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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. can't see/hear the live feed from bb.com due to the damn firewall at work
  2. Didn't know where to post this so am doing so here. From a life long Packers fan: "As of today, Sherman is still without a head coaching job. If you're swept by both the Vikes and Bears, you simply can't stay in GB. He's a decent coach, but not exceptionally skilled in drafting players. Even with the loss of talent to injuries this year, you would've thought that he could have held on to a couple commanding first-half leads. " While I still prefer Sherman over Jauron, the reasons for Sherman's firing are similar to our discontentment with MM. FWIW.
  3. Thanx for stating it more clearly than I could.
  4. I was just comparing FACTS and not future requirements. They are both the same on the other criteria.
  5. What exactly are you puzzled about ? How a genius like DJ could have compiled a track record so bad ?
  6. Just to humor you let us just compare the facts: DJ = previous HC experience Mike Sherman = previous HC coaching exp + winning career record. So MS wins out, no ?
  7. Can't disagree with this post of yours. But you can understand my frustration after having seen the local fans reaction for DJ during those losing years. I am just PO'ed that e hired a proven loser than a proven winner.
  8. But what is the need to attempt 'overcoming the difference'. Why could we not have hired someone with a better track record and tried to be more than we will be now ? And the wind in Chicago is better than the hot air emanating from OBD right now. I am just waiting for the spin machine to get in motion, perhaps it is being filled with extra oil for the long grind ahead.
  9. That is just so much nonsense. Good coaches get players to play to their maximum potential, they can motivate, they can game plan. What you are saying is that only the talent scouting department matters in the NFL. If that were the case, there should be no cocahing changes - just front office scouting department changes. Let me flip around the argument a bit - are you implying that it was wrong to fire GW and chase MM away ? Cos it can not be that there was talent on the roster. If there was, we would have won no matter how well or badly GW and MM were coaching.
  10. I repeat what I have said in the past - who cares if the players are happy or not ? I just want them to do their jobs on the field and be productive. being a players' coach is like saying you are a friend of your kids. A parents job is to parent and a coach's is to coach.
  11. I disagree with almost the entire post but SDS and Bill have summarized my thoughts. Just a couple more - What makes you say Mike Sherman would have been the 'flashier' choice ? I don't see him gloated on by the media or anyone else. Atleast he has a better record with the Packers and took them to more playoffs than DJ did Chicago. Just because he is the 'surprise' choice does not make him the best choice. His record as HC and DC has been dismal. For every Bellichek there are several more Rich Kotites so please stop giving that example.
  12. I admit I believed him and also enjoyed the thread. But his excuse that you quote holds no water. He had made statements such as 'it is a done deal', 'will be announced in a PC 11 am Tuesday'. if it was a done deal how can talks break down ?
  13. I wonder what the Pittsburh fans thought of Cowher during his down years. But the Rooneys stuck with him. If we keep pulling coaches and players every 2-3 years, we will never have the stability required to win the big one. I just hate it when the team, coaching and roster is jerked around every couple of years. Don't get me wrong - I did want TD gone but not MM yet (circumstances created made him quit). Also, I am sticking with our team but expressing strong dissent. I have supported the coaching choices in the past and had been wrong. This is one time I am wishing I am wrong again
  14. Guys, this is not the CIA - if Sherman wants to be secretly at OBD, he can fly in to Rochester/Erie and drive in. One of a million ways he can sneak past the cameras.
  15. Taking this off-topic now: but it depends on how much you have invested. So if you are GE, a multi-billion dollar enterprise, $10 million is not much. But yes, if it is you or me, I wouldn't even be able to croak for a few weeks. What I am saying is that considering the owner's level of investment, he may be correct in saying 'only $10 million'.
  16. I agree but special QBs are hard to come by and teams are wise to lock up the ones that come their way. It is a difficult situation that can only be handled contractually - if he is injured then payments are reduced to minimize cap hit. Not sure what the league rules are in this regard. Stepping back, I think if (hope not) Palmer's injury is career ending, then Cincy has more trouble than simple $$ - they have to find a capable starter which as we all know is an art by itself.
  17. Depends on Palmer's long-term status. Last I heard it was a pretty serious injury that puts his career in jeopardy. I think Cincy keeps Kitna to have a half-way decent back-up for Palmer or anybody else.
  18. Yes, but ... this is a poll. So you are saying you are evenly split between all choices ?
  19. As of right now, 51% don't want Jauron. Hope ML is reading this board and makes a democratic choice. As I have said before, this choice needs to be good in the long run, but, more importantly, popular in the short run.
  20. I forget who that was. Was it ICE ? Anyway, right now it looks like between you and SOPRANO, we have all the sources we need.
  21. maybe I was not too clear. My point was that being liked by the players should not be a major criteria in the HC hiring process. I will add another analogy - business needs productive employees not happy ones.
  22. General rant not specifically directed at DJ. I don't care if the coach is well liked by his players as long as they come on game day ready to give their best. Equate this to parenting - I want to be a good parent but not necessarily my kids' best friend.
  23. Don't remember the specifics but the general feeling around here was that the 'ball bounced in favor of Chicago' very often that year in the close games.
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