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Bill from NYC

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Everything posted by Bill from NYC

  1. Please.....tell me more. Brutish, finesse or both? Right or left?
  2. I really hope that you are right!!! As a Tide Fan I do not want a close game. If the Bills were in the Super Bowl I would also want a 42-0 romp. Screw close games! That said, I am thinking that this game will be very tight. Clemson is stacked and they are not beaten up from playing tough teams. What I am hoping is that this works against their freshman QB and that he isn't ready for Alabama. He does however look like a star.
  3. In my opinion, those who want to expand the playoffs should no longer pretend that they want to see the 2 best teams play. 2019 makes at least 4 consecutive years that the best teams compete for the championship.
  4. There are lots of times in life when fans cannot have their way, no? I mean this is a Bills Board after all last I looked. Fans don't get to choose who plays in championship games. Why don't we all insist that Brady and Belichick quit because they win too much. Then, we can take a vote and determine who goes to the Super Bowl. Nah, my suggestion is that the other teams get better players and coaches and win football games.
  5. Alabama and South Carolina are not rich states, and that is obviously a long way to travel.
  6. It's going to be a very tough game. The freshman QB on Clemson hasn't faced a tough team like Alabama yet. He looks great but I am hoping that his lack of experience against a tough team will matter. I am thinking (hoping): Alabama - 37 Clemson - 28
  7. I like him quite a bit. Jace Sternberger from Texas A&M looks good too.
  8. You raise an excellent point wrt the salary issue. Absolutely!!! It is still unusual for a team (other than the Bills) to trade away a good Left Tackle. We have Mills/Dawkins rather than Glenn/Dawkins.
  9. He did not help his cause on Saturday. I understand that he was hurt but he was also dropping passes.
  10. You are correct. I am rather salty from the last 2 decades. That said, the fact that the Bills had decent lines in the late 80s and mid 70s fails to soothe me. How about you? Those rushing stats you quoted are admittedly impressive, except for the fact that it is a passing league. Additionally (imo of course) some of those yards were due to Tyrod being a gifted runner. I think that a different qb would also have been sacked more often. Despite this, I suppose I would rate the 2015-2016 OL you cite as perhaps a tad better than average. It was better than we have now but there were holes HBF. Bills Fans are not accustomed to rooting for a team that blocks very well. Some can be seen now actually clamoring for a 1st round corner in 2019. Until the Bills devote major resources to blocking, they will continue to lose.
  11. The Bills have been hiring and firing offensive line coaches for years. In reality, if the Bills offensive line had talent it would be good. Simple but true. Remember when McNally was going to straighten out our problems up front? He was this respected OL coach but we in fact stayed the same or got worse. The Bills have not ever devoted enough resources to the offensive line. They use most of their best picks on running backs and defensive backs. This is beyond dispute. Another coach will not help. We need to bring in talented players through free agency and early round picks, especially now while we are developing a talented young quarterback.
  12. Based on the strength of their opponents I agree. Clemson doesn't play anybody but they are stacked with talent and can win on the 7th.
  13. Which teams do you think are the three best? I am not asking you to put them in order.
  14. Guess who wound up with the most wins against top 25 teams?
  15. You know, Jacobs was never viewed as a power back at Alabama and still is not. Bo Scarborough and Najee Harris were the power backs, and of course Derek Henry. He doesn't really possess break away speed either. That said, he is extremely versatile and can really do it all. He has great hands out of the backfield. I liken him to a poor man's Thurman Thomas. Jmo, but I think that he will last until round 3.
  16. Thanks but I'm not so sure. I was hesitant to post a reply because I 100% don't want the OP to think I am calling him a racist. That is a horrible thing to do and an ugly political weapon, but I won't get into that here. The OP obviously meant well and brought forth legit discussion. That is the best thing about this board.
  17. I don't think that the firings had anything to do with racism. I also don't think that your post implies that you are a racist. In fact, I doubt that you are. Having said that, I think that if I was black and somebody said I was "well spoken," I would be pissed off. It can be taken to imply (again, I'm NOT saying that you were) that I am an exception, even if it was meant as a compliment. Honestly, I cannot remember the last white person that someone called "well spoken."
  18. It would have worked out great if Donahoe wasn't trying to prove how smart he was and drafted McKinnie who was 10x better than Mike Williams from day 1. Mike Williams was an overweight RT with a chronic ankle problem. It was one of the dumbest picks ever made by the Bills, a high bar indeed. It was even about as dumb as Donte Whitner at #8. The Bills lack of devoting ample resources to the QB and OL positions is the primary reason why they have sucked for decades. Do you disagree?
  19. Believe it or not, this concerns me too lol. I don't know how much more weight he can carry but we pay pros to figure this stuff out. I would also like to see how many times he benches 225 at the combines. Even though he has faced great competition at Tuscaloosa, EVERY DE in the NFL is a badass and he will need endurance. In all, Jonah has a high ceiling and a not so low floor imo. I would think that his floor would be a pre injury Andy Levitre. Remember, Andy was a fine guard for us for a few years. He was also close to the same size as Jonah and played LT in college. I think he will surpass Levitre and become a fine LT.
  20. https://www.google.com/search?q=laura+ingraham+in+alabama+shirt&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=LXBTjDNR7Feg-M%3A%2CRPyOOr-tW3UvHM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kQZIddudLEx-kPtUDildHVrxC0_xQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja3dKJ6szfAhXCTN8KHZN5AuUQ9QEwEXoECAQQDA#imgrc=LXBTjDNR7Feg-M
  21. Is this what you really predict?
  22. I'm not so sure of that. He might be too lazy.
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