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Phlegm Alley

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Everything posted by Phlegm Alley

  1. Here is a picture of her sister, who is a news person in Kansas City.
  2. It was game 5. The only reason I know this is I just watched ESPN's 30 for 30, one hour program last night. On June 7th, 1994, you had OJ, the Knicks v Rockets game 5 final, Arnold Palmer's last round at the US Open, and the NY Rangers Stanley Cup celebration. Great news day for sports.
  3. I was going to say the same exact thing. I would also venture to say that Eddie Murray is 2nd.
  4. Regardless of what the offense was, you cannot resist arrest or interfere with an arrest that is being made. She is lucky she only got punched, IMHO. But seriously, the cop really needs to hit the gym.
  5. I did read about the Beer Expo Pooj and I wanted to go badly. Unfortunately, we had the Philadelphia International Cycling Tournament here in Manayunk to prepare for, which is a huge party in itself. I know the beer expo is just one day that really kicks off Philadelphia's beer week which began on Friday, June 4th and will last until the 13th.
  6. Hearing people eat their food or sip their soup or hot coffee/tea. It makes me violent.
  7. Griffey is top 10 to ever play the game. 630 career HRs in the steroid era. He should be #4 all-time.
  8. Ironic that this thread has gotten so many replies and we haven't even talked about one of the greatest players to ever play the game retiring. A career and player of Griffey's magnitude is a rarer feat than throwing a perfect game period. The fact that this overshadowed what should have been a great day for baseball to honor and celebrate the career of one of the greatest players ever is reason enough for Joyce to be fired. Outside of baseball, it may not be that big of a deal to some, but to those involved with baseball it is an inexcusable travesty.
  9. With there only being 20 perfect games in major league history, chances of him sniffing this opportunity again are slim. Once in a lifetime opportunity shot because of a blown call. For the final out none the less.
  10. Owning a firearm would be the last option. I would pursue other alternatives (ie home security system, Rottweiler, etc) first. Plus it would be something that I would have to run by the old lady. I agree with everyone; a class and education about firearms would be the first thing I would do if I ever decide to go that route.
  11. I have been thinking about purchasing a gun. I live in a neighborhood in Philly that is relatively safe, however, there have been a spat of burglaries and home invasions recently, and, living with 2 females in a house that, outside of locks and deadbolts, is pretty devoid of a "security", I feel as though some added "protection" couldn't hurt. I was always opposed to guns, however, I work with a guy whose mother just got carjacked at gunpoint not too far from where I work and he has since bought a gun for him and her, which has provided him, his fiance, and his mother peace of mind.
  12. I think a lot of it has to do with the shifting of cultural priorities. The politics of celebrity and the emphasis this society has placed on vanity has caused some of these 30 something female teachers to lash out against their mid-life crisis by seeing if they are capable of bedding younger individuals, or any individuals at that.
  13. Link Her husband was stationed in Iraq when this occurred. He obviously thought she was cheating on him. Also, the husband and wife are both white, however, the child is black.
  14. I would expect that if they are going to move forward and make a deal for Gaither, they would do it some time this week, after the rookie camp. This way here, Nix and his staff can see who they drafted up close and get a feel for what they possibly have in the rookies. If they believe that Wang, Calloway, Bell, etc, can step and be the starting LOT, then obviously, a trade wouldn't be made. If they don't feel that way, then I think the wheels will get turning pretty quickly this week so that both teams can move forward with their plans this offseason.
  15. A good reason why you should meet at the pawn shop if you're selling the diamond.
  16. Surfer Blood -- "Harmonix" Bear in Heaven -- ""Lovesick Teenagers" Jane Birkin -- "Periode Bleue" Massive Attack -- "Saturday Come Slow" Spirit -- "Mechanical World" Broken Bells -- "The Mall and Misery"
  17. If you guys really think he was thrown off by the thick Kiwi accent, you're mistaken. The interviewer even gives the index card with the question on it for him to read himself. And he still has no idea.
  18. Great video. I hadn't seen a lot of those. I especially enjoyed the 1st base coach of the Blue Jays strangling the kid (who was about the same age as Voltron, the Phillies fan) who had run out on the field.
  19. Mark Sanchez and Sam Bradford disagree.
  20. The toys are to help work off the calories the kids just ingested.
  21. I can't see how Roscoe makes the team this year. We also have Jenkins, who was pretty good on STs last year. Naaman would have to surpass him as well. I also don't have as much confidence in Chad Jackson as some do.
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