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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. This might have some merit, but I don't see Dallas needing a WR esp. one with no upside. IN general, it looks like most think chances of this trade are nil. That kinda sucks - would have been good to get our #1 pick back. I still think TH packaged with someone else (existing player or a lower draft pick) can get us a #1.
  2. Last night's MNF game showed that the Cowboys don't have a consistent running game and Vinny is washed up as well. So, how about an off-season trade w/Dallas to get back our first round pick ? Just maybe Parcells thinks that he can use DB again till they find a long term soultion at QB. I really forgot how long TH is signed till. Is he a FA after this season or the next ? I think we have him till next year so it will technically qualify as a trade. If TD is a good negotiator, he will get more than just one first rd pick for the two of them together but considering TH's lack of playing time this season and DB's awful performance, their combined trade value may be low. Thoughts ?
  3. But, but ... how does proving it help us ? (1) We are NOT a playoff caliber team, (2) DB will not be starting next year So, even if the current batch on the offense proves they can overcome adversity, that will not help with JP in there next year. It is better to prove it by the end of the season WITH JP so we are launching for next year. Much as coaches like to not admit the season is over, it is better to look at reality and act accordingly. Did naming McGahee a starter prove that MM had given up ? I bet the line is not as bad as DB makes it look. Yesterday was the first time I saw the Bills play and it is amazing how many times, DB could have just slid or moved somewhat to avoid a pass rush. But he does not and the line gets flak for 'having defenders in his face'. At a minimum, JP will learn to sense pressure, move away and make throws on the run. Purely from a business standpoint, it will put some interest in an otherwise putrid season and sell some seats.
  4. I think an overwhelming majority of this board agrees. Unfortunately, I also saw this article: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=fanb...nball&type=lgns Not sure I saw it in the Buff News so don't know the real origin of this news article. It would help if MM came out today and said so directly thus ending speculation once and for all.
  5. Add one more need from us - no turnovers from us especially DB throwing interceptions.
  6. If everyone was a bit more liberal, the election results would have been a lot different !
  7. Assuming ofcourse that he is looking for a relationship.
  8. {there goes my keyboard} That was toooo funny.
  9. About time we see the light of dawn. This night has lasted far too long.
  10. If you rate TH as a 1 and WM as a 1.2 (in terms of ability and potential) then WM at 80% fit (1.2 x .8 = 0.96) is better than TH at 90% (1 x 0.9 = 0.9). Aren't you glad I am an engineer ?
  11. Just to dwell on the little guy a bit longer - it is not about rushes only but also about scrambling and stepping away from pressure. But I agree - the stat by itself is surprising. My point again is that - if we have a crown jewel OL, receiver, RB and general supporting cast, we don't need a QB with a powerful arm. Just about any above-average QB will do. In the absence of one or many of the crown jewels, you are better off with a scrambling and pressure sensing QB. Am I stating something that is way too obvious to be mentioned ?
  12. And therein lies the rub. My opinion is that a good QB makes the OL and team look better. here we have to 'max protect', 'give him the weapons', 'give him time to sit and throw', 'get may recievers that can get open' etc. Planning for this takes away a lot of flexibility the O coaches need. We are babying him and really trying to make him look good. Who cares ? I would rather have an above-average QB that can cope with some of the lines faults and make everything look better. {dare I say this ?} That was where Flutie was good - he could do things even with a weak arm that compensated for the faults of the O-Line. That is where Favre is a God - he cannons the ball between defenders even if the receiver is not 'open'. So sometimes he gets intercepted but most of the time he makes the receivers look good.
  13. we are so pathetic ! Happy that we may win because key players on the opposition are injured.
  14. Actually, I think we really are doome.d. We are 0-4 which means no wins ! What other definition of doom is there in the NFL ? So I wish we stop using this overblown font to make fun of posters that imply the season has gone down the tubes. Wake up - it has. We are one of the worst teams in the league and yes, the season is doom.ed. So there !
  15. Last year, we were screaming for giving the running game a chance and that we were passing too much. This time we have a balance on the number of plays both ways. So which will it be ? I think we continue with emphasis on the running game but when passing, go for the big plays and not the Tom Brady-ish dinking and dunking. That will be the best balance right now. Plus we really have to see if w can make better use of the TEs and test out Euhus to see if he is the Metzelaars type of TE that we have been missing.
  16. I disagree. Every player has one or two bad games and he admitted he played badly yesterday. We cannot chase overall good players away for just a few mistakes. Look at how we are adjusting after the loss of P Price, A Winfield. It took us one full season to find a replacement to Price (Evans) and this season we are missing Winfield. I think we keep Jennings, who overall is an above average player. We need to find a new center, replace Mike Williams and get a good TE (is Euhus good ?).
  17. If that guarantees us winning a ring, it may not be an entirely unpleasant thought.
  18. - Asking for a change does not make me a marginal fan - Wanting a rookie QB does not imply throwing the season away. We are not exacting charting an unabated path to the playoffs with oru approach right now. - What do we want done this season anyway ? Do you think we will win 10 of the next 13 games, assuming a 10-6 record is required to even think of the playoffs ? - One Coy Wire is not going to change anything. Neither is one QB change. We need to make changes whenever we see consistently sloppy play.
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