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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. I don't agree that TD is not going anywhere {dang double negatives}. I seriously think if we continue to slide downwards, TD is gone. While on the subject of Marv, can he be the GM ? He obviously knows football and personnel. I am not sure what else it takes - negotiating skills, financial savvy ? He is too old to coach but may not be too old to strategize.
  2. Yes, but the defense they were facing was the Bears'. I bet they would put up more points than that if they were playing at Lambeau. They have had a six game winning streak. While I don't agree that history is a predictor of future, our team appears to be in shambles right now.
  3. I am not sure I understand what you are saying. In the situation that you are posing - a win for us - why would it matter if we did it through the air or ground ? I couldn't care less about having a dominating running game, clock control, WM ego etc. if it doesn't get us a win. It may actually be fun if it is a shoot-out and we win. Admit it - a clicking passing game is a lot more entertaining than a dominating running game.
  4. Great post and reflects my sentiments exactly. I say the same about MW also - though not popular on this board, I firmly believe we should keep him if he restructures his contract. Also keep EM and NC. Same logic.
  5. Wait a minute, I am pissed that he did not announce on game day. Tipping his hat two days in advance to Wade ?
  6. Yes - but not before the season ends. You rather have a guy earning money on the bench than in his own living room.
  7. The QB controversy exists only on this board. If there was a true 'controversy', it would have shown itself someway in the words of the players which it has not. No one (even EM) has uttered a peep regarding how and when MM is making the QB decision. So where is the problem ? We are talking ourselves silly.
  8. I am one too but just have a MS. I have heard comments which are intended as jabs but I take as compliments ("you have to calculate everything don't you ?", "you are 3.5 minutes late", "what ? You are upset because it is 4:05 and we did not leave at the planned for 4:00 pm ?") But back to the original topic - must be cool to hang out with Bills players. Notwithstanding the arguments regarding their respective abilities, they are members of our team and I would like to have been in your spot.
  9. All points to us taking shots at the end zone as we did with KC and not really ahve to venture close to the red zone. This may be a good match up when we are on O. But I primarily worry about our rush D.
  10. Can't proclaim anyboy's prognostications to be correct before the game ends.
  11. try a quick check. In firefox, go to Tools --> Options --> fonts and colors See what the settings are.
  12. Several points: First, at $40 I very much doubt they are doing a flush and fill. It most likely a drain and fill. Secondly, You can add Prestone radiator flush liquid to the first batch of fresh water (step 3) and do the fresh water thing twice over before you fill with new anti-freeze (remember to dilute 60-40 per instructions or get pre-diluted) Thirdly, I have always flushed and filled myself every 2-3 years no matter what the situation of the anti-freeze. In last 12 years, never had a radiator leak (save when I punched a screw driver through it by mistake ) Lastly, ask your village/town government where to dispose off the old fluid and flush water. We have a facility here which accepts oil and other fluids on certain days.
  13. Absolutely not at the current salaries !! Better to sign NC and re-structure the other two this off-season so we lock them up.
  14. This may be just me - but I like a QB who has a lot of mustard on his throws. Nothing like a smoking fast ball to the receiver. That is why I like Favre so much, he can still gun one while scrambling and/or off the back foot. I rather a QB who throws too hard than one whose balls wobble a lot.
  15. Good points all but I agree with e-dog. Last year, we tried to feel good after losing PW with similar arguments. But now we feel the pain. While I still agree that there is a value for every player, we should make every effort to keep him. It will boil down to how greedy he really is. If he agrees to a cap-friendly long term deal with a good upfront signing bonus, there is no reason not to keep him notwithstanding the other needs of the team. There are some players we should keep even if we don't think they are one of the top five in the league. My list of long-term keepers: Eric Moulds, NC, MW. Yes, I said it - MW.
  16. Serious Q - How does this work now ? Combined score more than 34, did you make any money ? Is it all or nothing ?
  17. And you say you are not rooting because you thought it incorrect for the Bills & DB to part ways so soon ?
  18. Lori, m'lady, are you a descendant of Nostradamus ?
  19. I also have had that opinion for a long time. It will really suck, though, if we start peaking in December and miss the playoffs because of our miserable start.
  20. Why didn't he say that before then ? We would have given him a free lifetime membership to this board.
  21. You are worse than me in recognizing sarcasm.
  22. Takes a lot more than that to get me pissed (which I am not). I thought the smiley was for the last sentence and he was actually serious about the rest of it. Must be the uncalled for martinis on a Sunday night.
  23. I argue that you can say that (last sentence) about almost every starting QB in the NFL today.
  24. Either: - You forgot the sarcasm smiley - b.harami hacked your id - you are serious so which one is it ?
  25. Next two weeks are tough as CAR is on a major streak. We can only hope this will be their letdown game. Miami and NE should be beatable. In fact, I think we will pound NE if JP continues to play as well as he did yesterday. So to answer your question - I don't think so. We will most likely go 2-2.
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