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Phlegm Alley

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Everything posted by Phlegm Alley

  1. You are forgetting one vital component of the triple B's that are vital to the Patriots: The omni-present Son of God himself--- Bruschi.
  2. HW over Evans is definitely a tough decision to make. I think I would probably go with Evans if I were you. I am kinda in the same predicament. I have to start 3 WRs and my recievers are as follows: T Holt Den Roy Williams Sea L Evans @ NE D Driver Chi E Kennison Cin K Curtis Den I'm kinda partial to Evans and I think the Bills amy be playing from behind which may mean more opportunities for him, but Driver put up some ggod stats (14/171) last year against Chi. I am torn!!!
  3. I think your WRs are great (although you have to wonder about HW this week with his hammy, no BR, and they are in a run first offense). Your RBs are great too. Thomas Jones was just named the starter for week 1, and WM and Jordan are going to have better years than last. I would be a little worried about my QBs. Brees is coming off an injury, in a new offense with a first year head coach, and the large expectations that come with signing a big contract in the offseason. Vick may end up being your starter when all is said and done. Just my honest opinion.
  4. Better yet what is his 40 yard dash #.
  5. Maybe the Love Canal is directly correlated with the curse which is responsible for the ugly cheerleaders.
  6. Aside from me being an absoute Bills homer, I really do believe that LE will turn into a top 10 fantasy WR: He is the #1 guy which will mean more opportunity, his blazing speed along with JP's arm will bode well in performance based leagues that give bonuses for distances, and he is relatively good value right now going in the draft right around where you selected him. I took him as well as my #3 I think you might be a little weak at RB though.
  7. Because Fast Freddie is a return man which offers a team a little more versatility at the WR spot.
  8. Raiders | Team trades Gabriel to New England Sat, 2 Sep 2006 12:47:10 -0700 Jerry McDonald, of ANG Newspapers, reports the Oakland Raiders have traded WR Doug Gabriel to the New England Patriots. The compensation for Gabriel has not been announced yet. Gabriel's departure would seem to leave the door open for WR Jerry Porter, who has requested a trade, to move back into the starting lineup. Looks like they are preparing to go to war without Branch and, as much as I hate to admit it, it is a pretty good pickup for the Pats
  9. Best case scenario would be 2-0, I would be happy with 1-1, but it's not the end of the world if we stay in both games but end up losing both. It is a tough start to the season based on any teams standards, and I'm sure the Bills know this. I think we have a good chance to win both because NE is not as deep at WR as in years past with the Branch situation reaching a head. I also think their D is not as good in years past. Their RB situation is CD, who is getting older and has a rookie RB in Maroney, who is unproven and a litttle dinged up. We are going to make a game of it. WM has to be as good in this game as he has been in the preseason. I look for a pretty conservative offensive gameplan, utilizing our dominant ST to gain an advantage in field position. I also see Royal having a big game as well. Take our chances deep a couple of times, but I don't think we'll be as chunktastic as we have been. I think DJ is going to try and beat NE at their own game. The game at Miami may be a different story. They could be coming off of a loss themselves at the hands of Pitt this Thurs. They have C-Pepp who is coming back from a devastating knee injury, they are very thin at RB with the loss of Wicky and now Sammy Morris, so I expect them to try and exploit us through the air. I have a feeling this is going to be a fun game to watch because there are going to be a lot of points scored, and I think we'll get an idea of how chunktastic we can be with JP and co.
  10. GPF--Gallons per flush
  11. What the hell does O RLY mean??? IIRC--If I Remember Correctly NIMBY--Not in my back yard FUBU--For us by us FUBAR--Focked up beyond all recognition
  12. Charles Rogers will def get work soon somewhere--maybe Chi, or GB. I think he may stay in the NFC Norris division.
  13. But if you could do obtain PM without giving up LT or RB would you do it? 2nd/3rd tier RB + a 2nd tier WR + a 2nd tier QB for PM, would you do it? I would have the #1 ranked QB, decent starting RBs, and a #1 WR in Holt, along with some pretty good depth. That would be a formidable lineup. Also, how can you say that PM loses alot of value in a 4 point TD league? He would still be a top 3 producer as a QB.
  14. I need to see a body shot before I hit that. She might be a double bagger--wear a bag on my head just in case the one on her head breaks.
  15. Here is the scoring system: Passing Every 25 passing yards 1 TD Pass 4 40+ yard TD pass bonus 2 Interceptions Thrown -2 2pt Passing Conversion 2 300-399 yard passing game 2 400+ yard passing game 4 Rushing Every 10 rushing yards 1 TD Rush 6 40+ yard TD rush bonus 2 2pt Rushing Conversion 2 100-199 yard rushing game 2 200+ yard rushing game 4 Receiving Every 10 receiving yards 1 TD Reception 6 40+ yard TD rec bonus 2 2pt Receiving Conversion 2 100-199 yard receiving game 2 200+ yard receiving game 4
  16. He already said that he would be willing to trade PM. I think he is a little weak at RB and WR--at least weker than I am--so I am willing to bet that he may bite for this.
  17. QB, RB, RB/WR, 3 WR, TE, K, D/ST
  18. It is an 8 team performance league. Here is my team: QB: McNabb, Brees, Favre RB: LT, Ronnie Brown, Frank Gore, Fred Taylor, Chester Taylor, Mike Bell WR: Holt, Roy Williams, Lee Evans, Donald Driver, Eddie Kennison, Kevin Curtis, Roddy White TE: McMichael, Heath Miller K: Jay Feely D/ST: Redskins, Bengals He has: QB: P. Manning, E. Manning, Leftwich RB: Rudi J., Kevin Jones, Ruben Droughens, Jamal Lewis, Dominic Rhodes,Cedric Benson WR: TO, Andre Johnson, Derek Mason, Rod Smith, Reggie Brown, Wilford, B. Edwards TE: Gonzalez, Troupe K: Shayne Graham D/ST: Panthers, Cowboys I feel like I'm pretty deep in RBs, WR, but I think I may want a better QB in order to make a run for the title (SB winner gets $1000). McNabb is coming off an injury, the loss of TO, but he does have Stallworth to throw to now, along with Hank Baskett. I'm thinking about offering him Chester Taylor, Donald Driver, and McNabb for P. Manning. Is that too much? If so, what trade would you recommend? Would you even recommend a trade at all and stay put with what I have?
  19. I voted no. I used to be annoyed by FF, having never been in a league before. I just recently joined one and now I look forward to every week and every game, not just Bills games, because I have someone to root for, or against.
  20. Did someone say mustache rides???
  21. Week 1 prediction: I like the over.
  22. The older the berry, the sweeter the juice.
  23. I didn't see the game, but I have an erie suspicion that Bruschi somehow affected the outcome of the game.
  24. I think our starting 5 up front will be fine. If one of them goes down, that's where I get worried.
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