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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Talk about fickle fans, what did that say about Kraft's loyals ?
  2. As Madden was saying last night "at some point everybody has to get beyond their own 'ya-buts' " Looks like NE is entering their ya-but era.
  3. Counting from which year ? While I am slowly beginning to agree that TD may have made some critical mistakes, giving the Bengals as an example is not appropriate.
  4. HD, I admire you for your bravery ! Getting bashed by fans of a team that sucks more than yours. I was among those that thought the run had to end sometime no matter how much the NE machine was primed with good drafting, good backups, good coaches etc. But finally it has come to pass and NE seems to be in serious decline. At such a time, previously dominating teams get smashed 'cos those that were formerly at the receiving end see their chance of getting revenge. See the Bills & Bulls in the 90s. But in all honesty, I wish the Bills will have a run like NE's and have the rest of the league hate/admire us. The Colts seem to be on their way to be the dominant AFC team but I don't think they will go undefeated this season. As a side comment, I really enjoyed the commentators and have aprpeciation for Al Michaels and Madden. They are levels above others of their profession. Name one duo that does such a kick-a$$ job.
  5. The way they executed the last drive, it would have been a question of who won the toss in OT. So in a way you & smuvtalker are correct - that the overall odds are the same. But that 4th down was a sudden death play and I would rather have played sudden death OT ! There is no right or wrong in this argument so its all good.
  6. I disagree. At that point, they should have taken the safe points (FG) and put the game into overtime. Just because the play worked out well does not mean it was a good call.
  7. Disagree with you on that one. He marginally pushed off much before the ball got there. Most of the cases, the officials let it go. Fez's point is that these kind of calls - potentially game changing at critical times - is what always seem to go NE's way (esp in NE). Even the idiotic Paul Maguire initially said that is not PI and then the Pu$$y changed his tune after the official call.
  8. Sure it is a hunch that TD is calling the shots on this issue. But that Bill Cowher wanted more control on personnel issues, which led to TD's departure. This is a published fact and not something I am deducing.
  9. Problem is, I don't think it is MM's call. I am convinced TD is making that call to keep Bills tantalizingly on the edge of contendership. This is probably the reason for his fallout with Bill Cowher and his eventual departure to Buffalo. Much as I have supported TD in the past, I am now not convinced he is the right GM to help us win the big one.
  10. Not sure if this form will help any more than the previous one. But I filled and sent it anyway. Thanx !
  11. I agree with this post. We cannot chase away every non-superstar player on the team. I would like to see MW re-structure to a cheaper (cap-friendly, less total $$) contract and continue to play RT. Dumping players every year does us no good as we continually wait for the line to gel.
  12. I do disagree with you on this one. There are several reasons why I liked the movie: tension without an obligatory background score; different subject line (not many monster movies during that time); compact storyline that did not waver from the subject; low special effects etc. I do think this is one of the most original scary movies and one of Hitch's best (others I liked from him are Frenzy, Spellbound, 39 steps, man who knew too much, North by Northwest, Rebecca). Too bad you did not enjoy it.
  13. Atleast I hope seeing that has taught him two things (1) Dump offs are better than sacks/throwing out of bounds/inaccurate downfield throws. and (2) Don't JUST dump off but go for the deep throws and medium range throws consistently. We all saw what happened yesterday with the deep throw (1 inc + 1 TD).
  14. And mine ... "I am writing to express my total disgust over your coverage of Oct. 30th, 2005's Sunday night game between the Patriots and Bills. - Were you covering the game or Bruschi ? I understand what he is doing is very brave. But you guys grossly over-did it. Every 3 minutes, every thing was related to Bruschi. Whatever happened to covering the game that is being played ? - During two key plays, Suzy Kolber cut in to talk about Bruschi and the Kraft interview. There was a turnover on the field of play and you continued to wax about something unrelated to the game. Sideline coverage should be reserved for breaks in game. - Your commentators don't have a spine. On two critical official calls, Paul said one thing ("That did not look like offensive pass interference on Moulds") but promptly changed it when the call was to the contrary ("Okay maybe it was PI, I agree with it when I saw it again"). Joe Theismann is the only saving grace of the three. I do wish you make some major changes to your format and style of coverage. else, I will hope you lose the next Sunday night contract."
  15. Thank you. I sent my letter of disgust to them just now.
  16. Kelly and UConn, exactly my thoughts. I said this when JP was benched and will say it again - KH is a very good backup but not a starter. As of now, he has done just enough to not be benched. But that is going to get us nowhere. Much as I dislike it, I think KH will continue to be the starter till we are statistically eliminated. And in this crazy parity-NFL, that may not happen till the last game of this season at which point we will have wasted this season.
  17. CCD., Now i am totally confused. Weren't you calling for the benching of JP ? And now you are saying the QB is NOT the problem ? Changed your mind on this one ?
  18. Okay, I will agree to disagree with you. Actually we are screw*d in more ways than one and this is not just a QB issue. Given that we are doomed to miss the playoffs, we might as well start JP.
  19. I had a cystoscopy last month. Talk about pain ! I now partly appreciate the pain of childbirth and a woman's loss of virginity .....
  20. Do you think KH is 'getting the job done' any better than JP was ?
  21. I do agree with that last line - but with only that I agree. The problem is that given the miserable quality of teams in the AFC East, we may be tantalizingly close to the playoffs till the final game of the season. And we will miss the playoffs - we just don't have the quality of players to deserve a spot. Then what ? Start next season exactly as this one ? What have we achieved ? Is it better to win the battle this year (winning season) or the war (SB soon) ?
  22. And why is that ? Isn't it better to have him learn and throw the long balls accurately than hanve KH who can throw the short balls accurately ? We are having three and out no matter who the QB is anyway. To me it is pretty clear that JP needs to come in soon, though not for the NE game. As with DB, we knew what we have with KH (an experienced, weak arm QB who can do well in relief but will suck as a starter). With JP, we don't know contrary to the opinion of bashers like CoachDickerson. We just haven't given him enough time to get the feel for the game and iron out his mistakes. Boomer and Marino had both said he needs to sit for a couple of games and soak in the pace of the NFL. I went with that logic as they know more about being QBs than me (duh !). But 'couple of games' are up and after our OL does their best tissue paper imitation against NE, let us make major changes to the OL and put in JP.
  23. My list of scary movies (looks like almost all have been mentioned in this thread): - The Ring (and yes, part 2 sucked) - Grudge/Ju-On - Poltergiest - Shining - Psycho (the original) - Exorcist Not very scary but good to watch: - Invasion of the body snatchers - Final Destination - Friday the 13th - Misery - Omen (part 1) - Scream
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