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Bill from NYC

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Everything posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Lane is a very good offensive mind. He is innovative and intelligent. Does he have personality issues? Certainly. Did he piss off Coach Saban? Yes, numerous times. He recently claims to have become more religious. I hope this works to improve him as a person.
  2. You raise good points but I disagree wrt the Giants. I think that they are already in desperate need and if not, they will be by the end of the season. Jmo.
  3. I completely disagree. Often he seemed to not even try and he was burned way too often to be a star from where I sit. Jmo.
  4. Do you seriously believe that Gilmore was a shut down corner in Buffalo?
  5. We are and ultimately, I think that the draft will have a far greater impact than free agency. Free agents cost a lot and don't always produce as expected. I am all for going after good free agents but I still think that solid drafts are the best way to victory.
  6. If we finish with a top 5 pick (sadly, a distinct possibility), we should trade down in round 1 and amass early draft picks for 2 years. If they don't repeat stupid mistakes in the draft and also use the cap space wisely, they can (imo) be one of the most talented teams in the NFL. There will be DTs galore in the 2019 draft, along with lots of blockers, receivers and even running backs to replace (at some point) McCoy. The 2019 draft looks like a great one from where I sit. We shall see but I am optimistic.
  7. I really don't understand the above. Alabama won titles and continues to win games. Please, list the teams who were better than Alabama and were deprived of a playoff spot. I see your point Yolo. I thought that Ohio State was going to be voted in last year but they obviously were not. If there was a pro OSU bias, the committee would have overlooked the second loss and tossed them right in there.
  8. The OP raises a great question but the answers are clear: 1) Trade DOWN in the 2019 draft. Face it folks, we will have a very early pick. Trade down with a desperate team and acquire extra early picks for 2 years. 2) Use said picks on blockers and receivers. Imo we have a quarterback, unless of course he is slaughtered. 3) After #2, get rid Ducasse, along with the right side of the OL and start over with NFL caliber talent. Also, is there a wr on the squad that belongs in the NFL? I don't know, you tell me. 4) If Allen suffers even a minor injury in 2018, take him out and immediately replace him with Petermann. It doesn't matter if we lose. Not this year because in 2019, we have a chance to accomplish something. 5) GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. How was Georgia while facing a 13 point deficit? How was Texas A&M? Your bitterness and jealousy is overtaking any type of reason.
  10. In no way did he ever (in my opinion) ever try to control the press. Now, he has been critical of them and this doesn't bother me even a little. Last season he actually took the press to task for saying how great the team was. I heard him say (before the "rat poison" comment) that he wants the players to listen to him, not the press. Do you blame him? Nick Saban, like him or hate him, knows how to win football games. He might not win another title this season but he just might at that. After the rat poison remark he apologized and said that he went too far. Saban doesn't kiss the ass of the press. He is not the most congenial man in town. He is a driven, focused all time great who out-works and out-thinks his opponents. Does he have much of a personality? Not at all but there are plenty of worse people out there. Watch these senate hearings.
  11. Wow, you are just oozing with jealousy. It would do you some good to le it go. ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, Saban is awful. Nothing worse than being a winner, right?
  12. I am not making anything close to that argument. When did I imply that college qbs are "close" to NFL QBs? That isn't what the conversation is about. My point is simple.....MOST NFL teams would also suffer in a huge way if their qb goes down. There are a couple of exceptions (the Eagles last season are one for sure). However, what happens when Rogers goes down? Or Brady, etc. Clemson had a backup that took them to the playoffs. Now they do not. Imo, a majority of pro teams would be in the same situation. Do you disagree?
  13. How much QB depth does almost every pro team have?
  14. Fair enough. Imo they still have a lot to prove but yes, they are certainly an upgrade over Rex and Whaley; a low bar indeed.
  15. Dan Brandenburg was the best preseason linebacker of all time. There was no stopping him on his way to the qb. He was very fast and even appeared strong. I was SO excited; I thought that we stole him in the draft!!! In real games he was one of the worst I ever saw.
  16. Why not BB? An injury would now appear to leave them pretty weak at the QB position. Thinking out loud.....I guess that is the way things usually are but they sure were in a good place having those 2.
  17. I do know that and I was high on Watson. And I don't care that McDermott just took over. He didn't even get much for trading down and getting White was certainly not guaranteed. Like Jauron, he chose a defensive back over much more important players. I am thrilled by Allen. Now we need to focus on getting him great tools and protection.
  18. Sure, he is good. Is he better than Mahomes and/or Deshaun Watson?
  19. I hope that you soon get over your case of The Stockholm Syndrome.
  20. You guys really are funny!!! That said, look at the Bills roster. We might finally have a top quality QB (I fully supported this selection from day 1 btw). He has a sloppy ass OL, piss poor receivers, and a rapidly aging running back. The very last thing that the Bills should do is waste yet another 1st round pick on a defensive back. We all know what would happen.....the team will lose but the db will be "good." How many times must we travel the same losing road? The Bills need blockers, receivers and even some young defensive linemen. The secondary should be just that. Is this more like it John?
  21. This was a true dagger to the heart for this football team. I still think that the 2006 draft set this team back at least 5 years and I said this immediately after this disaster.
  22. They would more than likely win it outright later in the year if it could get us a worse draft position.
  23. Probably not. Levy/Jauron was the worst combo I could ever imagine both on the field and in the front office.
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