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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. So it is being reported or rumored in Philly, Houston and Boston but not in Buffalo ? Strange ...
  2. Agree, but with all due respect CCD, we did not need a fresh thread on this subject.
  3. You guys do realize, don't you, that articles such as these may reduce his trade value ? And on the flip side, EM may choose to ignore this information creating a major mis-match between what a team is willing to offer, what the Bills want and what EM wants.
  4. The reason we should care is that no one knows if Marv & the front office is going to be right either. Bottom line, everybody is expressing an opinion only - that includes the national media, local media and us fans. And we need to be aware of differing points of view.
  5. This is the best that can be made of a potentially bad situation. At least we can be hopeful of a good trade for him if indeed several of the 8 teams are serious about wanting him.
  6. I read his agent's quote "But if not, we're back to Square 1 and Eric won't play for the Bills. He doesn't want to play for them, and he will not play for them."' and really lost it. I have always been an EM supporter and wanted the Bills to keep him even after his (rumored) behavior last season. After reading this and his earlier request to be let go, I just want him gone. Gone from the team, gone from this city, gone from our collective memories. Scr*w him. He was good in the past but hasn't been recently. No way Marv keeps this kind of a player no matter their histories together. I also wish he goes to a team and sucks a$$ big time and retires as a nobody. No apologies for the vitriol.
  7. Yep I am one that came from across the shores but firmly belong within these shores. Thanx for the acknowledgement, Dan. I mean it. As for this topic, there is a conspiracy theory to go with every story. The basic question still is 'why would the government/military kill their own civilians' ? There are other ways to engage in a war, if indeed a government wanted to.
  8. Interesting thought. I have been wondering how draft day trade-up/downs works. Let us say we are on the clock and have a killer prospect available that we do not need but someone below us does. If they know you are not going to pick him anyway but are willing to trade down, they will make the least offer they can (say their 1st round pick @ #9 pick and a 7th). So what do the Bills do ? Take it 'cos they atleast get a 7th rounder or say boo and pick someone else giving that other team a player anyway ? But what you are suggesting may have merit. Cos then the other team(s) does not know what you are planning and can make a good offer for our pick.
  9. Patriots | Poole released Thu, 16 Mar 2006 10:02:36 -0800 Len Pasquarelli, of ESPN.com, reports New England Patriots CB Tyrone Poole has been released from the team. His release saves the Patriots a little over $2 million in salary cap space. Not advocating anything, just reporting.
  10. I don't see why either side should be charitable about this. The Bills have stated where they stand and EM has said no. Best outcome for both sides would be for the Bills to advertise that he is trade bait.
  11. Count me as one who is not angry. But to simply release him would not be correct. I would rather he be traded. If it is a business, let both sides treat as such and not simply let him go 'cos he has been a 'loyal soldier'.
  12. It doesn't take too many gray cells to joke about old people.
  13. For an owner, there is more at stake than the possibility of a world without an NFL. It is his money and if he was not unsure about what the financial situation of his business would be post-agreement, then he should not sign.
  14. I refrain from criticizing RW for his actions that we know so little of. All we know is that every owner was given 45 minutes to read and understand the agreement before signing off. There is no information about how much content there was in that agreement - was it 1 page or 20 ? Also, it is easy to make jokes about his age but tell you what - I would love to be that active when I am 87. Most people are bed-ridden, severely incapacitated or dead. Give him a break. Sometimes it takes me time to understand a legal document. I would not sign anything I did not understand fully - would you ? So let us quit bashing him for his age. Or for his actions which we do not know the prelude to.
  15. Don't feel bad - you are the freshie around here so this is just the light version of hazing. The veterans are getting soft.
  16. First of all, welcome to the board. What you are suggesting is a socialistic structure to the NFL and that will just not fly. In fact, it should not fly. Most players have a very few highly paying years in their lives and they should get paid in accordance with the demand for their skills in the marketplace. having said that, I would like EM to retire a Bill but not if it comes at the expense of elevating the level of the entire team. If his services are more valued elsewhere, good luck to him. We both reach the same conclusion - he may be better off gone - but from different logical viewpoints.
  17. Hang on there one frigging moment. I take offense to you, of all people, calling this a pathetic board. Up until this post, you atleast had the benefit of people enjoying your posts or poking fun at you. You have proven that you either don't have a deep source or that it is consistently wrong. You lost all credibility a while back. So now, you have no reason to take offense at the posters who are having a good time poking fun at you. Even your current post is largely meaningless. So the Bills have come to an agreement. Big deal ! Redeem yourself by posting the details of this 'deal' and then have it come correct over the weekend. But before you do that, stop villifying either the mods or the posters. You currently have no right to do that. As for action, if I went to the White House and pulled my pants down, that would create quite some 'action' in the press. Is that the type of action a normal human being desires ? I think not. If you are so confident about your sources, then STFU for a few days, take all the heat for past problems and come back on Monday to laugh at us. Till then, just STFU.
  18. This entire argument is silly. And I don't direct this at any one poster. Look, nobody can have concrete evidence of the future so why don't we all talk about our individual predictions? The kiss and make up. I am predicting 9-7 with no particular logic in mind and yes I think I said the same last year and was dead wrong.
  19. Okay I am willing to go on record and say that the Bills will have a winning season this year. We will still miss the playoffs but will have made great strides. I dont care if you label me as nuts or a diehard fan.
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