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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Link ? I cringed when I saw that hit - he was planting his leg just as a defender fell helmet first on the knee (Ouch !).
  2. Yes, but several other coaches have achieved a turnaround also. That what-was-his-name took the Raiders to the SB right after Gruden quit. Doesn't make him a good coach. My point simply is that he is no more exceptional now than several other coaches
  3. Haven't heard the conference. So it appears he doesn't entirely agree with your assessment about DB ?
  4. 'Our time' does not cut it any more. He hasn't really done much recently and seems to be riding the wave of his success from 15 years back.
  5. Okay- I think the one essential ingredient he misses is playing well in big games.
  6. Same is NOT true of Brett Favre, Troy Aikman and Tom Brady. All are accurate passers and have led their teams to SB victories in the same era that you are mentioning. So, you cannot point to some cases while ignoring the others. Bottom line though is that the QB by himself cannot lead a team to a SB victory. Contrary to today's feel good posts - I do not think we are playoff ready as a team. I am very happy about yesterday's win but let us not get the illusion that we can beat any team in the league today.
  7. I am not with you on this.
  8. I am not arguing against that but I thought the point of his post was that Favre is struggling because of a crappy O-line. I think either (1) The panthers went too much into prevent mode or (2) Favre is so good that he can overcome the O-line deficiencies or (3) it was a bad example to make his point. And Dan, again I am not arguing that point at all. Simply pointing out the flaw in using the example he did. Considering what we have right now - a collectively sucky team, it would be great if atleast JP put up some numbers. We would have something to cheer for (apart from WM running well).
  9. You might want to re-phrase that
  10. morbid, but funny anyway. Remind you of Killdrive yet ?
  11. Still threw 4 TDs last night.
  12. Good thought in general. I think it may be better to make one change at a time. Else it will take forever for the line to gel (if they ever will).
  13. At this point in time, our offense makes every defense look like the 1985 Bears and our D makes every O look like the 1994 Cowboys.
  14. Yes, Dan I did. 'Cos I am at my (limited) wit's end about how a team that finished so strong last year can sink to such depths by subtracting PW, JJ and DB. Mostly same personnel and same coaches ...
  15. Because atleast they do something exceedingly well - defense. We do didly squat on all aspects. Ya okay - maybe above average on ST and WM.
  16. Dan marino and Boomer pretty much said the same thing - it is apparent he is not ready and needs to sit for a few games and see what is going on after having played a few games. I don't support JP's benching and really want him to play the season out fully no matter what state the season or game is in. But I got to think two players that have played QB in the NFL must know what they are talking about. Bottom line, I am confused and frustrated. And the worst feeling is that feeling this way is becoming an annual ritual.
  17. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that brilliant observation.
  18. That and your avatar pretty much says it all.
  19. Yep, I do know you don't think highly of JP and that is fine - it is your opinion. I have not had the luxury of watching any game here in Bear country so can't give an honest opinion. But, you and I both agree that the coaches need to make up their mind. Isn't this what leadership is all about ? Advances are made by making bold decisions. But waffling sickens me.
  20. We followed the same logic last year of sticking with DB until the season was officially out of hand. JP getting injured kind of helped the decision making I know. But it came down to the last game and in today's parity world, I don't think any team's season is officially sunk by the 10th game. So, what's my point ? Simply this - that the coaches have to make one decision and have the ba11s to stick to it. Keeping JP in there yesterday would have helped prepare him for comebacks in the future. Maybe he could have pulled it off ala Brunell against the Redskins a few weeks back. But, by yanking him twice now, he will forever be looking over his shoulder. A situation which we all painfully remember from the Flutie-RJ days. I was frankly disgusted when he was pulled yesterday because this jerking around serves no purpose. After the game, MM says JP is still the starter. WTF is going on ? A rotation at the QB position ? As a true, loyal and gullible fan, I will support whatever decision the coaches make but let it be just that - one decision for the entire season.
  21. You are correct (as usual in this topic's debate). Problem is that on this board we continue to argue about what could have and would have been. Only time will tell what the correct decision was this past offseason. I thought the decision to get rid of DB and get a better prospect was the correct one keeping in mind the long term goal of winning the big one. Whether the decision to go with JP was consistent with this goal, only time will tell. Meanwhile, we will continue this fruitless debate that on this board (including me !!)
  22. If we are a good defense, we shouldn't really have to worry about any one particular player. You know how far we have fallen when analysis and fan posts continually start pointing to this aspect (and this is not directed at you personally).
  23. Aptly stated.
  24. I question that statement. As of now, the talent is not producing on D. So what exactly is this talent that he speaks of which is so undermined just by JP ? I do agree somewhat that JP is not ready but as others on this board have said a million times till now, he never will be if KH starts.
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