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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Willis's minor injury happened this coming week against Frisco and not this past week. How many of you would be hoping to God we had Travis Henry instead of Shaud Williams or Joe Burns in there against the Steelers in the biggest game in 5 years?



    That is a valid question.

    Either way, we would be eaten alive by the steelers with Henry in there. He cannot pick up blitzes, and Bledsoe would be toast.

    Running wrong patterns, dropping easy passes and falling down in front of 3 feet wide holes might not help either.

  2. When I think about it, I know quite a few republicans that would have voted for the democrat candidate, if they thought he was a viable candidate- they were not really pro-Bush.


    Last time the Democrats got a guy in office, it was a man from a red state, who garnered a conservative base.


    That being said, I think what the election was is the conservatives overcoming the vocal minority, which is the liberals.


    Anyone agree or disagree- I expect some very interesting opinions.



    I am not sure exactly what you mean, but I will offer my $.02.


    The dems are in a sad state of affairs. Look at the 9 idiots they lined up in the primary, and then find me one attractive candidate in the bunch. Around the country, they lost congressional seats, senate seats and governorships. Do you think this was an accident.

    In the dem party, for every Mickey, who is sane, pragamatic and wants to make sense, there is a budsload of rule making, life controlling nut jobs that care more about whales, seals, smoking in bars and not eating meat than they do about issues that matter.

    The dems have a base of African-American voters, this I admit. Thier Hispanic base is sketchy, and the traditional Jewish base seems to be at long last shrinking.

    Almost all union bosses vote for dems, who take their votes for granted and give them NAFTA in return. Oh, did I fail to mention the Hollywood elitists such as wife beating Sean Penn, and Chelsea Clinton's pal Madonna?


    I am thinking African-Americans cast almost the same number of votes for Kerry as did Whites. Where are the AA senators and congressman? Answer: Few exist, because white liberals want to lead them by the nose and again, take their support for granted. Republicans, according to Dick Morris, devote little resources to getting AA votes because of the near certain futility. This is a state of affairs that concerns me.


    The dems will continue to flounder as long as their party is viewed by voters, or is in fact energized and controlled by the nut jobs who were demonstrating at the convention and draining us of our police resources, this in a time of terrorist threat.

    Also, dems lose the presidency when they tell the truth. I point to Mondale, Dukakis and McGovern as examples. In this election, they put forth another tactic....a candidate who stood for absolutely nothing.

    Ques: Senator Kerry, are you for or against gay marriage?

    Ans: Yes.

    It wasn't going to fly.

  3. you are correct. Drew has been awesome over the last few games. :lol:


    good thing the Bills didn't have to move more than 10 yards to score.


    SF will beat the Bills if the offense plays as it did against Bengals. Bengals were blitzing to stop the run and the offensive braintrust had no trust to let Drew throw the ball to exploit the weakness.



    I am hoping that for your sake as a person, there is something you can enjoy other than hating Drew Bledsoe.

  4. I'd just like to say hello to everybody here at 2 bills drive...ive been coming to this site for a couple years now..and i'd just like to say that this is by far one of the best fan sites around..


    This site has good people, and a ton of decent insight and information..I hope I can contribute just as good as everybody on here..


    Soo then to start off my first topic of my tenure here..


    If mcgahee and the coaching staff decide to sit him out for the game at Sanfrancisco next week..how much will it jeapordize a chance to get 1000 this season? I mean don't get me wrong I believe willis has had a successful season..but wouldn't it be great if he can crack 1000? and it obviously won't be easy against pittsburgh..




    Forgive me, but I dont care one iota if WM gets 1,000 yards. Aside from his running, he is also blocking, catching, executing trick plays AND playing a huge part in the Buffalo Bills winning football games.

    I hope that he is rested this week.

  5. Woody Paige and Tim Cowlishaw said the Bills are the most dangerous team and that JAX will lose one of the next two and the Pitt will beat BAL. Paige also said Buffalo is a better team than PITT right now.



    OK man, you got me psyched, and I will run with it....

    The Bills ARE as good as Pitt. right now. Our STs are sick. Our Defense is very good. Big Ben was exposed just a tad vs. the lowly giants (without their 2 starting DEs).

    Bill Parcells once said that football teams will lose at least one game for every starting rookie in the lineup. A week from Sunday, the steelers are going to get their asses kicked by the Buffalo Bills football team and the 12th man!!!

    Oh yeah, Drew Bledsoe will be the winning QB.

    Fire away, I dont care. I am about the Buffalo Bills running the table, and it IS going to happen!

  6. Mike and the Mad Dog agreed that the Buffalo Bills are the "hottest team in football." Then, they agreed that "even Bledsoe is doing well."

    Francessa said that possible wild card teams (including the Bills) will have a chance knocking off the higher seeded teams, and that the Bills will beat SF AND PITTSBURGH!!!!

    Their predictions mean little to me BUT, it is official. The Buffalo Bills are a respected football team. In fact, they are respected more from media sources than they are by many on this board. :unsure: Of course, I am referring to the hate-Drew at any and all costs addicts.

  7. Mularkey ripping fast Freddie for his incredibly stupid pickup of the rolling punt.  Man, I love when head coaches don't just shake their head and expect their position coaches to give players the "what for".


    Get some, Mikey!



    AD, Prioleaux (sic?) was standing over him and I heard him scream, "You dont do that man!" It was so loud the TV mikes picked it up.

    It was fantastic.

  8. Good defense, great special teams, and an offense that doesn't make mistakes is  a recipe for good things.


    A caveot:  At some point, the offense is going to have to make plays as the competition gets tougher - the other good teams won't be as inclined to turn it over.  That's taking away nothing from what they've done so far.  Drew's transition into a solid game manager has been nothing short of astounding.



    Thanks again. Wrt the special teams, they truly are great, and not just the returners and Moorman.

    The coverage guys are simply kicking ass. Wire, Stamer, Aiken and others are flying down the field and making tackles. The good news is that most of these guys are under contract for a while.

    There are lots of other teams that you would rather face in the playoffs right now, despite the pats recent domination. The Bills ARE good.

  9. Christ almighty, what a chicken little mentality.  The Bills are getting turnovers because they're FORCING turnovers.  Good teams do that.


    The Bills are (hack, cough, hack) a good team.


    It killed me to say that.  :D



    I am impressed that you make this admission FM. They way they are playing, they, imo, can compete with any team right now.

    PS: I say this knowing that your corners are banged up.

  10. >>>Dude... I'm not complaining... I'm merely the vessel that is bringing you the truth.<<<


    Congrats! That is one classic statement!!!


    The thing is, oh "Vessel of Truth," we are winning football games both at home and on the road. Try to enjoy it.


    Again, that was fantastic! I am hoping that this truth vessel continues to dock at TSW. We need all the truth that we can get. :D

    As John Lennon once said, "All I want is some truth. Just gimmee some truth!"

  11. To answer your Q: no, TKrumrie had the same long-sleeve mock t-neck he wore last week. Man is INTENSE, even in the hotel lobby.....


    Bengals fans were booking TKO, kind of mixed feelings about Sam W., but they still love Tim. A few of them were yelling to him during warmups; I told them "we're glad we have him".......



    Well now it is official. He is one of my top 5 people that I have ever seen in sports. The brutal, blistering cold caught up with us today. 3 hours with no coat? I dont think so. Wrestling NFL defensive linemen? Another good idea. :D

    The man is nothing short of a badass.

  12. I haven't seen one of those before.  I am interested in your theories and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.  :D



    Again, I thought he played very well yesterday. Good pocket awareness, no ints., a bomb, etc....this without his 2 best TEs and an injured top running back.


    I guess he should have played a different game to please posters on a message board who hate him, and prove to them that he does not suck. :D

  13. I'll throw out one more observation....


    As a TEAM, the Bills are getting it done.  The defense, although it seems to get cut up, seems to have the ability to come up with big plays to negate that.  Special teams.. except for the fact that attempting a FG of longer than 35 yards is a high risk adventure,  has really been the story of this team this year.  The offense though, is damn near pathetic.  You would think that a the Bills should be able to run on the 28th ranked run defense... but no... they line up 8 in the box to stop the run.  OK, WWJD??? (WHAT WOULD JIMMY (KELLY) DO?  He'd burn your ass 6 different ways to Sunday with the pass... well WDDD?  What did Drew do? Zero zip nada!!!... but on the plus side, at least he didn't hurt the team with a fumble or interception. 


    So my big obeservation is that this is a team that is getting exceptional play from the ST and Defense. Some day it is going to come down to the offense making that one final drive to either win or lose a game.  Let's hope it never comes to that because we will lose every time... If we have to put the game in Drew's hands... GAME OVER... period!!!!



    You should start a "Bledsoe Sucks" thread.

  14. Did the "Hole" o line actually open up a "hole" yesterday???  I may have missed one cause I blinked a few times.



    It was not their best game, but MaGahee was ailing, and Drew didn't get murdered. This OL is the Best the Bills have put forth in 10 or so years.

    Sure, I would like to see it improve, but they have played SO well as of late that even I am off their case.

  15. >>>and if we cant stop R. Johnson, how are we going to sdtop the Bus???<<<


    Fair question...

    Rudy Johnson has more speed than Bettis. The steelers OL will need to hold their blocks a tad longer. I am not making a statement that they cannot do this, but Big Sam might make this a difficult task.

    Being home with the 12th Man is nice too, right?

  16. Yes, Freeney is very, very good. But Ogden got seriously harrased. It reminded me of the way the Raiders' Jerry Porter schooled Champ Bailey in snowy Denver on Sunday night a few weeks back. If you want to be considered the best, which Ogden surely does, you cannot be slapped around like that on national television -- regardless of who is doing the slapping.


    Ogden lost lost the game for the Ravens last night; the Ravens likely lost the season last night. That is a big deal, and it will be something people remember about Ogden for awhile.



    The announcers said that he has been hurt for much of the year. I think he will be remembered more for being one of the best LTs to ever play the game, and for his huge role in gettting his football team a superbowl win.

  17. I'd still like to see a more consistent pass rush and also tougher run defense especially around the edge, but I do like the overall improvement in Kelsay and even Denney seems to be getting a little better.  Not a bad group that can get even better with more work.



    I saw a play yesterday in which Schobel stunted inside. He had a few steps and a head of steam, but when he turned in, all he saw were the big behinds of Adams and Williams. :devil: The was absolutely ZERO room.

    I dont know for sure, but I am thinking that this is why the Bills tend to stunt less than other teams. For real. <_<

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