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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Well that first line justifies the action then - It is dangerous for TD's job and career It is inappropriate to bash management as you fans are only supposed to support everyone associated with the Bills And finally ... it obstructs the rose colored view of RW and shows him reality. I have changed my mind and now support the actions of the staff against the sign.
  2. I sense sarcasm... No wait... there is already a smiley there.
  3. Now that post I agree with. I just hope RW knows about the fan discontent and gets rid of TD at the end of this season.
  4. Are you also in favor of not carrying 'Fire TD' signs to the stadium ? I do not see why such posts deserve a separate sub-board. This board exists to express our collective (or individual) elation or disgust at the performance of our team. Over the past several years, general opinions expressed on this board are directly related to future actions by the Bills. Examples: RJ will never make it in the NFL, GW does not make a good head coach, Flutie is more jazz and no substance. I really think the 'Fire TD' semi-consensus on this board is going to result in him being replaced this coming off-season.
  5. As you can tell by my responses to several threads, my sarcasm detector does not function. All the Sony products I bought in the past may have subliminally sent a DRM-equivalent to scramble my brain ...
  6. I am not comparing it to any other situation as I am not fully aware of the patdown details. All I am saying is that fans have a right to protest as arguably attendance is more than going therejust for entertainment. This is not like going to the movies where tickets cost a fifth of NFL games and if the movie sucks you walk out with no hard feelings. Fans take the team and its performance seriously and it has direct implication to regional businesses. Having a team is a privilege and management should be able to hear it when the team is doing well or badly. If I want to protest against the way a team is being run or the way a player is playing, I cannot walk into TD/MM's office and give my thoughts. To the average fan, the best way to advertise their feelings is through signs such as these. If fans can put up signs that say 'Bills are #1' then they should have an equal right to say 'Fire TD'.
  7. This is unbelievable - such signs should be allowed. It is not provocating or suggesting violence or obscenity. Instead of worrying about the legal ramifications or suing anybody, protesting fans should try their best to be caught by camera. This is the one time the media can help us by freely advertising fans' discontent with the administration.
  8. Let Tom Clements go now and get SM as our O coach NOW. Start preparing for next season.
  9. I will extend that thought to include some players as well. I have said this often that we need not chase away every non-pro bowler on this team. There are perennial under-achievers who need to be shown the door (Coy Wire, Bennie, Josh Reed) but others that we need to keep albeit with re-structured contracts (MW, EM). Bottom line, TD has to take the blame for the abysmal talent all round. Given what happened to Pittsburgh with and after TD, I really think he needs to go. Another random thought - maybe all the gadget plays and trickery that MM is pulling is preparing for next season. He is trying things out, knowing in his heart that the team with low level of talent is not going anywhere this year. So why not experiment at this time ? Then next year if (and that is a very big if) we add real talent to the O and D, he can pull all stops and really execute on the O side.
  10. hence my point - if he is a very good OC, let us get him. We need some exciting offense here. Remember late 80s when we were a defensive team and went on a run cos of the new offense ? If Mariucci gets released in mid-season, I wouldn't mind getting him NOW and getting a jump start on next season.
  11. Still doesn't hurt to see if he would like to be an OC for us.
  12. My personal thought is that TD will be gone before MM. Another idea, Steve Mariucci was an offensive coach and is obviously a failure as a HC. Considering nobody will hire him as a HC, maybe we can get him to be our new OC. As with GW (who is doing well in Washington), it may be better for SM to step down to being an OC and excel at that.
  13. - Re-structure and keep EM. Get another WR through FA that can compete for the #1 spot - MW: keep and re-structure - Keep NC at a cap-friendly contract - Cut/release/whatever Coy Wire, Josh Reed, Bennie Anderson - In free agency, bolster OL and/or DL. - In the draft, go OL and DL in first 3 rounds (4 picks) with best available player when we pick. How many and what positions depends on who we snag in FA - Try to find a clutch kicker (yes, I still don't trust Lindell)
  14. A streak is a streak in today's NFL. They may not be unstoppable, but I think we are not one of the teams that can. This is the worst I have felt about our team since I first became a football (and Bills) fan 14 years back.
  15. I don't agree that TD is not going anywhere {dang double negatives}. I seriously think if we continue to slide downwards, TD is gone. While on the subject of Marv, can he be the GM ? He obviously knows football and personnel. I am not sure what else it takes - negotiating skills, financial savvy ? He is too old to coach but may not be too old to strategize.
  16. Yes, but the defense they were facing was the Bears'. I bet they would put up more points than that if they were playing at Lambeau. They have had a six game winning streak. While I don't agree that history is a predictor of future, our team appears to be in shambles right now.
  17. I am not sure I understand what you are saying. In the situation that you are posing - a win for us - why would it matter if we did it through the air or ground ? I couldn't care less about having a dominating running game, clock control, WM ego etc. if it doesn't get us a win. It may actually be fun if it is a shoot-out and we win. Admit it - a clicking passing game is a lot more entertaining than a dominating running game.
  18. Great post and reflects my sentiments exactly. I say the same about MW also - though not popular on this board, I firmly believe we should keep him if he restructures his contract. Also keep EM and NC. Same logic.
  19. Wait a minute, I am pissed that he did not announce on game day. Tipping his hat two days in advance to Wade ?
  20. Yes - but not before the season ends. You rather have a guy earning money on the bench than in his own living room.
  21. The QB controversy exists only on this board. If there was a true 'controversy', it would have shown itself someway in the words of the players which it has not. No one (even EM) has uttered a peep regarding how and when MM is making the QB decision. So where is the problem ? We are talking ourselves silly.
  22. I am one too but just have a MS. I have heard comments which are intended as jabs but I take as compliments ("you have to calculate everything don't you ?", "you are 3.5 minutes late", "what ? You are upset because it is 4:05 and we did not leave at the planned for 4:00 pm ?") But back to the original topic - must be cool to hang out with Bills players. Notwithstanding the arguments regarding their respective abilities, they are members of our team and I would like to have been in your spot.
  23. All points to us taking shots at the end zone as we did with KC and not really ahve to venture close to the red zone. This may be a good match up when we are on O. But I primarily worry about our rush D.
  24. Can't proclaim anyboy's prognostications to be correct before the game ends.
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