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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. I agree. Before we let EM go, we better have signed someone who is tall, tough and with good hands. Evans can take care of the speed and maybe Parrish will emerge in his second year.
  2. If that is your criteria, I must say we are in the opposite state of mind. I don't sense too much jubilation on either this board or the Buffalo media. Most are negative and others are cautiously optimistic.
  3. You don't expand on the subject line of the post. How exactly is this similar to the RJ and DB eras ?
  4. I recall being a puppetmaster was the reason Pittsburgh canned him in favor of Bill Cowher. Now only if things turn out as well for us as they did for Pittsburgh after TD's departure ...
  5. Isn't that exactly what a GM is supposed to do ? As with corporations, the best CEO is not the best CFO, COO etc. He is best at keeping things in check, setting strategy, motivating his minions and providing a great PR face. Same thing goes with the Presidency of the country. And contrary to several opinions on this board, I do see these developments as a significant change - firing of a GM and impending firing of the OC, DC, strength coach. A majority on this board are baying for everyone's blood save Bobby April's. There has to be some continuity and I see these steps as those in the right direction. The only way to blow it is by hiring a crappy OC and DC. For that we all have to reserve judgment.
  6. Except JP will be a 3rd year player and there is no history to say that ML has been unkind to them. Also, RW has said the GM will not look over MM's shoulder. So there ! I think JP and EM are going nowhere.
  7. Shameless bump to remind posters not to bash every media source before things become a certainty.
  8. I usually agree with you but this is one of those times I don't. I really don't think this is a move to placate the angry fans. As is obvious, RW had 3/4th of one foot in the grave 5 years back and hoped that TD would build a SB-worthy team. Given that RW's other foot is wandering towards the proverbial grave, he was in no mood to give TD any more time. He is a business man, agreed, but after having made a bunch of money and close to the end, every man thinks of leaving behind a legacy. I bet there is nothing more RW would value right now than a SB appearance or victory. After all, RW is a fan of his own team also. Unlike the rest of us who can only B word and whine, he can hold his minions accountable and do something about it.
  9. I would rather have Frank Reich as QB coach.
  10. Considering the rumours of TD's departure appear to be coming true, will a lot of posters eat crow if indeed MM stays ? Come on guys, while I agree this is not the pinnacle of journalism, at least we have something. And they did qualify it by saying the report is unconfirmed.
  11. When Modrak and Mularkey manage to wake Wilson and Marv up.
  12. I bet that if we let JP go, Green Bay will pick him up. And fate would be so kind to that great football city to have history repeat itself .....
  13. I know, I know - just a very tired and dejected post on my part. Really, I am just tired of expending my emotions on a hopeless situation.
  14. You really think JPL is a big reason ? I am not so sure. While I agree that handing the keys to JP full time and expecting no drop off was too optimistic. But I don't think JPL was too big a reason. The other aspects dropped off way to precipitiously for JPL's performance to make a significant difference one way or the other.
  15. {Just catching up with the posts after a few days of travel.} I will like it if this scenario plays out. I believe MM should get another year and this makes changes without doing a full house cleanup. We have to maintain some consistency and if a new GM implies a new coach I do not want that (unless that GM is Ron Wolf :-)). One thing not discussed much is that we also need to find a long term OC. We have had too many in the past few years and that causes instability also.
  16. Might sound juvenile but - I would rather have a runnning game for those 5 yarders and JP consistently throwing long strikes.
  17. I also support keeping MM and canning TD. He has just had 2 years to prove himself with a dismal set of players. He should get another year at least with a talented roster. Also, am not convinced that every GM comes in with the intent of replacing the HC.
  18. While you are at it, can you sue the 9 teams that beat us ? P.S. I voted for TD to be sent off packing.
  19. After living half my life, it is about time I wasted it
  20. If true, I can claim fame by having first asked about this possibility a few weeks back
  21. I concur. As for filling the seats, nothing like a few good FA signings to fill the seats.
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