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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. Completely agree ! At this rate, we will let everyone go from this team and start anew.
  2. That is an awful lot of conclusions and a very strong sentiment set up by rumors. Please explain why you think he is a pr*ck (apart from the 'best back in football' comment). Even assuming you have heard him enough to make a judgment of his literary skills, who cares how weak his vocabulary is ? How does anyone know whether he does or does not want to play in Buffalo ? This question is different from whether he wants to play on a team with a losing record.
  3. Kelly, dude, let us both give up. Group think has set in deep and there is no way we can steer this towards a logical argument. EM has the benefit of entitlement.
  4. Saying a few sentences to tell the public is apparently too little for the media and fans. You want him to stay totally silent ?
  5. And I think JP also accepted blame for that play.
  6. What I was implying is that MM has not been given this authority by RW. Also, TD seems to have been cut out of the action (public anyway). So I think blaming MM for creating a 'mess' is incorrect. He was handling it diplomatically and RW decided he had to come in and tell EM whatsup. Finally, how would everyone react if EM's suspension was announced on game day ? MM is as it is being roasted for dragging this issue on !!
  7. Isn' that exactly what he did sans the fine ? And if RW wants to fly in and speak to EM personally, that does not speak of MM's weakness.
  8. I agree with both buftex and Bill from NYC on this one. I posted something similar in an earlier thread but it is apparent the board guys and media are in a EM-love, MM-hate mode. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=36401 I have repeatedly asked the question but no one seems to answer it. Why do people here think that MM caused confusion by not handling the situation properly ? Give me some sound logic. All I can see is the media which is incredibly pissed off that MM did not keep them updated regularly. They think it is their right to know about each and every word that is said between the coaches and players. It is the media capitalizing on the generally frustrated sentiment that is arising from poor on-field performance. They need a sensation, stories where there aren't any, superlatives when none are deserved.
  9. I want a reporter to have a finger on the facts not pander to feelings of the fans.
  10. Bravo for what exactly ? For blowing a situation out of proportion ? A simple disciplinary action by a coach suddenly becomes an 'amateurish attempt to felx his muscles' ? What would Jerry rather have - a full season suspension of EM so he can be labelled a great disciplinarian ?
  11. Agree. Our offensive production plummeted after he took himself out. Which directly resulted in a loss. I say MM has every reason to be pissed for that reason alone. If EM wants to be admired as a veteran player, he must be mature and self-less to deserve that tag.
  12. Agree with life not being extremes. But that is not my point - I am not saying that MM is a genius or a total idiot. What I am saying is that he may have a philosophy which he is imparting to his team. Those with the program will stay and play while those that balk will be disciplined or let go. When Bellicheck built the Patriots it was a different mentality of every player playing his role correctly and the team will do fine. It was different at the time and eventually became successful. Parcells has way too many years of experience and he might be the Phil Jackson (LA Lakers) of the NFL (part-coach, part-psychologist). What we do not know yet is what MM's plan is and how successful he will be. Personally, I value hard work over everything else and if MM is striving to get that from his players, I support him fully. We do not know what the long term plan is but I am willing to give him the benefit of doubt and see what happens. he is just in his second year so it will take some time for the results to show. TD on the other hand has had 5 years and has not done much to take this team to the post-season. Lastly, I really fail to understand why the media is ripping MM for handling the EM situation badly. What has MM done wrong ? He first said that he has talked privately to him and then requested a suspension. In the press conference, he stated the bottom line and said the chapter is closed there is nothing more to discuss. He basically told the media the end result without discussing the internal details. And that is fine by me. For all we know, there may be a substance abuse situation here. Only time will tell.
  13. I think MM is handling it well. He first said ' EM and I ahve talked' , then he suspends him for a week. He did not go public abt all his discussions. What more can you ask for ?
  14. This season is the turning point for MM. In a way, he is using this season to find the hard workers, find his own identity, impose his personality and try out tricky plays. Blame lies with TD that he did not build up the team with adequate number of good players and did not pay attention to depth.
  15. Thanx for respecting my difference of opinion. If he did not blow it in the press conference, it speaks of his self control. He could have well blown a fuse and a steam valve in the locker room. Which is the right thing to do as opposed to ripping his team in public.
  16. If he had given details, this board would have smashed him for washing the team's dirty laundry in public.
  17. I have a different take on the Bills situation brought to a head by the EM situation. Consider what has happened with player moves: - Releases Bobby Shaw - Bench JP for non-performance - Benched Sam Adams - Speaks out against lack of effort on WM's part - Tries MW at LG, fails, corrects mistake - JP comes in for injured KH, plays welll and gets starting job for good - Asks for EM suspension I see a trend here. MM seems to be taking more control of the team and sending a clear message. If you are hard working and perform well, you are assured of your place in the starting line-up. If you are not trying, lazy you will be reprimanded. I ask all of those calling for MM's head one question - If Bill Parcells was our head coach and did the above, wouldn't we all be saying he is a hard ass, a disciplinarian and just wants performers on the team ? MM wants to make Buffalo into a Pittsburgh like team of blue-collared type players who play hard every day and work as a team. No living on past glory (EM), no beating your chest (WM), no lazy a$$ play (Sam), no detrimental activites (apparently Bobby Shaw) Bottom line, MM seems to be getting more in charge around here. He would not have made all these moves if he was 'constrained' by TD or RW. Feel free to fire away at my assessment. Don't say that a lot of conclusions based on little information. This is end actions that we all have seen that drove my thoughts.
  18. And I don't understand what you mean by studying the psyche of coaches. How does one go about doing it ? It is easy to point to a losing record of a team and blame the coaches for it. But it is difficult to make that decision divorced from the talent level of the team. Truth be told, we did not keep PW but have had several key injuries on defense. NC cannot regress overnight - I think the lack of a good push at the DL has put too much pressure on the secondary and they cave in at key moments. With the disgusting OL we have, how much creativity can a coach have to stay competitive. Our STs are very very good - do you credit April, the players, MM or a combination of all ? I vote for the combo answer. Bottom line, we have not given MM adequate time or talent to help us understand if he is a good coach or not. On the other hand, I put a lot of blame on TD and think we need to get rid of him.
  19. I had suggested the same a couple of weeks back. Not sure if he has the business smarts though. Maybe he can handle personnel while someone does the business side of things. You got to give TD one thing - his negotiating skills. We do need the next GM to have that to keep the cap under control. Ron (?) Wolf was also suggested by several on this board. Not sure where he is or if he is willing to join the Bills.
  20. As I could not see the game, I have a few questions about how this progressed. It sounds like EM was being double covered early on giving LE the opportunities. Was coverage really rolled to his side later ? If yes, then shouldn't EM have gotten open more often ? If he is indeed the playmaker (sorry NC), he should be able to revel in single coverage. Or was he on the bench when LE started getting double covered ? What am I missing ?
  21. Took me a while to get my eyes off his avatar and to his post
  22. Hey, I don't have time to discuss this any more. I have some babies to kill before I can be accepted to the dark side.
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