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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Thanks as always. Very educational. Your conclusions re-inforce that (1) we didn't have consistency in the play calling and (2) plays did not build over each other. Based on what you are saying, our run game is pretty good either from gun or under center. The issue was that we didn't really use that strength to call an overall strong offensivd drive. McD said as much that we need more consistency and rhythm Heartening to read that we are much better run team this year . Evidenced by Cook's excellent yards on the ground That's what I am gathering as well
  2. Thank you for sharing that first video. We rarely get to see such ones
  3. I don't think we are far off from each other. Again, I am not denying there is a lack of interest and fire in Allen right now. All I am saying is that it's not cos he suddenly became lazy. I think there are other external reasons causing this to have happened. Fixable, imo
  4. Yea I give him credit for working his way up, for making himself into the QB he was in 2020- half 2022. Lazy bums don't do that. He is certainly has some share of blame to take. Absolutely not denying that and he needs to again work his way back up. As for Dorsey, haven't you ever known a girl/guy for a while, start dating him/her and then realize he/she is actually a controlling psycho (female canine)?
  5. Imo, the handoff issue was on Allen being lazy. As for Cook after the fumble, McD should have given him a few plays off but not as long as he did . Cook did play like a man possessed after going back in
  6. Wow. So much for one of the best conferences in football as we thought in the pre season
  7. I really wonder if Allen started getting disillusioned with Dorsey last year and gradually became de-motivated. I really don't think a person who showed himself to be so driven to succeed 2019- mid 2022 suddenly became lazy and complacent. I said in a different thread that my speculation is that much of Allen's decline could have come from a poor relationship with Dorsey the OC. I am happy to see his protection has improved and with Kincaid and Shakir coming along, his receiving options have improved from last year. This will not turn around over night. Mental issues take time to sort out. I will rabidly root for the rest of this season but I am mentally prepared to this being a lost season with missed playoffs. When in itself is a travesty for an Allen led team
  8. So one FG and a safety for the Jets?
  9. Bills Win 27-13 Brady has to do two things, imo, (1) Dont screw up things by drastically changing things and (2) Keep the scheme fairly simple and focus the team on executing Our D is good and their QB is trash. So we just need to be competent on Offense and have some kind of rhythm. Brady said it well "dont turn the ball over and score points".
  10. Why do you think that? Unless things go from bad to worse with McDermott, Diggs will be here in 2024. I still want them to draft a WR, a speedy one at that, in the draft
  11. Before or after smashing a couple of Surface tablets?
  12. Can we do that to posters on this board too?
  13. He was just lazy on that handoff. I don't think it had anything to do with any physical limitations
  14. Have you considered that Allen's disinterest stemmed from a toxic relationship with Dorsey? We don't know the root cause of Allen's sudden decline but there is no other single factor which was evident.
  15. part of me thinks they do. If they have the patience to sift through the usual banter and arrive at the truly nice analyses. We have some very knowledgeable posters who write better than the general media. FWIW, (LAMP maybe), my poll of this group for the single reason for the Offense's issues overwhelmingly came up with Dorsey. So as a collective, we know a lot. McBeane came around to our way of thinking
  16. Toxic relationships affect a person's overall life. I am totally speculating that his relationship with Dorsey is the root cause. That is spreading to his demeanour , his personal relationship (breaking up with one, immediately jumping into another) and his general lack of interest. This is akin to somebody whose work performance goes down due to a horrible situation with the spouse.... This is in reverse. All my speculation from the progression of things. A highly motivated and talented individual doesn't suddenly become a disconnected soul.
  17. I do give him credit for coaching the Bills to relevancy, for getting respectable players and making the team honorable (for lack of a better word) And yet ... He now has an undeniable track record of gaffes, lack of preparedness and underwhelming schemes. The O is such a mess and I can't understand what happened to this team after the Green Bay game last year. Several here said that last year was emotionally hard on the team. I didn't fully buy into that explanation and this year is devolving as we speak. I sorely miss the period from 2020-mid 2022. We dominated teams and there was no opposing lead which was safe against us. To have such a record with a talent like Allen (who is clearly disinterested and unmotivated) is a fireable offense.
  18. Me for sure. And then 5 seconds later, I crash landed
  19. What a bloody mess
  20. Are you friggin kidding me????
  21. Maybe he will miss the FG when it comes
  22. The next play is the game
  23. Better to be lucky than good
  24. This games is making me sick
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