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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. EM is a true-blue Bills player. He is one that was drafted by the Bills and has stayed with the Bills. I do hope he retires with us right after winning a couple of Superbowls. I would love to draft more people like EM who perform well but will not play the market simply to get a lot of $$. He has always been a team player and a model football player.
  2. Oh no ! You got me. I should have said nails on my back and no nails in the a-spot. Gaah !
  3. hey cool ! I found another guy that doesn't mind nails in the back. I kinda get turned on by them digging in. Not as good as the a-spot but it works.
  4. I too have several available. The deal with Gmail is that it is a new e-mail service with 2 GB of storage. Set up by Google, it is spread by invitations available to existing members. That way, people that value it sign up and not the mass sign-ups for other publicly available e-mail providers. PM me with your e-mail address if you would like an invite.
  5. {SPOILERS} I also loved this movie. A fantastic re-start of what began as a great franchise with Burton at the helm. Couple of knick-knacky points: - A little bit more humor would have been good. It is a movie, after all. - Rachel Dawes character sucked and so did Katie Holmes as an actress - I am one that did not particularly like Bale's dialog delivery. Some appropriate voice modulation would have been good. - Liam Neeson was not menacing enough
  6. Fez - How does the related Firefox extension work ? Worth an install ?
  7. Didnt have it during the screening I saw.
  8. To each his own I guess. I stretch mine with a few drinks, dimly lit basement and music by Floyd, Tull, CSNY or Mayall
  9. After hearing about this for many years, a friend loaned me a VCD. I will admit being very diappointed in that there are very few sequencies where it the movie and music/lyrics coincide. Am the only one to think that this 'matching' of movie and music album is a real stretch of imagination ?
  10. Considering my physical stature, I would be happy with either ...
  11. And I was hoping for a shot AT Kournikova. Ah well, we are both disappointed.
  12. I agree with you. Moulds and Evans were also being thrown at by the same QB so they should have also be non-performers. JR may be gone earlier than we think - probably a June 1 cut.
  13. Having had 2 interviews in the last two weeks resulting in two offers (yeah !), I can offer a few quick ideas. I am experienced and not a first time hire: - Offer a firm but not hard handshake - Don't sit till asked - Make eye contact, don't stare - Put all your energy in your replies as if that is the only thing that will keep you alive - At the end of the interview, tell them that you are very inteersted in the position and will look forward to hearing from them soon. Seems obvious, but just say it ! - Send a thank you e-mail within the next day - As others have said, don't even mention salary. If asked about your expectations, deflect and say you would rather see if thereis a good fit and then discuss that at a later date. Good luck ! Now I am in an enviable situation of choosing between three options- the two companies and staying with mine.
  14. As long as we are speculating, here is mine: TD Trades TH and our 3rd to Washington for their 1st (#9). Then trades down to get a lower #1 and a #2. Drafts a DT with the #1, David Baas with #2 and Nugent with the other.
  15. Are you left handed or right ? Just wondering ....
  16. We all tried some ICE but eventually chased him away. Oh, wait, never mind ....
  17. I used an agent the last time and swear by that process. They have access to the MLS service which instantly shows your house on other realtors computers. This network is very effective in getting a lot of showings - key in selling. As someone else said though, if you do not need to sell (and buy) quickly, then using an FSBO-type system may work. It is just a lot of work and headache. A realtor also walks through and gives practical advice to get the curb appeal and show-worthiness of a home. I would advice that you use a realor.
  18. I am wondering if TD is starting these discussions with no intent on honoring them. He may be setting up a negotiation for a long term contract extension for NC. So, if NC thinks he may be shuttled around for the next 2 years, he may seriously start thinking about choosing between a less than market price contract with Buffalo. In short, TD maybe wants to force NC to think about these issues one year in advance and hopefully lock him in for a long time. Just a thought ...
  19. Man, I am going to have nightmares imagining that sight ....
  20. Good for you !
  21. You echo my thoughts. As usual, I think TD will spring a surprise pick on all of us. The vast majority will be left gaping and the logic will be apparent in a few months time .... I thus cannot make any predictions but kind of think that a deal with some team (not Cards) is already done.
  22. On second thoughts, all those Aussie females in bikinis in the stands ... yummm. Maybe the MCG may make my top pick instead of Wimbledon.
  23. And ganesh, probably no one here will get it - Your choice is a close second to my choice for Wimbledon. But this time, I want to cricket match to not be fixed as the last World Cup was....
  24. And we both use avs forum too... Finally I find someone with similar tastes, unfortunately it is a male
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