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Bill from NYC

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Everything posted by Bill from NYC

  1. I never could quite understand the above. The fact that the Bills are approaching two decades with no playoff appearances is a disgrace. Of course we all want to win championships, but wouldn't you be even a little happy to make the playoffs?
  2. The Bills have enough problems without Marshall and his mental disorder. When Borderlines are acting out (which unfortunately is sometimes often), these are not people you want to spend time with. It's a shame because the man had a ton of ability. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/brandon-marshall-borderline-personality-disorder-article-1.2141563
  3. Like I have said, pocket passers are few and far between these days. Running qbs like Tyrod are the future of the game, or so I think.
  4. Your standards are low if you consider Gilmore to be great. Very low.
  5. C'mon CB, I know this. He still needs to get grounded and gain impulse control. I am rooting for Dareus as much as anyone. As for Allen, he is a solid, hard working, intelligent, extremely talented, motivated young man. If healthy, he is going to be a very, very good player.
  6. I suspected that he was hurt in the title game. I hope is OK because again, he seems to be a great kid. I have seen all of his games and trust me, the kid can flat out play.
  7. Jonathan Allen thinks Saban is a good man. And FWIW, Allen is NOT going to be like Dareus, he's a great kid. http://gridironnow.com/alabamas-jonathan-allen-pens-heartfelt-goodbye-letter-to-school/
  8. I am glad to hear this good news!
  9. Supposedly, this draft is very deep at cb. If it is, why jump at #10?
  10. Do you really think that Gilmore wants to play in Buffalo? I am totally unimpressed by Whaley but I can't in good faith blame him if Gilmore walks. In fact, I would credit him, but that's another story.
  11. I'm with you John, and I actually think TT is a decent quarterback who SHOULD improve this season. Still, nothing is certain and it can never hurt to draft a talented qb. Ernie Accorsi once said that a quarterback is the most important position in the NFL, and that backup quarterback is second. And this was long before the rule changes!
  12. Kirby Smart is making a few million too! And thanks for bringing facts and common sense into the equation!!!
  13. Sadly, this wouldn't surprise me. Hey, the best part about being a Bills Fan is Bills fans. It sure ain't the coaches and GMs.
  14. You mean the year they went 1-15 without him?
  15. Leave it to suffering Bills Fans to be wary of one of the greatest football minds in history. Hey, maybe Marv can come out of retirement and right this ship LOL!!! This apparently would make some folks happier than getting Saban.
  16. He could be terrible (which he of course is not. He is great) and still be 1000x better than any of the horrid display of coaches that we have been unlucky enough to suffer through.
  17. The man has a coaching tree the size of a redwood. Many of his assistants go on to make millions. Certainly you don't prefer the parade of loser head coaches we have been subject to, do you? Well, if our new coach doesn't work, perhaps we can bring back Rex, Gailey or Jauron and sign Whaley to an extension, that is if Nix turns us down.
  18. John we know this to be true. So does Coach Saban. Remember, in Miami he wanted Drew Brees and was given Dante Culpepper. You know how much I watch the Tide. Believe me when I tell you that he has legion of great coaches who have completely bought into his system. Marrone came in with a few guys from Syracuse. Your comparison is invalid. Saban and Marrone are not on the same planet in terms of coaching ability. And nobody outworks Saban. You and I go back and forth with hits and misses. This has been the case for years. That said, I promise you that if Saban ever does come to Buffalo, you will be the happiest football fan in the USA in short order. OK, second happiest!
  19. Same here. At one point I thought that he was the best running back in college or the pros. But, that kid has taken some punishment, some of it from Reuben Foster.
  20. Mrs. Saban has a huge input into where they live. Coach Saban can coach in virtually any place that he chooses. He has investments in car dealerships around the south and his daughter and grand kid are there. His lake house in Georgia is unreal and the Sabans are very involved with the church and charity. I hate to say it but I don't think it is beyond the realm of possibility for Saban to coach in the NFL, but it won't be up north. Of course this is speculation on my part. PS: With Nick Saban as coach, the Bills would go deep into the playoffs in an instant.
  21. Yes, I am. He tried to bring back sub-par players. Are you ready to excuse all of the dumb moves by Whaley? If he was any good, his teams would win more football games. Excellent analogy.
  22. Thank you! It's weird but this is like a "dirty little secret" to a huge number of Bills Fans. Whaley tried hard to keep both of these sub-par players.
  23. This is great news. I hope he quickly signs with another team. He can be replaced by a 2nd or 3rd round pick.
  24. We miss the playoffs yet again and Whaley is fired, so the year isn't a total loss.
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