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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. It's probably a wash, though they play different positions in different schemes.  They are very alike in their leadership.


    I love London and think he's playing as well as any inside backer in the NFL and has been since donning the charging bison.



    I think that Talley was a little better vs. the pass, but London is all over the friggin field, and he is just a ba$tard to run against.

  2. Nah... here's my reasoning:  If I called him "The Gimp" before, I should call him "The Gimp" now when he's doing well, don't you think?  I'm consistent - I was consistently wrong about McGahee.  :P


    Though it's early, The Gimp has been exactly the shot in the arm the Bills needed to defeat beatable opponents.  The Bills (and McGahee) take a step up in opponent this week:  Not only playing a decent team, but on the road - a good test to see how far the Bills have come.



    Sorry Mike, but the seahawks are better than the bengals.

  3. Never said they were.  Somebody did say Wright & Kelso were great. 

    Again, Odoms was pretty good but if you take away 2 plays in his career - the int vs. Houston and the strip of Willie Gault on Sunday night would anybody even remember him any differently than Thomas Smith?

    That is a tough call - by slim margins, I would say Spikes is the best of the 4 and Fletcher is the worst - so it's probably a wash.



    I know that I will get blasted for this, but I rank Fletcher ever so slightly above Talley.

  4. The Super Bowl defense was very underrated and the schemes were very basic.  Put those players in a more aggressive and attacking style and they'd have been much more productive.


    Walt Corey was an idiot, though in fairness to him defensive schemes have greatly matured over the last 10 years.



    Dontcha think that they were a tad light up front?

    Btw, I would take Spikes/Fletcher over Bennett/Talley. They seem WAY tougher to run on, but then again, they ARE playing behind Big Sam.

    Tough call.

  5. Wasn't Dallas Clark (Indy) a DE before switching at Iowa?  Riemersma was a college QB right?  Denney is 6 - 7.  It could happen.  How about Denney and Peters at TE.  Would have to be the biggest starting TE's in the league. 


    If not TE, the guy may be gone next year.



    Gone? Why? His game has improved, he is a good situational DE and his salary is relatively low.

  6. While I'm not the only one that's made multiple posts (and wasn't going to say anything in regards to this one) why should I ease up on Tom?  He is STILL hounding me for sticking up for Ron Artest and things from six months ago.  And you think I should ease up on him?


    I planned on it, but in reality I don't think he has any regret at all, the only thing he regrets is that he was the one made to look like a moron this time instead of him doing it to someone else.



    Personally, I too was sickened by your stance on Artest, but saw no need to kick you when you were down.

    Anyway, I was just throwing a suggestion out there.

  7. That's right, we wouldn't want Tom to be dissapointed would we?



    BFII, Tom made a statement that neither you nor I agreed with. He has since expressed his regret. If this is good enough for SDS, I am asking you to at least look at the possibility of letting it die.

    I can remember you being on the wrong end of this sort of thing and not liking it.

    Enough is enough sometimes, OK Bro?

  8. "I need at least a second rounder to trade him away"


    is winning????


    Holy hell people.


    If you think we can get a 2nd rounder for him now, when even BEFORE his latest broken bone that was questionable, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.



    Read the thread again. One poster doesn't totally rule out Miami handing us a top 5 pick in the first round.

    There are going to be literally hundreds of "TD Sucks" and "We Got Screwed" posts when and if we get a 5th or a 6th round pick for Travis.

  9. I don't think I'd do it, even for a 1st rounder.  Although the angry mob on the board has begun the "kill Travis" chant, everyone seems to have conveniantly forgotten that this guy was the best player on the team up until this year.


    Anyone remember last year? Getting 1300 yards after missing a game or two and playing the whole year on a broken leg and bruised ribs?


    You think Antowain Smith was something posessed when we played him twice a year? Imagine Travis Henry.


    No, he needs to go outside the division and outside of the conference if possible.



    Since his impressive 2 year yardage total, Travis not only has done nothing right, he has suffered 2 serious injuries to boot.

    This season, he could not block, ran wrong patterns, dropped passes and slid on his ass on crucial plays. First round pick, huh?

    Imo, aside from being an incomplete player, he should take Kevin Gilbride to dinner once a week, because he owes much of his yardage to him. Defenders were flying past our OL (unobstructed mind you) trying to kill Bledsoe. Henry would get the handoff, build a head of steam, and was effective in this sense.

    If the Bills can grab a 5th or 6th round pick, they would be doing well. Marshall Faulk went for a 2nd and a 5th. Corey Dillon cost a 2nd. These are great back who play a complete game.

    A first round pick for Henry? As much as I wish it were true, it is pure fantasy.

  10. Actually...I dont think that Travis is a lousy football player....far from it...




    One thing that is really sticking out to me is the ability to handle competition......I mean....you want your starting back to take on that challange when a team drafts someone else and say "this is my team and sit your @ss on the bench" with his play....not his mouth


    For some reason....Travis needed to have his ego stroked and the bills stroked it for as long as they could...even when he wasn't performing....in the end he was "olay" pass blocking which was something he DIDN"T do last year.....last year when Henry was in a position to do it he would sacrifice his body to absolutely stone a blitzer.......


    Something in Henry's mental ability broke long before his physical body was injured...I was sad to see it......but life moves on and now we have Willis



    OK. What do you realistically think that the Bills can get for him in terms of a draft pick? Please, do not think as strictly a Bills fan. What do you think TD can get for him?

  11. This HAS to be the dumbest post in TBD history. A 6th rounder? Are you crazy?



    Wait and see Bro. He cannot block, remember pass routes, catch the football, and slides on his ass on crucial plays. Oh, and he is banged up with injuries. Do you think that GMs around the league will fail to notice this?

    No sense arguing now. Watch and see.

  12. I know it is hard to let go of Travis Henry, but did this guy make an impression on anyone else?  He is really explosive and plays to the whistle.  I know size has GOT to be a concern, but the guy could be a nice back up. 


    Could that pave the way for a Travis Henry trade? 




    Travis, imo, was already a done deal. If the Bills can scrape up a 6th round pick for him, he will be traded. If not, he will be cut, and people will be saying that "TD sucks."

    Travis Henry is a lousy football player.

  13. Many praises to you Bill, though my endorsement is certainly not necessary or required.  I definitely have enjoyed learning from and disagreeing with your posts over the years. 


    It really is great to root for a winner and though I was wrong to declare it impossible for the Bills to win with Bledsoe playing as poorly as he has recently, the Bills fortunately have proved me wrong in that they have won going away several times in a row with Bledsoe's performance ranging from good (the TD throw to Evans las week wasa beautiful pass) to downright stinky (100 yds? even in lousy weather against Cleveland this stinks and the 3 pics were putrid).  I am happy I was so wrong.


    I don't think I was wrong about Bledsoe who I still think is well beyond his best days.  I was wrong not paying attention to the factual occurence that a team can simply blow opponents away multiple times even if they're QB doesn't play well or consistently.


    The most amazing thing though about this is that I saw myself as being fairly moderate about Bledsoe and a team's ability to win with him,  I deemed the original trade to be a good one, but the possibility of being a winner witg him was over.


    I think folks who claim an real football knowledge rather than being driven by their own pride would step up now if they truly rooted for the Bills and simply admit they were wrong and it is possible for this team to win with Bledsoe doing whatever Bledsoe can do.


    How low the brilliant have fallen dropping back from their worldly pronouncements that the Bills could not win at all with Bledsoe to now feebly claiming he will never win them an SB/



    Thanks for the compliment. Your theory about cap allocation to the qb position still has my head spinning. While I am not in full agreement with you on this issue, you have certainly influenced my stance. the ironic thing is that the Bills, taking all things into consideration, might be in a near perfect spot wrt to this.


    While I will always welcome newcomers to TBD, it certainly is always great to read the postings of "old timers" such as you.

    Thanks again for the kind words.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Watch tapes of Jim Brown. I never saw him play, but from what I have seen on film, he is by far the best runner ever, and he knocked people into next week with his stiff arm.

    As for comparisons between WM and Travis, please! Willis has faster hands, AND he is running faster. He is also just as strong, if not stronger.


    It amazes me how Drew has so many detractors and Henry has so many fans on this board. The records indicate that Henry was a major portion of the problem with the Buffalo Bills football team.

  15. You are correct Sir...



    Can you friggin imagine????

    You know, when I sat in the first row at the ariz. game, I also noticed that he never got in Gray's face. It was clear who was the boss. Gray was relatively subdued and in control. TK was pacing around, shouting things at not just the def. linemen, but at the lbs and dbs as well. NOBODY made faces, nor gave him any static, not at all.

    Yeah, put him at or near the top of my list of people that I would like to have a beer with, along with BiB, and many others on this board.

    TK is one bad mf.

  16. turtle-neck, with no jacket!


    At the Arizona game, I sat in the first row behind him. He wore a short-sleeved shirt....again, no coat. Remember the nasty weather?


    I know little to nothing about his coaching abilities, but this man sets an example. This man is as tough a human being as I have ever seen in football. Imo, he is playing a major role in making the Buffalo Bills football team a group of tough guys. He is also becoming something of a cult hero, at least from where I sit.


    GO TK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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