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Bill from NYC

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Everything posted by Bill from NYC

  1. I'm pretty sure that I heard something like that as well.
  2. Smart move!!! He is a very versatile player and will be an asset to this team if he stays healthy.
  3. This imo is not true. It is about the team winning, not about having a "good" corner for a few years. The Bills did not have a good quarterback. They walked away from an already great one as well as another very promising qb (Watson) and drafted a cornerback. There can be no justification in this. Stupidity like this is reminiscent of the Levy/Jauron years.....an almost unmatched era of idiocy.
  4. The Bills were minus not just the quarterback. They were also minus precious cap space and draft picks. Whaley had the discipline of a 7 year old alone in a candy store.
  5. You make good points, but Whaley's mistakes were huge. Before this article, I assigned all of the blame to McDermott for botching things up wrt Mahomes. Now it seems as if Whaley had a large part in this, and it doesn't surprise me.
  6. Whaley was just awful. He had zero discipline in the draft and overpaid mediocre players. He mortgaged the future to draft a wide receiver, this with no quarterback. The day Whaley walked out the door was a great day for this franchise. We can pretend all day that he didn't suck but he did, big time. Oh, and if he was any good, he would have a job right now as an NFL GM. I doubt if any team will ever be stupid enough to make that mistake ever again.
  7. The group of WRs coming out next year will be much better in 2020. I would hate to miss out on one to move up for a better DT. Jmo.
  8. That is awful no doubt. I do however wonder exactly when the Yankees learned of this.
  9. I would love a trade down which could get them an extra #1 next season. The receivers coming out will be sensational.
  10. Then she adopted a dialect that she thought made her sound African-American, complete with comments about hot sauce. Now, AOC is almost as vile. I say "almost" because she looks better. We have O' Dork writing poetry about killing kids and his genitals. The dem party is off the cliff insane. I am not a fan of many repubs mind you but the dems are getting sicker each day, and I thank them immensely.
  11. Nasty ethnic/regional slur notwithstanding, Hillary Clinton is from Illinois.
  12. Maybe the Clinton Foundation can step in with a few million. Chelsea's wedding is over so why not? Oh wait.....the foreign division of the foundation closed down immediately after she was unsuccessful at stealing the election!!! Never mind.
  13. This is 100% true. Back then many posters thought that Big Sam Adams could play nose because of his size but he absolutely could not (nor did he want to). Otoh Ted Washington was like running into a brick wall, and if he wasn't doubled (or even tripled at times) he would even get the occasional sack. And as far as LBs go, I heard Nick Saban say that some Bama linebackers that were stars years ago would not even be starters today. The difference is probably even wider in the NFL.
  14. Tell me, how does something like this fit into the BPA theory? In other words, would it be wise of the Bills to draft a less talented OLB than Miller in order to get a scheme player? This has often confused me. Btw I have always preferred the Wade Phillips 3/4, but a team Really needs the right Nose in that formation. Does the "passing league" situation work against the 3/4 or does it not matter?
  15. Yeldon has always been a versatile, strong, talented back. His career didn't take off in the way I expected it to and I think that this was at least partially due to injuries. I don't know what he has left but imo he is worth a look for the right price.
  16. I know what you mean wrt Newsome. It would be crazy if he went to the Skins!!! I have seen every game Miller has played and really did notice steady improvement. He never played on a bad defense, the talent around him was consistent but did not improve from season to season as Miller did. Would a kid like this be an asset in Nickel Packages? I am thinking that he wouldn't have many coverage responsibilities in a nickel and could just go after quarterbacks.
  17. Christian Miller - OLB - Alabama Miller is an unusual player in that he has a low floor and a very high ceiling. He is more of a pass rusher than anything else and he truly does get off the LOS in a heartbeat. The kid is 6'4;" I have seen him listed at 247 but he appears to be lighter to me. If he puts on some weight and muscle he could develop (imo of course) into a great pass rusher. If not, the possibility of him getting shoved around by strong OTs does exist. Miller is a very smart kid, and there is video on you tube of him running around an OT, grabbing Kyler Murray, and tossing him like a frisbee in the playoffs. He is a gamble, but easily worth a 3rd imo.
  18. https://www.newsweek.com/spate-attacks-catholic-churches-france-sees-altars-desecrated-christ-statue-1370800?fbclid=IwAR0yYTV96wVuhmKAVemx4pAkyiaFnHhbhQkd7KJv5u3AIk3PCMzlp-OkIW4 What a coincidence!
  19. I see and understand your point. The fact however is that the Bills passed up on superior players to draft Whitner. Not only that, I heard Levy say on an interview on Sirius that he turned down numerous trade offers for that #8 pick. He even said that some offers involved more than a trade down in round 1 and an additional 2nd round pick. The day that pick was made, I predicted that it would set the Bills back 5 years. Was I wrong? Whitner collect approx. 36 million CAP dollars. There was no rookie cap in those days. You are correct in that anything can happen. Maybe Ngata would have got hurt, I don't know. What I do know is that he was a far superior player to Whitner, and that the Bills needed Ngata more than they did an undersized safety.
  20. Whatever. We may never know the truth. I am not afraid to say that this very possibly was an act of terrorism.
  21. Or somebody did something.
  22. This is a good link but it omits something of great importance imo. Tre White is a very good player. I personally think that he is already better than Gilmore. He is anything but a bust. Donte Whitner somehow made the pro bowl. A case could be made (I don't buy it) that he was "good." Now, were they good draft picks? Of course not!!! These picks were horrid and self defeating.....based on who they passed on. The Bills walked right by 2 young, promising quarterbacks for White. One had won a national title by carrying his team, the other might now be the best player in football. In Whitner's case, they passed on Ngata, a wonderful player who had a high ceiling. What I am saying is that there is more to an NFL draft than players being "good" or even busting out. I think that when looking back upon a draft, a critical rating factor should be the list of great players, some at critically important positions, that a team passes on. These pros are paid well to identify talent, no to take a seemingly safe road and "play not to lose" ala Jauron. jmo.
  23. Awesome history lesson!!! This of course omits the times where the Bills stood pat and made insane selections such as Whitner, McKelvin, a half crippled MaGahee, and a host of others. Then on a rare trade down, they walked away from Mahomes and Watson. This particular draft will tell us much about our future.
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