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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. I think if the resume has a birthdate prior to 1976, it gets caught in Marv's spam filter.
  2. Why can I not find anything on this 'eye problem' that is being mentioned on this board ? How serious is/was it anyway ? I think this is a good signing* (Not knowing how much we paid for him) *EDIT: not for $10MM !!!!!
  3. Shameless self promotion here ..... See my post about 1/4th way down. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=44731&st=20
  4. Stay on topic. He meant to ask who will be playing QB in a football game.
  5. I did not know that. With all the vision correcting procedures now available, I wonder what it is that cannot be cured.
  6. Am I only one who thinks that PP may not be a bad addition ? Yes he really sucked after leaving Buffalo with EM on the other side. But if LE really takes on the #1 role, PP may shine yet again. If he is still out there, vet minimum may be enough to get him. Let camp decide which of the receivers gets canned.
  7. hang on there - how does buying the Bills cut his net worth to half ? Net worth is a sum of all assets owned. He would be trading his cash (or debt) for the Bills asset. If done correctly, his net worth would stay same or go up.
  8. Thanx for pointing it out - I was not aware of the stadium ownership. In which case, the original point may be correct in that any new owner needs to be able to finance this deal from a combination of his own money and debt. Not having the stadium essentially means that the amount of debt that could be borrowed is less (not technically but for sound financial reasons). Whether the Bills as an organization can be considered a fairly liquid asset, I don't know. Perhaps yes, because we need to make a basic assumption that the Bills will not go away from the NFL. Hence, if the new owner were to get rid of it, he would get a fair amount of his/her money back. The point of all this rambling is that the new owner must first figure out if the Bills make financial sense, if he/she can do a good job owning and managing it. If the answer is yes, how to finance the deal is a secondary matter. In any M&A, the first question is strategy and second is finance.
  9. Couple of things on corporate finance. First of all, taking on debt is not entirely a bad thing as the interest is tax deductible. The problem is how much debt. Start up companies can take on no debt as they have no tangible assets. For the Bills, the stadium can be considered a tangible asset and hence he can take some level of debt (if company goes under, can liquidiate this asset and re-pay the senior holders). Secondly, interest is one of the items subtracted to get net income so the $36 million number, if true, is fairly healthy. Not sure how much debt RW has taken on, if any.
  10. That practice can work both ways - NC knows how EM plays too so it will come down to whoever is the better player (duh !). My personal thought is that if we get a good DT next to Triplett, our LBs will bring enough pressure that Carr won't have time to throw well. The EM-NC match up may well become a non-contest.
  11. Line help is critical, but we also need to keep one eye on the future - possible loss of Clements next year, Troy Vincent getting old(er), Spikes not 100%. So if there are good players at these positions earlier in the draft, we should go for them.
  12. Exactly what I was thinking. The only consolation for him might be the fact that he wanted out and did get out for no financial loss, probably some gain.
  13. Time I can understand, secrecy ? Not sure if there is or will be an official BB announcement. if so we will get it. The story was just confirmed today so lets wait till tomorrow
  14. Land is the only measure we have for now. He will walk on water after being coached by Belichick.
  15. Yes, but, if he wins out the QB competition, the team would perform worse with either of the other two QBs. No ?
  16. Yes, but he is 25, had a 1000 yard receiving season in 2004. A better question to ask after that deal is ' ... Moulds is asking for HOW MUCH ?'
  17. Okay it is a done deal. Burleson is a Seahawk. I don't have a KFFL subscription, but it has the most important line in this link: http://www.kffl.com/nfl/ Maybe the Vikes really do enter the EM derby.
  18. Agreed. But when he drew a line in the proverbial sand a few weeks back, I really thought he wanted to either make more money before retiring or play for a potential winner. Going to the Texans will give him neither.
  19. Strange how employees have to accept whatever comes their way once they have spited their employers. If this indeed comes to pass, EM would make roughly the same salary (I am guessing that next year, he would also have been compensated according to your current theorized offer above), be the # 2 guy and still have a QB without a good OL.
  20. naah they can't in Houston But got the best lap dance of my life there.
  21. Now if you could only add JP to your list ....
  22. Nice ! No harm in waiting. Eagles still seem to be in this race also. This is the kind of relaity programming I like
  23. I will venture a guess that not many people here subscribe. Can you post a synopsis ?
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