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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. I will definitely not trust the O in the hands of Harrington, Carr or Culpepper should anything happen to Trent. Leftwich may be a viable backup but that too marginally. Don't you remember how Harrington performed under less than ideal conditions at the Ralph ? Or what our D did to Culpepper when he started for Miami ? Or the numerous times Carr has been benched having been given many more chances than JP ? This is not a discussion about whether JP should be starting for us or just how great/sucky he his. It is a discussion about his value to us. And that to me is more than a 3rd rounder. perhaps more than a 2nd rounder. And I am not saying I am expecting anyone to give that to us - just where I place his value to our team.
  2. Hmm... perhaps correct from a legal perspective but I found this quote from the judge a bit disturbing. "One of the main purposes which drives selective prosecution in tax cases is deterrence," the judge said, while denying it had anything to do with his sentence. "In some instances, that means those of celebrity stand greater risk of prosecution. But there's nothing unusual about it, nor is there anything unlawful about it. It's the way the system works."" We bemoan the development when celebrities get by with slaps on the wrist but I think this statement shows the other side of the coin. Neither direction is good. I have nothing for or against Snipes but it is disturbing when justice is meted out mainly to make an example of the person or highten the deterrence.
  3. Sorry, but I am calling BS on this 'news'. I went to PFW and cannot find an article talking about this. The source close to Brandon is probably Soprano4657 (or whatever his devil number was). All of the above sounds like idle speculation.
  4. While I don't fully appreciate or agree with the comparison to RJ, this is one of your better posts.
  5. Assume for a minute that the Ravens do indeed offer a 2nd rounder for JP. Do we make the deal ? Who do we then have a backup QB ? Draft Flacco as backup may not be good as we will be backing up a 2nd yr QB with a rookie (yes I am ignoring Hamdan). I think JP is very valuable as a backup this season as options out there are very slim.
  6. Only question I have is - wtf were you doing up at 4:30 in the morning ? I did not feel it in my deep slumber. A guy in my office was up and having cereal at that ungodly hour.
  7. I think you are missing the point. First of all, a couple of cited incidents in this thread do not imply the posters think 'everything' is their business. Secondly, one can rationalize just about anything and any action of people in this world. But there are some laws which are rooted in humanity and intended to assist those less fortunate than most of us. While I would not call the cops about someone going 10 miles over on an open road, I would not hesitate to draw the cops attention to a guy taking the purse of an elderly lady (no matter how badly the guy needs her money). Thinking that you have a reason for doing something does not imply you are correct or lawful in activities. And the OP did not hand out a ticket, he brought the apparent infraction to the attention of a cop who then made a judgment of right or wrong. If say the guy in the spiffy ride was physically impaired but simply forgot his tag, do you think the cop would have ticketed him ?
  8. Not me. I have no problem drafting a TE in rounds 2 or 3 if one of sufficient merit is available. Royal does not inspire confidence as a reliable threat in the passing attack. To state the obvious, we have quantity but not true quality. I will not have a problem if two of our first three picks are WR and TE.
  9. I will add that it is not fair to Trent if he has to constantly look over his shoulder as JP had to. Trent is currently the starter and that is how it should be barring injury.
  10. I agree with your point. Whether or not our starting CBs will be better with the upgrade at DT needs to be seen. It also remains to be seen if the light will go on for Youboty. But we can ill afford to go into the season with little depth at that position. Which round we draft this depth is debatable and depends on the all-mighty value chart.
  11. Waitacottonpickin minute here, boy. Didcha just call 'im a dummy ? And words are not what I hope someone would shove into said ventriloquist's mouth. That said, life is peaceful with him on ignore. Is it that or did he get booted ?
  12. As we are all playing guess-the-invisible-ink game, What RB really meant was - if we happen to draft Kelly & Sweed in the draft, I could care two hoots if Lee walks when his contract is up.
  13. By jove, you are right. I am also getting free money from the gubmint just in time for driving season. Perfect confluence of reasons to burn, baby, burn.
  14. There were no weasel words in Brandon's statements. He said they plan to keep JP, period. Also, I do not anticipate any TE/JP conflagration. Last season, JP quietly accepted the role of backup so it is not in JP's best interest to be the malcontent in his last year of contract. The only debate that may happen is one that will erupt within the fans if Trent doesn't perform well in the first half of the season.
  15. I certainly wouldn't use the word evil but stupid certainly comes to mind. They (read: politicians) just feign ignorance of economics and the inelastic nature of demand for goods such as cigarettes and gas which make them ripe targets for taxation. Certainly sounds great that McCain is attempting to help the revered common man, but this proposal makes no sense. We just don't have enough refining capacity to satisfy the demand surge that will be caused by this price shock.
  16. Interesting read here: http://www.becker-posner-blog.com/ What Mr. Grassley is missing is that land that could be used for non-corn purposes is diverted to grow corn hence constricting the supply of wheat etc. Way to take a narrow view to make a point (weakly). Ofcourse support remains solid considering the agri vote. Or are politicians being just plain stupid ? Either way, we all suffer the consequences.
  17. Just a note - you should not cut and paste full articles like this one as they are copyrighted*. Normally a link suffices. But in this case, it would have been better if you had summarized or just posted the teams and their projected choices. (Sorry to pre-empt Lori's policing duties.) * From TBD's terms of service: "You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by TBD."
  18. If that harmony sounds more like Rush than Celine Dion, I will be okay with that.
  19. Again, the questions you pose are not part of the original post so I will refrain from answering.
  20. The issue is not discounting other people's views. The issue is bringing up JP when the topic was purely about individual expectations from TE. Bringing up JP in a round about way circumvents a basic subject which is not logically open for an expansion in that direction. The OP is no way opened the door for Trent's brilliance or suckiness so why even bother to go in that direction. Doing so implicitly speaks to a few who are obsessed with JP in one way or the other. Calling that out is correct. We all realize that JP is done as starter and that topic is passe. Please let it go. Let us have a clean thread when discussing TE who is now the Bills starter.
  21. I will take those numbers as a stretch goal for TE in his second year. I also want to see improvement in his play under poor weather conditions (gloves or not).
  22. Nice ! One of the most over-rated and incorrectly labelled ("rock") acts.
  23. Is he lifting without gloves ?
  24. Oh, I am sure you will do great choosing that top five pick every year.
  25. Russ, is that you ?
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