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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Yes, but .. we also were very excited at the start of the Drew Bledsoe era. I am sure we are all thinking the same as NE fans were when we got him from the Pats, "Just see what happens after he has played 8 games .."
  2. I was amused to see that fan sign saying "Superbowl, here we come".
  3. I was in UB 1989-91 and we used to frequent Brew Pub for the beer and peanut (shells on floor). I have some very fond memories - thank you for reminding me of that place.
  4. Fair enough. I just don't think we on this board should play down a victory and leave that to the media.
  5. So by your logic, we are now 'supposed to win' against TB. So if we do end up winning, it will not qualify as a 'true' victory correct ? By your standards, we are winners only if we beat NE ?? Stop the negativity and enjoy the win.
  6. Okay, it is too early to call any team a bottom-feeder. As of now half the league is 0-1. I don't agree that we were supposed to win. In any case, does that reduce the importance of our win ? Just savor the victory and admire what we did.
  7. Minnesota and Miami frequently start the season very strong only to end it with a whimper. Considering that, Minnesota's loss in the first game certainly points to a disastrous season for them. Also may confirm that it is an average team at best. having said that, a road game against a tough defense will be an early challenge for JP and the offense. I hope we keep the penalties down in a noisy stadium, play mistake free offense and great D + ST. I don't expect a very productive O performance.
  8. Take the names of the players out of your sentence and you can say that about almost every team that lost to the Pats over the last 4 years.
  9. I bet they still win that game. I am very sick and tired of this Pats worship. Perhaps more so because they keep winning and give everyone reason to. And we collectively envy that which is why we proceed to bash their coach, QB, RB ... Until we can beat them (don't point out that one 31-0 game please), we should temper our criticism.
  10. Lindell 35 yarder
  11. No harm discussing the winner as whoever cares already knows. In the early to mid-90s, I had grown to dislike Agassi for his lack of passion for the sport. He would be on top one year and disappear from the rankings the next. I was a huge Sampras fan for his calm demeanor, clean style of play (read: no two handed backhand) and incredible temperament. However, lately I have started to like Agassi as he seems to have re-discovered the value of dedication. I am sure Steffi drilled some sense into him. Having said that, I was rooting big time for Blake and my wife for AA. The game and particularly the 5th set was a classic in the McEnroe-Borg mould. As I was watching the match, I kept evaluating who is the most likely to give a serious challenge to, and possibly beat that incredible Federer. Even though I wanted Blake to win, I think at this point, Agassi even at age 35 is that person. His maturity, big point play, smart placement, NEW serve (whoa !) will serve him well. I predict he blows Ginepri off the court and then proceeds to win against Federer in 4. P.S. Roddick is an idiot. Reminds me of the worst of Courier (poor fundamentals) and Sabatini (lack of temperament) together.
  12. Methinks his tiny little brain cells formed a unified front to steal that moniker from someone else.
  13. Never thought of it that way but by golly, it makes a lot of sense. Using the pre-season to get individual teams their workouts - brilliant. Now I am even more fired up about the regular season. Go Bills !!!!!
  14. If we go 0-1, the big deal will be this board screaming for Kelly Holcomb to start.
  15. Good that you prefer the team winning rather than proving yourself right. I learned my lesson with RJ - at that time I was convinced letting him go was the wrong move and the rest is history ...
  16. Depends. If it is stop and go, generally slow traffic, it should matter. On a highway or speeds high enough to make drag a factor, the counter effects should even out. ie. reduced drag due to windows rolled up means higher fuel eficiency balanced with the a/c to make the effect neutral.
  17. But, we are all hoping you are wrong with the 'wrong to cut Bledsoe' thoughts.
  18. To your first question - Bombay is an island (it really is). But I agree that it probably drains naturally. But is greatly hindered by the archaic open sewer system in a large part of the city. This is forever clogged due to garbage making drainage difficult. I am more disturbed by the reaction of the residents than the technical comparison of the disaster. We seem to be more worried about our own individual good that trying to recover as a society. Situations such as these amplify the downsides of an individualistic me-first society.
  19. I have been reading and watching with horror the events in NO following Katrina. The more I watched the more I started sub-consciously comparing the effects with those in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) just a month back. For those that did not notice, here is a link http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4720343.stm. Similarities: - Heavy rains, flooding - Wind Differences: - Wind in Mumbai was not quite as strong - Mumbai is not below sea level Social and infrastructure comments: - Mumbai population density is much higher - Filth in the drainage system is much higher in Mumbai - Houses are built of concrete - Evacuation would be near impossible given the number of people and transportation means available With that brief background, I find it stunning that in Mumbai: - It did not need to be evacuated - There was no significant violence or gang activity for food and water - Law and order did not collapse as a result of these rains - People stayed at home for the few days and went about their normal business once the flood waters receded - There was no large scale bitching and moaning against the head of state (Prime Minister = President in US) or authorities I grew up there but am a firm American now. What is baffling to me is that we are supposed to be more civilized, advanced, sophisticated of the two societies. This recent evidence is making me reconsider what really makes up a social structure. How do we as humans revert to our baser instincts faster than a society that is supposed to be less tolerant and more diverse ? All comments are welcome but not those bashing me for being anti-American because I am not. I am simply seeing what is presented to me and wondering about what defines an advanced society versus a developing one.
  20. darn so did I. I would have said no.
  21. Actually that is the truth. There is adequate supply of oil but no place to refine it. Refineries are at 93% capacity (which by the way is very high and close to maximum). So any problems like Hurricane Katrina cause huge problems. Oil prices may not go much above $60 because we are at max capacity - there is no demand curve to flatten with increases in price !!! Also after a point alternative fuels and technologies start getting investments so it is in OPEC's best interest to not cross that (price) line.
  22. Actually a very good technology. Needs effort to bring capital costs down but it works. Related topic - Coal gasification can also be used to make electricity and an advanced version called IGCC is twice as efficient as current coal technology and very clean for the environment. However, politics will always kill the best of intentions. Last month, Wisconsin voted against IGCC and chose to go with conventional coal tech. to make electricity. The politicians wanted to show a low cost project - problem is we will pay for it in the long run with higher operational costs and more pollution than IGCC.
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