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Bill from NYC

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Everything posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Sure, Gilmore has talent and BB has 60 million in cap space, plus Brady. Make no mistake, I respect you as a poster but you are usually not so dismissive to those who disagree with your takes, and I have been reading your posts for many, many years.
  2. His lack of effort last season was more than that 1 play that you so readily excuse. Other people agree; you do not. What makes your takes all knowing and beyond dispute?
  3. Why? Because they disagree with you? Have you ever been wrong about a player?
  4. I haven't gone over the responses to this, but I am guessing that there are 20 or so excuses for that play. Gilmore is a talented player who put forth a lackluster effort last season. Will he play better in NE? Probably. Hogan did. In any case it's clear (imo) that he didn't want to be here. His situation reminds me a bit of the circumstances under which we lost Clements, who I actually preferred over Gilmore. I wish him luck but let's just say it won't take me that long to get over his departure.
  5. He blocks pretty well on running plays but gets beat a lot on pass protection, wouldn't you say? And of course Tyrod makes him look much better than he really is.
  6. Fluker is better than our entire right side combined.
  7. I know, I can't even blame Whaley for this in good faith!
  8. I would take him, but only if James Hardy turns us down.
  9. Didn't he waive the conduct clause for Dareus and allow him big fat paydays while he was out on his drug suspension?
  10. If you are going to be holding on-line posting classes, please give us the times and dates because I am sure hundreds of us can't wait to listen and learn. I'm sure that you have much to offer after 9 posts.
  11. What scares me about cutting Robey is that it might increase the chances of keeping Gilmore. My guess is that Gilmore wants out and Whaley would have to seriously over pay him to stay, but this is exactly what Whaley does.
  12. Why did you stop at 2010? I was hoping you would go back until at least 2006, which imo was a huge breaking point.
  13. I fully agree. If this article is true, it proves that qbs are worth their weight in gold (as if more proof was needed). Tyrod is decent and under contract. It is also quite possible for him to improve, but players get hurt. If we draft a qb and he plays well there is built in, major trade value. In an ideal world we could trade down and still accomplish this. I would love to get back some draft picks that Whaley squandered but I guess one can't have everything.
  14. What about the contracts CB? How many dumb contracts does BB hand out? How much cap space does NE have. How many draft picks does BB give away as compared to how many he reaps? One is a complete pro. The other is a rank amateur.
  15. It reminds me loosely of the time when Bledsoe lost to the Steelers and TD got SO mad at Bledsoe, he brought in the great JP Losman.
  16. That is certainly a solid point GB but check it out....Whaley traded away many of our draft picks and has doled out insane contracts. The clause he gave to Dareus, who lacks some impulse control, was criminal. Still, the team can't touch the playoffs. That is what I call doing a bad job. Hopefully he will be fired a day or so after the draft.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Byrd a top 5 paid safety when he left Buffalo? Salary doesn't make one great. Neither do stats. We have a thoughtful, intelligent poster who used to post color coded charts, "proving" that Rex Ryan was a good coach, and that his defense was sound. The dialogue is great, but I suppose we must agree to disagree wrt Gilmore. I was pissed when they drafted him at 10 and would be perfectly happy to get a 3rd for him as a comp pick. GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I never could quite understand the above. The fact that the Bills are approaching two decades with no playoff appearances is a disgrace. Of course we all want to win championships, but wouldn't you be even a little happy to make the playoffs?
  19. The Bills have enough problems without Marshall and his mental disorder. When Borderlines are acting out (which unfortunately is sometimes often), these are not people you want to spend time with. It's a shame because the man had a ton of ability. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/brandon-marshall-borderline-personality-disorder-article-1.2141563
  20. Like I have said, pocket passers are few and far between these days. Running qbs like Tyrod are the future of the game, or so I think.
  21. Your standards are low if you consider Gilmore to be great. Very low.
  22. C'mon CB, I know this. He still needs to get grounded and gain impulse control. I am rooting for Dareus as much as anyone. As for Allen, he is a solid, hard working, intelligent, extremely talented, motivated young man. If healthy, he is going to be a very, very good player.
  23. I suspected that he was hurt in the title game. I hope is OK because again, he seems to be a great kid. I have seen all of his games and trust me, the kid can flat out play.
  24. Jonathan Allen thinks Saban is a good man. And FWIW, Allen is NOT going to be like Dareus, he's a great kid. http://gridironnow.com/alabamas-jonathan-allen-pens-heartfelt-goodbye-letter-to-school/
  25. I am glad to hear this good news!
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