DE, he is doing a wonderful job.

  6. 1) I know considerably more about the game than you do.

    2) Gezzus Khrist... did I not mention "weather"??? you can't even read and your trying to rip my knowledge of the game?  Who the hell are you?, Beano Cook???



    Yeah, you mentioned the weather, and made the snide remark about giving him a "pass."


    If you have this wealth of knowledge about football please share it, instead of placing full emphasis on the qb position wrt wins and losses. Think about what you are saying...the Bills won by 30 points, and you will "excuse" the qb in a manner of speaking. That simply makes no sense, does it?


    Why not look elsewhere as well if you want to dish out blame for losses. I'll help you get started....what is the Bills record with and without MaGahee? Are you going to put those losses all on Drew? :o

  7. FIrst... great win yesterday.  Even though I'm the #1 dump Bledsoe poster, I'm not going to chastise him and his performance yesterday...I'll give Drew a free pass because of the weather (since it is the season for charity).


    TIme to put this "W" behind us and now... onto next week vs. Cincy. 


    1) Do the wheels come off this week???


    2) If Kitna QBs Cincy, wouldn't that make the Bengals more dangerous?


    3) Bledsoe has demonstrated a knack for performing at his absolute worst in Big games.  Well, this game against Cincy is huge (as Billy Fucillo would say).  Will Drew reverse this trend, and if he doesn't, can the Bills win this game?  My money says Drew folds like a cheap wallet again... so we'll see.


    Games are all big at this point, but the Bills haven't faced a team as good as the Bengals since they took a November 14th B word slapping from the Patriots in front of the whole world.  This is the game that will separate the Bills from contender or pretender.



    Give us a break, will you?

    Nice of you to give Drew a "free charity pass." Do you understand football even a little bit? It was probably hard to take the snap, see downfield, and hand the ball off, let alone to throw an accurate pass. It was also tough footing for the receivers, and guess what? It is hard to catch a slippery ball, thus the drop by Moulds....but hey, thanks for looking the other way just this once. :o


    As for the Cincy game, believe it or not, it will be more about our defense than Drew. How so? The bengals are home, have very good young receivers, a good offensive line and if Kitna plays, a qb with a probable chip on his shoulder and something to prove. It would be tough for any qb to "win" this game without a ton of help from the defense, and of course a running game.


    You seem to be just laying back, and awaiting a Bills loss with open arms so you can jump all over Drew, a guy who was the qb for a team that just won 7 of their last 9. You might have a better time enjoying these wins.

    Oh, and the seahawks are a far better team than cincy. You will see this as they beat up on the jests.

  8. 1) Yesterday's game was a reason that stats are not tell-all. At the end of the season, this game will look bad on paper for Drew, and although he made a couple of bad throws, I think that he played OK.

    2) I am telling you, I think that the jests will lose at least 2 more games! Who would get the tie-breaker if we were both 10-6? Too early to tell?

    3) Schobel is playing better than he did last season, again, perhaps not on paper but in fact.

    4) I am frightened by the Cincy wrs, but less so with Vincent in the lineup.

    5) Big Sam was no less than great yesterday.

    6) Teague played well, and I dont recall ever saying that.

    7) I cannot praise Josh Stamer enough on special teams.

    8) Spikes is starting to play like a Hall of Fame lb, and Fletcher is almost as good.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Yes, and this situation scares me right now more than anything else about our football team.

    All of us love to see these guys kicking ass on returns, but our dirty little secret is that if either of them go down, our season is all but over. Who would fill in at corner? Kevin Thomas?

    If the Bills are lucky enough to get a decent lead, I would truly hope that MM yanks both of them. I am also hoping that next season, we will have someone else to return either punts or kickoffs. The Buffalo Bills are NOT in a position to lose a starting cornerback and still have a reasonable chance to run the table. Not with Pitt and Cincy awaiting us.

  10. I fail to see the difference between this, and most other football games.


    No matter how bad the browns appear to be or in fact are, the Bills offense needs to run the football successfully, and prevent the browns from running the football.


    I like our chances because we are home, our special teams are great, and our coaching staff has come around. I dont believe that Krumerie will allow the big guys to let down, and that this will be enough to allow the offense opportunities to put away a weak team like this.


    Krumerie (sic) might be my favorite part of the Bills organization. It is very likely that he will NOT wear a coat for this game. He did NOT vs. Arizona, and the weather was horrid. He will pace the sidelines, yell at the entire defense, and never let up.


    Yeah, the Bills will win. My man TK will be a part of it.


    Bills 27

    browns 14

  11. You know Bill, I enjoy your posts and have a high opinion of you, even if we don't always agree.  But I really think your splitting hairs here.


    BTW, when you called me out for using a rather crude allegory for those taking a rather overly biased position in suport of a certain left tackle for the Vikings, I felt kind of bad.  Then I read ICE's post where he refers to those supporting Bledsoe as "licking his asscrack."  I have since then decided I wasn't so bad after all!  LOL!


    BTW, while I do not condone child abuse, I have to say that labeling sex with a 15 year old girl when you are 21 as child molestation and pedophilia is really a bit over the top and a function of the times.  My mother was 15 when my old man knocked her up with me  :blink: at 22!  They've been married for 46 years.  I do not believe I have ever heard my father accused of being a pedophile or child molester!



    Well, your analogy did compare to the one of ICE, but that is yesterdays' news. :blink:

    As to your parents, few things are better than long, successful marriages. Please extend my congrats to them, and accept mine to you. Yes, they did the right thing and were obviously rewarded. That said, although imo times have changed, I accept your post as history that few things are absolute.

    As for Travis, his sexual incident was not his only display of questionable conduct. The missed team flight to a dolphin game and the bankruptcy lend themselves to instability, at least from where I sit.

    His play is another matter. I can recall people calling him the "heart and soul" of the Buffalo Bills football team. Others have deemed him worthy a top 5 pick. I never thought he was very good, let alone a premier back. Too many flaws in his game.

    To end this, I still maintain that there is no place on TBD to insult a posters' family status, nor other personal problems.

  12. Raquel Welch, and to me it is not even close.


    Many years ago, I was a uniformed police officer in Midtown Manhattan. I was working a special detail for "Night of 1,000 Stars." We had to make sure that celebrities could walk from Radio City to the New York Hilton without getting killed.


    When Raquel walked by me, surrounded by 2 huge bodyguards, I froze, and my forehead was sweating profusely. She was simply more beautiful than I can describe. She saw me staring, stopped, and gave me a seductive wink and a big smile. Her bodyguards were laughing at me, as was the crowd. I was spellbound, she was THAT hot. I will never forget this.


    The only woman I have ever seen who looks better is my wife. <_<:blush:

  13. It always makes you look real good to call someone a douchebag who has offered well wishes for your family in a time of need despite your differences re: football and refrained from calling you names, (until now).  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    Whatever. I am not trying to look good. This is an issue that perhaps you need to confront.

    I too wish nothing but the best for you and your family. If you recall, that is what started these tirades. I agree with BiB. There is NO room for insulting a posters' job loss nor marital status, and I mean !@#$ing none!

    I copped to being too harsh on Travis with the name calling. What would you have me do, stand on my head and spit quarters?

    As far as the MW thing to which you no doubt allude, guess what? He sucked for almost 2 1/2 years, training camp visits by you notwithstanding. #89 was there too, and he still sucked. After that, he played well and I sung his praise, today no less. Is that not enough?

    Think of me as you will, it matters little. The ironic part is that I have found reasons to praise your postings, and you sit back in wait to attack me. That's OK. Take care.

  14. 1.) Show me where rkFast "insulted" ICE's family.  He stated a fact about something that ICE was bragging about on this very message board, that he and his wife had separated.  Though, IIRC, ICE has since reconciled, but that's not the point.

    2.) There is no doubt that what Travis did was wrong, and I do not condone sex with 15 year olds.  But even in the stories about the incident there was no doubt that the girl lied to Travis about her age and told him she was 18.  But your comments (something along the lines of parents feeling safer if Travis left) imply that he actively sought out sex with a 15 year old, like he was a dirty old man loitering around the high school with a bag of candy, and that it's an activity he currently engages in.

    3.) I wish nothing but the best for you and yours as well.  But I'm not going to imply that you're a loser if you are not the top paid person in your field.



    Imo, seperation/divorce are never items to celebrate, nor "brag" about. This is because professionally, I have seen what these things do to children, and even adults. I do not condone using what I perceive to be a horrific scene as fodder to insult another poster on TBD.

    As for the sex thing, neither of us truly knows what happened. What I DO know is that I have a 16 year old daughter who resembles Jennifer Lopez (she takes after my Puerto-Rican wife of 20 years :blink: ). I remain appalled by this reprehensible conduct, and do not want him on the Buffalo Bills. Was he completely guilty? Again, I don't know. What I do know is that more often than not, criminal behavior tends to repeat itself. Trust me on this, please.

    Despite how you may feel, I retract my obscene statement to you, and repeat my best wishes to your family. I am backing out of a fight with you.

    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  15. WTF is that about? So I am not a bills fan? since when?  And bill I AM right on damn near most of what I post. Moreso than most. 


    As for Clement who cares? It's MM's offense that MM Called plays for, for years at Pitt. Wyche is a is a friggin offensive stud. I have no problems with clement taking a job.


    Oh BTW...way to support that BUFFALO BILL coach. I mean God forbid he take a job of a life time over being OC for a 6-6 Bills team.  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    If he seeks, is offered, and accepts the job, I am happy for him.

    My thing is that he is doing good things us, and as a Bills fan I hate to see him go. The continuity would be a good thing for the Buffalo Bills football team if he stayed.

    That's all.

  16. Oh and referring to our current second string running back as Travis Gump and implying that he's a pedophiliac sexual predator is AOK?



    1) I admit to going over the top if you will with the "Travis Gump" thing. Having said that, please note that I never insulted his family.

    2) I did not arrest Travis Henry. Somene else did due to probable cause. Please tell me that you are not going to condone sex with a 15 year old in order to ridicule me on a message board.

    3) !@#$ you. Notice that I did not include your family, who I wish well. I also hope that your professional life is stable so that you are able to provide well for your family.

    Travis Henry has certainly made enough money to do so.

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