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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. 1) I think that MM left MaGahee in way too long. Please, give the kid a rest when possible.

    2) What's in a name, but from where I sit, Lee Evans is the #1 receiver already.

    3) You did not hear the name Ron Edwards much, but he made one of the best plays in the game imo. When Kitna had trouble with the snap and the ball popped out, there was a Bengal right there. Edwards had a choice of diving for the football or shoving the Bengal about 5 yards like a rag doll, and chose the latter. Fletch came in and scooped it up. It was smart, sound football.

    4) Stats (and some of you) will say I am wrong, but imo Drew played a very good game. Most of the missed throws were thrown out of bounds, so as to not be picked. When they were down 7, he tossed the bomb. Quietly, he led the football team to a win. What more could one ask? Oh, and he passed Joe Montana in all-time completions, which one could also view as OK. :devil:

    5) Not enough can be said about Spikes and Fletcher, but even Posey looked good yesterday.

    6) With Kelsay, Schobel and yes, Denney as a backup, the Defensive End position is not a weakness, but a strength for this football team.

    7) Speaking of AS, he is better this season than last, numbers notwithstanding. He is holding his own against OTs ranging from very good to all time greats.

    8) Now for a question.....Was Krumerie wearing a jacket yesterday?

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The Rams and Seahawks have franchised both Pace and Jones the last two, in essence taken them off the market, and then signed them to a 1 year contract. I'm sure it will be more of the same.


    I think the best thing we can do with Jennings is to put a transition tag on him because we all agree he's not worth franchise money. If we have a transition tag available it could allow us to keep Jennings if he's offered a favorable contract by another team it would at least give us a failsafe if if we can't find a replacement. Someone posted a list of 2005 free awhile ago and doing a quick scan didn't really see anyone I felt to be as good as Jennings but will do some fine tune scouting when get the chance. One name I do remember is Bob Whitfield, who has definately seen better days, but could be a guy for depth purposes only and could help be used to help develop a draft choice (sorta like Jim Jeffcoat did for Marcellus Wiley). As let's not forget that Marcus Price is also due to be an UFA. While I wouldn't mind Price back, I see him as nothing more then a career backup.


    Two distinct possible short/long temr replacements could  be LJ Shelton or Chris Samuels, while not on the list (as recall), both might end up being cap casualities. I think someone mentioned Brad Hopkins a long while ago, who might be a good short term solution and/or mentor like Whitfield.



    The Bills dont have a "transition" designation.

  3. No rushing TD listed in this game, although I do remember a moment like that from last year, just can't remember when.

    All I know is that two of your favorites had nice days;-) Travis scored twice (1rec, 1rush) and Phat Pat was an unholy terror.




    OK, did the Bills play the bengals in the 8-8 season? Last game? Tell me that I am not delusional. :devil:

  4. Scott, please. I am glad that you let me post here. Although my donations were not very large, I stand ready to send another check. I suggest a fund raiser before the draft.

    In any event, save your apology. I am sorry to have ever been a pest to you. Please accept my eternal thanks for what you have built, and the friendships this site has enabled me to make.

  5. You people are unbelievable, a guy has a good game and you're willing to go down on him but someone here says the guy sucks and everyone crucifies him even though he was the heart and soul of the team for the past few years.  This place kills me.



    "Heart and Soul" of the football team? Tell me you are joking!

    In 3 years, we were 3-13, 8-8, and 6-10, right? This year, we were on the way to oblivion until MM sat his ass on the bench. Am I mistaken?

    BFII pointed out the dismal sack stats while Henry played. I do not slight BF at all. That was great work, but if HE can find stats like this, so can the worst GM in the NFL.

    Travis ran well for two years. I never denied this. He also stunk up the football field in every other facet of playing football.

    It might serve you to take off the rose colored glasses and look for a reason that the Bills are playing so well as of late.

    Ridding ourselves us of Henry will be a loss of a second string back with a ton of limitations and a gain of approx. 1 million dollars of salary cap room.

  6. I think the main problem is, we all thought he was great. Why? Because we were comparing him to the last Bills RB, Antowain Smith. When a GREAT running back finally came in, we realized what Henry always was... a hard-working, yet only above average RB.  We've seen the light.



    Above average, when taking into accout all phases of being a running back, is a stretch imo, but your point is valid.

  7. Actually its a lot more complicated than you depict it as being an an examination of the individual games shows it.


    1. The best evidence of the theme which started this thread of good blitz pick-up by the RBs being the key to the winning streak is not so much a straightforward assessment that WM can d it and Travis can't but actually its that WM also struggled in blitz pick-up early in the season during our 1-4 start when we were losing and an increase in his ability to do this job coincided with the streak and him gaining yardage as well.  However, my sense is that actually the imporvement in WM;s nliyz pick-up ability and us winning did coincide but there is little cause and effect here.


    2. Henry's best running performance as when he almost put up 100 (98 yards I think in 20 or so carries) against the Pats, but his performance was not central for the most part to the game performance of the team instead of W/L.  If his bad play is so critical then when he plays well it should show up in some way.


    3.  Its good you mention crucial plays because reasonable analysis ad explanation of the game results should include some description of the timing of critical plays.  For example, in the above mentioned NE game, we hung with them pretty well for over three quarters and then things fell apart with a critical turnover returned for a TD by Seymour.  It was Bledsoe's fumb;e but if you want to find fault with TH then he appeared to run the wromg way on the handoff which coincided with the funble but this will never appear on the stat sheet.


    Tje key to the Bills getting the best trade value for Henry will be that potential trade partners will likely not assess his career by this season by his total career.  From his Pro Bowl appearance for the 2002 season to a gutsy perfornmance where he gained almost 1300 yards despite playing through a fracture bone I think it is pretty clear that he does not suck as a player.


    The key to him scoring a big payday and the Bills getting good value for him is whether he can play at all this year.  If he plays and performs folks will be put at greater ease about injury and his downturn this year will likely be attributed to him going into a bit of a funk as it was clear that WM was going to be the man here.


    I would think anyone who wants the Bills to do well from dumping him would root for this to occur.


    It clearly can if his play returns to the form which saw him put u[ yardage numbers near or above 1300 yards as a runner, sawhim catch over 40 passes in 2002 and saw him do an adequate job on blitz pick-up based on what I observed the last two years.



    FFS, thanks for the reply, but would you please address the following...


    There are leigons of posters who point to the Bills record with Drew at qb and blame HIM. Would you agree? I invite you, and any other poster to compare the record of the Bills with and without Travis as the starting RB.


    More amazing are the sack stats, which (no offense :lol: ), you failed to address. Since Willis was inserted as the starter, Drew has rarely been sacked, and we both know that he needs a ton of time as compared to many more agile qbs. Now, throw in falling down, running wrong pass routes and dropping passes....this after he did stop coughing the football up time after friggin time. It adds up to a mess imo.


    When TD cut that garbage receiver that NE picked up, do you remember the outcry? What has HE done?


    You started a great thread the other day about "eating crow." My view on Travis is not something that I want to be "right" about. I love the Bills and probably spend too much time and money in support of them, but this is what I do.

    That said, I am as sure as an uninformed fan can be that Travis has very little value in terms of a trade. We shall see, and thanks for the dialogue.

  8. I would love for someone to prove to me why this is true...



    Travis himself proved that this is true each time he started a game this season, stunk up the football field, and lost games for the Buffalo Bills. I dont have the time nor the energy, but I welcome you to look up the sack stats with and without Travis Henry this season.

    Imo, the other posters are being kind. He is NOT a quality running back. He is a good runner because he is strong, although he lacks speed. That is all he could ever do. This season, he could not even accomplish this, as he was busy sliding on his ass on crucial plays.

    Wait and see. He will bring no more than a 5th round pick, and will possibly be released outright. If this happens, it will still be the Bills' gain. I would rather have a million in cap space than an easily replaceable Travis Henry.

    It is not a hard choice at all.

  9. I am still waiting for an answer to the questions I posed.  All you have done is present an undated local radio station poll where the respondents indicated they thought Theresa was hurting Kerry's chances.  You go from that to concluding that she is a lunatic?  I wonder, did you know of that poll before your assertion that she was a lunatic or did you dig it up afterward in an attempt to justify the conclusions you already reached with no research beyond the last Limbaugh rant you listened to?


    So, it is your "understanding" that she was institutionalized?  Do you have anything better than your "understanding" by way of proof?  Forgive me if I am reluctant to slur a total stranger based on your "understanding". 


    Again, I await your links to polls showing that Mrs. Bush is nationally "adored" as opposed to "liked", "respected", etc.  51 million people voted against her husband so apparently not everyone "adores" her or is stupid enough to cast their vote based on their personal like or dislike for the candidates spouse.



    Mickey, in the political climate of America today, a small bloc of votes can be enough to carry a state.

    Certainly, if TK was perceived by some to be a "lunatic," "gold digger," or "fag-hag," this cost her husband votes. Otoh, voters probably had less reason to dislike Mrs. Bush, and many adore his mom.

    Btw, I am not calling Ms. Kerry a "fag-hag." It is merely a term, one that I do not use. As for the other two phrases........ :P:);)

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