Here is my situation -- my g/f and I are looking to move in together in NYC and have viewed apartment listings via craigs list and have come across several enticing places for rent in Queens and Brooklyn. My g/f is a graduate of the U of Columbia and currently banks good coin working in the financial district and she has immaculate credit.
I, OTOH, am a full time Masters student, working a measley 15 hours a week with piss poor credit but with a substantial amount of loan money (nearly $5,000) coming in a few weeks.
My dillema is that my g/f has already said that she would cover about 2/3 of the rent while I am at school, however, as applicants of various apartments, we are required to submit information regarding our credit history along with pay stubbs (I currently make $180 every 2 weeks) and bank statements (I work on campus and haven't worked in 3 1/2 weeks) to showcase our ability to make rent when our rent is due.
Do any of you guys have any suggestions as to how I can overcome this obstacle? Could I possibly pursue a co-sign through the parentals?? Should my g/f be the only one on the lease??
Any suggestions would be helpful in anyway.
Thanks in advance.