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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. I watched as much as I could of the steeler game.

    The Buffalo Bills are a better football team than the steelers, and I await the chance for the Bills to kick the ass of their rookie qb. He is dead ass !@#$ing meat.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. What would happen if after this DB REALLY does re-invent himself?... Teams will have to prepare a different approach than just pinning their ears back and coming down the middle.  Could be deadly if they have to stop and think a second?




    I don't know... But, Wyche working with DB appears to be paying off... Seems he is GOING FORWARD when things don't go well or least he is keeping the D off balance.







    EiI, I make the contention that 9-2 is almost as much as one could ask for from an NFL qb. Drew is who he is.....a 32 year old qb who DOES have both limitations, and possible hall of fame credentials.


    I dont know how the scenario will turn out, other than the fact that I will die as a fan of the Buffalo Bills football team, and that we ALL owe SDS and the mods a great deal of thanks.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. (I'm almost tempted to ask him about Mike Williams, but I don't want to ruin his mood lol)



    Ask as you will. I am the right person to ask, whereas I have keyed in on him as much as I could for every play since he has been a Buffalo Bill football player.


    Big Mike kicked !@#$ing ass today. I have always worried less about his run blocking than I do his ability to protect Drew, who we all know is not very agile.


    Well, today he was splendid. Just !@#$ing splendid against the pass rush. He was SO !@#$ing splendid, I am willing to write off the 2 1/2 years that he sucked.


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Amen to that, brother



    Thank you. I could NOT be more serious. We are doing this with a rookie coach, a rookie RB, a relatively new DC, a qb that even our fans are pissed at.....this after an 0-4 start!!!


    Being a Bills fan means more to me than winning every single game. I am honored to be a fan of a New York team with working class values. We Bills fans party in lots made of gravel. We are people who will NEVER quit. On this board, we support our football team AND each other.


    When I am buried, I will be put into the earth as a fan of WNY, the state of NY, and the Buffalo Bills Footnall Team.

  5. 1) Bledsoe sucks. It makes NO difference that he now wins on the road.

    2) Wins against bad teams do not count. 9-6 is a bad record because not every team the Bills defeated was great.

    3) Losman should start vs. the steelers. Despite Drew's 9-2 record in the last 11 weeks as a starter, this football team SHOULD be put in the hands of a seemingly fragile rookie, and the sooner the better.

    4) It is a mere coincidence that the Bills are winning football games without Travis Henry on the football field. Travis is the "heart and soul" of the Bills offense.


    Now, seriously.....


    1) Way to play Drew Bledsoe.

    2) Thank you Coach McNally.

    3) You are progressing Coach Gray. Keep up the good work.

    4) I dont know if I have ever been more proud to be a fan of the Buffalo Bills football team.

    5) Being a Bills fan means NEVER giving up.

    6) I will be buried as a fan of the Buffalo Bills football team and their fans. We are the best fans of any team in any sport.

    7) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Where are all the people that picked Jacksonville to run the table now?


    They suck.  They aren't a playoff team and now they won't get in.



    They dont suck in general. They suck when compared to the Buffalo Bills football team.


    I can't stand Del Rio, the pompous douchebag. He scabbed the strike and a great wide receiver (who you probably never heard of), Otis Taylor (of KC) punched him in his smug face. It was a wonderful site to behold.

  7. Our ONLY TIEBREAK win is against the Jets, who are 2 games ahead with NE and STL to go.


    We are screwed if Denver wins next week.


    BAL lose 1/2

    JAX lose 1/2

    DEN loses at INDY




    NYJ lose 2/2 AND 2 out of 3 happen above.



    How about a 3 way tie with Denver and the jests?

  8. >>>I will let her wear the dress, but you have to let the gay pride people have their expression as well in that case. <<<


    Why would you even bring this up? I am fine with people being proud to be gay. Why would this matter to me? :)


    I think that the proud gays should go have a beer and a cigarette with the one who wears confederate flag in a bar, as long as this is OK with the bar owner, since it is his or her property. :)

  9. I didn't go there... I chose to give a more relevant example of the gay pride people, but of course THAT is disgusting, and should not happen, while wearing the confederate flag and parading around ISN'T...  :blush:  :)  ;)


    Don't you know, it's heritage, not hate??  :lol:


    My great great grandfathers didn't fight and recieve battle wounds for NOTHING... free speech may apply, but it offends ME if someone parades around with that symbol on like it stands for something noble. I DISAGREE.



    Would you be OK with it if she was dressed as a cigarette (in a bar)?

    As for your sig line, look at the bright side. people cannot, despite the wishes of the owner, smoke in bars. Bar owners are getting summonses for ashtray possession, and soon, there will be no tailgaiting at football games.


    See? Things are looking up for leftists who take our rights away. Cheer up!

  10. With maybe no Willis & a tough Niners run defense,

    here's to Drew putting up big numbers today,

    and here's to Dorsey looking so pathetic

    that the Niners give us next year's #2 or #3 for Drew. :blush:


    GO DREW!!!



    Good idea! I WANT to enter next season with an untested, young, perhaps frail qb who was laid up for half the year as soon as someone brushed up against him.

  11. First, I want to agree with what you say about cornerbacks. I am almost certain that we will draft a cb with one of our earliest selections in 05.


    As for RB, I sorta agree. This is another position that imo should be addressed in the off season. As far as I am concerned, MaGahee borders on greatness, but a solid backup would improve this football team. Henry? Out the door, but that is jmo.


    As for Drew, please. I see what you are doing. If he does ANYTHING but win a superbowl, you will cast him as the villian and yourself as the prophet of sorts.

    The man has just led a football team to wins in 8 of 10 games. Certain other players shoulder at least as much of the blame for the 4 early losses. Others deserve at least as much credit for the wins. This is not all about Drew.


    What are you going to do when Losman is a failure? WILL he fail? I hope not, but I guess the chances are close to 50/50 that he will. Right now, Drew is our only hope at qb.


    Enjoy the game. :blush:

  12. Bill, it would depend on her goals.  If she wants to work in certain areas, her pedigree will be less important.  If she wants to work for a "white shoe" law firm in Manhattan practicing corporate law, she is better off taking the year off and going to one of the 14.  All other things being equal and if she isn't in the former category, I'd advise her to go to the best law school possible.  While there is something to be said for coming out with less debt, the pedigree in the long run is worth it IMHO.  As someone without such a pedigree, I'll vouch that it is an easier path if you have such credentials.


    PS-I in-house and practice corporate law.  I go to work every day with a sh---eating grin on my face.  The best advice I have for those who take the plunge is to work hard your first year, but remember who you are and that the connections you make can be invaluable down the road.    I'm proud to say I drank a considerable, watched a ton of sports and made some really great friends. 


    P.S.  Steer her away from patent law; they are a weird lot in general.. :D


    Merry X-mas



    She says that she favors (at this point) "Constitutional Law." Is this bad? Imo, she views herself as a hired gun of sorts, or so it seems.

    Listen, thank you for your reply. She is going back up to school very soon. I want to show her this thread so she can learn from it.

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones as well.

  13. That's pretty close to what I heard on the subject.  If you want to make the big money, you need to get into the top 15 schools.  And the way you do this is by maxing out your LSAT.  Money isn't important to me, and isn't the reason why I want to go law school.   From what everybody is telling me, I might want to check out UB.



    Thanks so much. She is going to take an LSAT course at her school this summer, and work full time.

    Again, I am in the dark here. Thank you so much for helping me, especially during the Christmas Season. This board is great. :D

  14. I'm not arguing that he's not an amazing athlete.  He's certainly that.  I just don't think he's a very good quarterback.



    AD, I do see your point, but I just think he has SO much talent, that he, with a little experience, will be almost impossible to stop.

    Btw, I fully expect to see him in the superbowl this season.

  15. My question was meant to be whether the battle between conservatives and liberals has become bigger than democrats vs. republicans.


    IMHO, it has, and until the democrats nominate a conservative democrat, they will not return to the white house, so nominating Clinton would be a waste of time



    Well, I thought I gave you a pretty good response on the other thread, and would have liked to read your thoughts.

  16. Wow...this thread is something I have wanted info about, and I hope someone can please help me out.

    My daughter attends an Ivy. She is a junior. She wants to be an lawyer. One of her professors told her that there are 14 top law schools that if she attends, she will be set for life. Now, she says that she would rather take a year off than go to a "lesser" law school.

    I, coming from Martin Van Buren High School, fail to understand this philosophy. Does it make THAT much of a difference where one goes to law school?

    The truth is, she has more than one edge. She is Hispanic, and her SAT score and grades were high enough to get into her school if she was not. She is fluent in Spanish, Sign Language, Russian, and has taken a year of French. I dont see why attending a "lesser" school would hold her back but again, I am out of my league here.

    I fail to see what would be wrong with her going to perhaps UB Law School. She would incur less debt, and get to be an attorney, should of course she pass. She does not want to hear it.

    I would appreciate ANY help that any of you people can offer me in terms of advice and facts. It is hard to guide a child when you do not know what to tell her.

    Again, help is needed, and I would consider myself in debt to any fellow Bills fans who can assist me.

    Thanks in advance.


  17. I'm sure that factors into it.  I was strictly looking at it from the football side, where he is extremely overrated at this point in his career.



    At 24, it is easy to overrate a player, but he has more talent than I have ever seen in football. I know that raw talent alone is not enough to win football games, or RJ would be a hall of fame qb, but this guy is just amazing in terms of what he can do.

    I think it is a good deal both ways.

  18. Yeah- Things really went to hell for Elway at the end- and Plunkett- his career was actually OVER when he came back to win HIS two Super Bowls.



    LOL!!! :D:P

    This, and we do already know that Losman is great. He has proven it time and again. His greatness is guaranteed.

    I think that if Drew is on the field in a game that the Bills lose, he should be benched under any and all circumstances....even if the defense gives up 40 points, and the special teams give up 21.

    If he fails to win the superbowl this season it is time to pull the plug, right?

  19. Mannings not starting?  Really?  That is a crime. 


    Vick is a terrible QB, BTW.  He is a good running back, with a cannon for an arm.  He has terrible accuracy and no vision for down the field.  He also is a locker room cancer to his WR's and they have let it be known that he doesn't look to them as a first option. 


    Also, while I blast Travis for fumbling, Vick is a fumbling machine.  He has at least 15 this year. 


    This is not a team player by any stretch of the imagination.  IMHO he is another Jeff George type of player.



    It is rare when I disagree with you. Perhaps you will be proven right in time about Vick, I dont know.

    That said, I am currently captivated by his talent, and I can see him winning a superbowl.

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