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Fan in Chicago

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Posts posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. I would say Drew was a liability against physical athletic defenses with good schemes.  JP isn't likely to be much better right off the bat - but he certainly can't be much worse.



    With that last point, we can put our disagreement to rest ! I don't expect JP to come out of the gates like Joe Montana, but if he can be smart down the stretch and not lose more than 1-2 games on his own, we should be in the playoffs.

  2. ...the official end of the patriots' hex over the buffalo bills.  the pats may still have the better team next year, but there will be no more ridiculous bledsoe v. belichick buildup each time they meet.  no more (legitimate) concerns that the pats' coach is in our QB's head.  i don't think this point can be overstated.


    if nothing else, the move was a good one for that reason alone.



    Gee, I said the same thing in another thread and caught hell from Alaska Darin for that. You must be special for escaping unscathed

  3. Yeah, I'm sure he's quivering about game planning for a first year starting QB.  He had a huge problem making Ben Roethlisburger look bad in the AFC Championship game.  [/sarcasm]




    My point was that DB was a +ve liability when it came to facing BB. Not quivering, but BB will have to think and try more to contain all aspects of our game than just ensuring failure at QB. Also, the NE success must have come from their coordinators also both of whom are leaving. We are in a very good position to give some serious trouble to NE.

  4. Hey thats a plus.


    If our divisional rivals think we did a good thing for ourslves but that in the nd it will be bad for them B\C we are developing.




    The one worried right now is Bill Bellicheck as he knows he cannot get the semi-guaranteed 2 wins against us anymore. He has to scheme more than simply confuse DB. I feel we will at worst split but most likely go 2-0 against NE if JP plays half-way decently. Yes, I said it and it is only my opinion.

  5. Total votes: 122, 452


    Bledsoe wins in a landslide...is that because other fans around the league watched zero Bills games last season or are the other options just that bad??



    Now we can understand how the Patriot fans felt when DB came to Buffalo. At that time, an ever larger majority of us Bills fans were ecstatic while Patriots were saying 'good riddance'.

    The difference is that the Pats had seen Brady play and had confidence in their future with him. All we have, on the other hand, is a hope and prayer with JPL.

    I am happy DB will not be our starter, but would have felt better having him around as a backup. Let us hope we get some insurance in the way of a new #2. Shane should be a #3.

  6. ...or you don't want to pay DIRECTV $10/month to be able to watch the same 3 boring documentaries on DiscoveryHD but you'd like to watch the Super Bowl in HD....I think about that every so often....




    Comcast is obligated to provide HD broadcasts of local channels for FREE with basic cable service (not digital, I mean analog basic). All you need is a HD tuner.

    If you have one of the DBS, I think Radio Shack stocks a clip-on antenna for your dish. You send the total signal (dish + OTA HD) to the receiver, split it and get HD + your regular dish programming.


    You only have to pay either company if you want to watch non-local stations' HD broadcasts. And yes, the Superbowl was on Fox so I got to watch it on my 106" projector in HD. Can you say 'Wow' ? (All my guests certainly did)

  7. I would also like Drew to sit content as the #2.


    My point is, Vinny would be fine for just a backup. You don't agree that he is a better QB than AVP? Or even current Shane Matthews.



    Yes I agree that he is better than AVP or Shane Matthews but that is not a choice we are facing. Someone else posted that Brad Johnson's price will be too high for a backup and that may kill the posibility. But really having a QB with Superbowl-winning experience will help a ton.

    What I have against Vinny:

    - Too old. I would prefer having a proven backup that can be around for another 3-4 years.

    - Prone to mistakes: He is a lesser version of DB in that he just hasn't been that game winner the past few years

    - We will get him if Parcells lets go of him. If you agree that Bellicheck and Parcells are good judge's of talent, that will tell us something.

  8. I'm just saying as a backup - in case JP gets hurt, and only then. He would be cheaper than Bledsoe, no?



    Just because he may be cheaper does not qualify him to be our #2. Too bad DB did not want to stay on as a backup and fade into the sunset with the Bills. Honestly I would be fine with DB in a backup role though it seems that is not going to be.


    My choice would be to get Brad Johnson as backup and keep Shane Matthews as 3rd stringer.

  9.   I'm not saying Bledsoe deserves to be our starting QB.  That is a debatable point and I know there are always two sides to every coin.  But please atleast show him the same love and appreciation that he has shown us by letting him bow out graciously while telling him thank you and goodluck whever your path may take you.  I will always think of Drew as a tough as nails QB, much like Jim Kelly and I am proud to say that he played for the Buffalo Bills.  If he were to decide to retire a Bill, he would only add to the long list of classy and first-rate players who have already done so.  Thank you Drew for making me remember why I love the Buffalo Bills......





    Agree with everything you wrote. As someone else mentioned, the decisions we take in life are based on our choices and best judgement at that point in time. If we were to look back at our lives and rue decisions, we would end up in a constant state of depression. Drew is classy and deserves an equivalent sendoff. Not a pep rally but atleast let us be dignified about his departure.

  10. Never looked at it that way and your probably right.


    Moulds however, cant beat the best cover corners deep like Evans can.


    You know, it really doesnt matter anyways. We have BOTH and getthe benefits of each.





    Your opinions aside, can you PLEASE get your english fixed ?

    It is 'YOU ARE probably right' . Correct use of 'your' is in my previous sentence. No offense, but this one error drives me nuts.

  11. I agree with you Andy. A QB committee would probably destroy any progree that was made. There's been talk lately about Neil O'Donnell's availability. There may not be a bad option. At one time he had a very low interception ratio. TD is also very creative in incentive laced contracts. Give O'Donnell a very safe offense to run, he could be effective. Keep Matthews as a clear 3rd stringer and these 2 veterans could mentor JP. This way JP wouldn't lose out on the important reps that he would need as a 2nd string QB. Who knows, he may even win the starting job. Either way it would be low risk and wouldn;'t jeoparize the continuity of the team. Just a thought. Any opinions on this possibility?



    I also am against QB committee or RB committee for that matter. In order of preference (H to L):

    - restructure and keep DB as backup

    - Let DB go and get Brad Johnson as backup


    I don't support either Batch (hasn't proven much, fragile, nto enough playing experience, not enough winning experience) or O'Donnell (too old)


    In either case, JP should be named starter and Matthews kept as 2nd or 3rd stringer

  12. JP, Moulds and Evans need to have the mindset that they will be playing the rest of their careers together and they all need to be on the same page.



    Gee, I hope JP does not play the rest of his career with Moulds. Either means Moulds will play till he is ~ 45 or that JP has an incredibly short career ! <_<

  13. Unlike most, I dish out pretty equal blame to both the OL and Bledsoe.


    Looking at just last year, I think if we had had a better QB, we would have made the playoffs, but still lost out due to a poor OL.

    At the same time, if we had a better OL, I don't think Drew would have gotten us much further than he did this year.


    Having said that, I think we would have gone farther into the playoffs with the first situation than the second,.

  14. It is suspicious, but it would be hard to believe.  There has to be facts supporting this.  Your thinking is understandable, but it doesn't have any evidence backing it up.



    Ofcourse I don't have evidence. In fact, even if I had the means, I wouldn't bother trying to find it. Call me paranoid but can you imagine the repercussions if someone were to try and chase this theory down ? With the money at stake in betting, the overall economy, 'greatest show on earth' ?

  15. Also, one counter argument to the theory that players make millions and thus have no incentive to throw games:


    How about that you've got a gambling problem and you've run up so much debt that they are threatening to hurt your family?


    How about that you have a fmaily member who has run up so much debt that they are threatening to hurt your family?


    I think it is unlikely that this game was thrown, but it is not impossible!



    And players are known for indiscretions with the opposite sex. This can also be used as a blackmailing ploy. Doesn't necessarily have to be money related, you are correct.

  16. Wasn't that 30 yard TD followed by a 0 yard pass with time running down?  Notice that most/all of McNabb's throws were in the middle of the field, with no timeouts on that last drive (except for the one he threw on the sidelines, out of bounds).


    Again, not sure I think the game was fixed.  But McNabb made some *REALLY* crappy plays -- far worse than anything we saw from DB this year.  Maybe it was nerves, but gosh, that team did NOT look like an NFL team at the end of the 4th quarter.  And Reid's quotes afterwards were even more mystifying (regarding them not hurrying up more).





    Which brings to mind that on the last drive, the receiver caught the ball at the line of scrimmage instead of just letting it drop and stop the clock.

  17. what you are explaining..crazy things happen, and do not always go as planned...sometimes people make boneheaded judgements, and play like crap...it happens



    Look the point I am making is that the pattern of the mistakes. If they were TRYING to hurry up in the last 5 minutes and did not get yardage or called the wrong plays for the coverage then maybe I can call it boneheaded judgements. But apparent lack of intensity and mistakes is what has me puzzled.

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