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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. This is great - two cricket fans rooting for opposite sides of the Ashes series on a Bills fanboard in a thread about the London bombings !!!
  2. Those not knowledgeable about cricket may need a clarification of that statement.
  3. Any hopes of a lynching ?
  4. Possibly. Guess I am just a tad paranoid - all these seemingly bungled attempts appear to be experiments for some grander attack. But I will stop at this post for fearing of hijacking the thread.
  5. I think the point he was making was to have a healthy cash flow. In businesses, that is the top of all evaluations. To the original poster, I suggest you put all the numbers in a spreadsheet and see how that compares to your current deal. Also, consider fixed interest home equity loans to pay off your credit card debt. It offers a lower interest rat &, may be tax deductible. Finally, to use a cliche, don't get into schemes that put more money in your pocket now simply so you can spend it. Sounds corny and cliched but this simple truth goes a long way - controlling expenses to match your income is the only way to long term financial stability (see cash flow statement above).
  6. Well stated and fully agree - I have experienced the first four on your list. Luckily I haven't heard cell phones or people talking on them.
  7. Seems amateurish. Find a tough time believing the terrorists would bungle four attempts, however they do seem coordinated. Guess we will have to await the results of the investigations. First things first - keep the public safe.
  8. Damn you - 20 minutes of my productive work day are gone. Hand-Raiser You are 100% Rational, 71% Extroverted, 14% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant.
  9. Build up of that movie was good but ultimately a let-down. Also, I guessed the suspense about half way through the movie. Acting was good but did not need someone with Depp's acting skills. My favorites are 'From Hell' followed by 'Sleepy Hollow' & 'Pirates of hte Caribbean'
  10. My wife was also complaining about constant talking for a movie she saw 2 weeks back. I must admit it is not always bad. As for home theater killing the movie theater experience, I strongly disagree with that. The content will drive the movie theater business. I have a projector, 106" diagonal screen and 5.1 sound in my house but my first run frequency has not gone down one bit. While I cannot make conclusions for the general populace, if people love movies they will go to the theater and not wait for the DVDs. Movies in general this year have been mediocre and I don't just mean the artsy ones. Even the popcorn flicks have been disappointing (Hitchhikers, WOTW). I am into popcorn flicks and have enjoyed (in decreasing order of preference): Batman begins, Sin City, Revenge of the Sith, Wedding Crashers, Charlie, WOTW, Hitchhiker...
  11. Must be just me but I can't stand Will Ferrell. I was unpleasantly surprised that Chaz was played by him. Jack Black would have been good in that role.
  12. {cowering behind old bookshelf in office and whimpering} 'No'. I will seek to redeem myself immediately this coming weekend.
  13. Excellent movie. Not having seen the original nor read the book, I went in thinking 'at least the kids will enjoy it, I can have a nap'. But I enjoyed it a lot too. Side commentary - I was majorly irritated by a bunch of teens sitting right behind us and saying ''oh, I hate this part'' every 10 minutes. It was obvious they were seeing the movie for a second time and I could not understand (1) Why see it again if you hated so many parts and, (2) Why overuse the word 'hate'. I realize that is part of the teen vocabulary and makes them think it is cool the more things they 'hate'. Boy did that distract and anger me. "Oh dear, that is a bad nut"
  14. I whole heartedly second that. In fact, Dodgeball re-introduced me to Vince after that disastrous Psycho remake. That was one movie I did not know what to expect and was laughing throughout. Looks like I have to check out Swingers.
  15. Am I the only one here that thinks that if we believed that Jags are a potential wild card competitor, then we should have sent TH there ? We could then blitz the heck out of the QB and be semi-assured of a win ? Don't get me wrong, I am very happy that the deal is done and I couldn't care a rat's a** who gave us the third round pick. And on the subject of eating crow, I was in the camp that thought we should get at least a 2nd rounder for him but as his market value started emerging I realized my mistake in over-valuing him.
  16. Something like "Take that to the Dalai Lama you ******* " Vince had several lines in the movie which are impossible to grasp during the first viewing. I will see it again when it comes out on DVD just to catch all his dialog. Very funny movie - too bad my wife did not like it.
  17. SDS is probably savoring it right now as he hasn't had time to post a rebuttal.
  18. Whole heartedly agree with that. The employee can refuse after getting the final offer so there is absolutely no harm in going through the entire process. The potential employee owes it to himself/herself in pursuing the opportunity thoroughly.
  19. As you saw from my response below, that is how the HH contacted me and it led to this job. Believe me I am very happy with the new job.
  20. The problem is that the hype and Spielberg's name was adequate to make it a semi-hit. I am fundamentally against remakes but if someone is making it, at least make sure it is relevant to today's world. Or make a period piece. Just very disappointed that one of my favorite directors could come up with such a movie.
  21. I will chip in with a serious response. I recently changed jobs and the way I got it was - a HH called a friend who wasn't looking but asked the HH to call me. So not all calls are junk calls. Give it serious consideration and run it down first. You should get an idea about compensation but never talk details at this stage with either the HH or the company. That is only for after you get an offer. At this stage the HH is trying to decide if you are qualified for the position so don't make that judgment yourself. Most people underestimate themselves. If you are concerned about the company going under, get a legal clause in your offer letter (should you get one) that will pay you 6 months salary if you are left without a job due to this reason within the next two years. A friend did exactly this - the company is in bankruptcy and brought him in to 'fix the problems'. The process from here on should go like this HH interviews you HH passes on resume to company (if you are are qualified and sound like a good prospect) Company reviews and approves/disapproves your candidacy with the HH You get called for a first round interview (phone or in person) .... Hope this helps.
  22. In the past, so have I. Hence, I wanted to sucker some more poor saps into doing the same. Being an engineer by training, even I was surprised about how many of these sequences I took for granted when they make no scientific sense.
  23. I did not see it but if it was on the subject of physics versus what is shown in movies, you may enjoy this site: http://www.intuitor.com/moviephysics/
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