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Bill from NYC

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Everything posted by Bill from NYC

  1. FWIW, Fouts had one of the best groups of receivers ever to play on one team.
  2. Oh I see your point, but the worst GM (to me) is one who gives away the store with poor results. AKA Whaley.
  3. Sounds like an insurance thing to me. I don't necessarily believe that story at face value. Just sayin.....
  4. Please keep your eye on Metchie at WR. He lit up the A Game and Saban was pissed when the reporters implied how good he is. I am hoping to see more from Raekwon Davis this season and think that he will do better with new asst. coaches. Also if you don't mind, would you let us know about Trey Sanders and Antonio Alfano? Thanks Bro!
  5. I would have felt the same way if we had a quarterback. Thankfully there are receivers coming out in 2020 who look like they can be excellent players.
  6. I have felt this way every season since the "glory years." This is the exact reason I am just so happy about Ford. If he is as good as I hope he is, he will make a HUGE impact, even (if not especially) at RG! As you and all who attend the games know, weather can have a huge impact in Orchard park. I was at a game and saw Drew Bledsoe release a pass and the wind blew it backwards. I'm not talking about Trent Edwards now. Running is a necessity and power running (because of the smaller defenses) is now VERY important imho. Gore and Yeldon will gain considerable yards behind a powerful right side, especially with Allen being such a threat to go deep to Foster. I still think there are a couple of missing pieces but this team might be good and exciting in 2019.
  7. I don't know Coach. Actually having a good right tackle could conceivably keep Brady off the field more often in terms of T.O.P. The Bills now have two big strong running backs (Gore and Yeldon) and could be better at sustaining scoring drives. I know that the above is old school thinking, but Ford really should offer Allen more protection as well. It seems to me that the offensive line is the real hope for the team.....this year. 2020 would appear to be the time to load up on quality receivers.
  8. I don't really agree with his take on drafting Cody Ford early. Imo we needed a RT JUST SO BAD!!! I watched the playoff game over and over vs. Alabama and the kid looked good! Let's see who is "right" about this issue LOL. The odds are not on my side but I will stick to my prediction that he will be a fine RT who will (most importantly) win us football games. This is what I am saying John!
  9. Oh absolutely! Wawrow and Graham are good professional writers but the truth is Badol is clearly superior. He knows football better than either of them and again, they are the best out there imo wrt the Bills.
  10. If you met him in person you would change your mind in 5 minutes. He went out of his way to be polite, kind, and gracious to my crew that I came up with for years. These guys would actually save football questions for the trip and he would answer them, without ANY condescension John. We all can be a tad brusque at times. I suggest that you start anew and talk some football with the man.
  11. But look at what you said OMF. This is why we need different opinions on this board. Btw I agree.
  12. A case could be made that when Marv was still the coach and the superstars were getting old, he failed to plan on replacing them and drafted corners. His focus was on the secondary and special teams. Just unbelievable. Apples and oranges? Good chance but I excuse skepticism.
  13. I wanted the Bills to draft Ryan Mallett. I still think that he has the best arm in the NFL but he is a horror show. That said, I would have drafted 100x better than Levy/Jauron. So would a 13 year old kid with a copy of Pro Football Weekly. This is why some fans are disgusted and skeptical.
  14. And you might be right about all of the above John. Lets hope so. Otoh I thought that Rob Johnson would be a franchise QB. You (at one time) thought that Spiller was a great draft pick. My entire point is that differing opinions are a good thing, interesting, and I think a vital element of what makes this board a good place to be.
  15. Why don't we simplify things.....give us a list of what we are allowed to think and post so we all can make sure we meet your standards. If we have any questions we will seek clarification so please stay on call. Thanks.
  16. K-9, you think that he owes JW an apology and that this poster should be banned. I think that we should leave decisions about who is banned in the hands of SDS who built this site and the mods who run it. If we all start calling for the banning posters because we dislike their views or even style of delivery, we will be "telling on each other" and resemble a first grade class. This site didn't become great by all of us sitting around spewing the same views over and over. I have good relationships with posters (one in particular who is in this thread) who I have disagreed with on numerous issues for years. And ya know what? Sometimes I was dead ass wrong and other times I was 100% on the money. Its all good.
  17. Hey, wait......I thought we had rules against obscenity!!!
  18. Ok, sure.....but he played Bama twice (with teams not as good as the current championship team). One year he came back and beat Bama for the title, carrying his team. The other year he gave Bama all they could handle and much of the credit belongs to Saban for that on sides kick, which was probably the most pivotal, cunning play in the history of college football. A 13 year old kid could see that Watson was a gamer. We needed him more than a freaking corner.
  19. I heard Swinney rave about Watson on Sirius College radio.
  20. I will answer you and I am NOT, repeat NOT being snide. He could have watched tapes of Watson playing against a GREAT Alabama teams in the Championship Games and listened to Dabo Swinney talk about him. That's what you and I did and we were correct. I know I wouldn't have passed on Watson for a corner and would bet money that you wouldn't have either.
  21. I liked Watson because I saw him play several games. I cannot honestly say that I knew much about Mahomes but I am not paid the big bucks to control the roster of an NFL Team.
  22. K-9, can anybody possibly defend passing on 2 highly skilled and accomplished quarterbacks and drafting a first round corner? The team was starving for a QB. And it doesn't matter that White is "good." So was Gilmore but we had no quarterback!!!
  23. Let me be clear....I don't think that you are a crook if you get some sort of small reward for doing a great job. I am fine with it but the NYS Penal Law and the NYPD Department Policy disagree. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that too many DAs would take the case for a cop getting a free slice of pizza and a soda for catching a burglar of a pizza place. I have however seen a police officer lose 15 vacation days and get a transfer for this. A female cop I know lost 15 days for getting an extra scoop (free) at a Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Parlor after only paying for 1. Internal Affairs was watching the place and questioned the manager as if they were praising him for doing so, so he admitted to it. The manager was furious, he wanted no part of the cop getting screwed. NYC Cops are more afraid of Internal Affairs than doing felony car stops. Much more. Things are not the way they are in the movies.
  24. All Levy seemed to care about were defensive backs and special teams. The main reason for the Bills rapid and long term decline is when our core players were getting on in age, instead of replacing them, Levy (as coach) just kept drafting defensive backs and running backs. He was as bad as it gets as GM and Jauron was off the charts horrid as a head coach.
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